26 research outputs found

    Improving Periodic Preventive Maintenance Strategies Using Condition Monitoring Data

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    Part 1: Production ProcessInternational audienceDue to reduction in petroleum production and aging production facilities, the Norwegian oil and gas industry is interested in optimization maintenance strategies and reducing costs. Currently the maintenance strategies are based on predetermined periodic (calendar or use time) preventive maintenance strategies that are developed based on statistical data and/or recommendation from the manufacturers. One possibility currently being explored is to use condition monitoring data available in the process monitoring system, to update and improve the predetermined periodic preventive maintenance strategies. Furthermore, we discuss some issues and challenges of the integration of available condition monitoring data in the planning and optimization of predetermined preventive maintenance strategies

    Modified Manufacturing Process Modulates CD19CAR T-cell Engraftment Fitness and Leukemia-Free Survival in Pediatric and Young Adult Subjects.

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    T cells modified to express a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) targeting CD19 can induce potent and sustained responses in children with relapsed/refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The durability of remission is related to the length of time the CAR T cells persist. Efforts to understand differences in persistence have focused on the CAR construct, in particular the costimulatory signaling module of the chimeric receptor. We previously reported a robust intent-to-treat product manufacturing success rate and remission induction rate in children and young adults with recurrent/refractory B-ALL using the SCRI-CAR19v1 product, a second-generation CD19-specific CAR with 4-1BB costimulation coexpressed with the EGFRt cell-surface tag (NCT02028455). Following completion of the phase I study, two changes to CAR T-cell manufacturing were introduced: switching the T-cell activation reagent and omitting midculture EGFRt immunomagnetic selection. We tested the modified manufacturing process and resulting product, designated SCRI-CAR19v2, in a cohort of 21 subjects on the phase II arm of the trial. Here, we describe the unanticipated enhancement in product performance resulting in prolonged persistence and B-cell aplasia and improved leukemia-free survival with SCRI-CAR19v2 as compared with SCRI-CAR19v1

    Caracterização da diversidade genética entre acessos crioulos de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) coletados em Santa Catarina por marcadores RAPD Characterization of the genetic diversity of landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) collected in Santa Catarina State by RAPD markers

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    O conhecimento da diversidade genética, por meio da dissimilaridade entre os genótipos, permite a organização, a amostragem e a utilização eficiente do germoplasma em programas de melhoramento genético. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a dissimilaridade entre acessos crioulos de feijão coletados no Estado de Santa Catarina, integrantes do banco ativo de germoplasma de feijão da UDESC e de três cultivares comerciais ("Pérola", "SCS 202-Guará" e "BRS Valente"), por meio de marcadores moleculares RAPD. Foram utilizados 21 iniciadores decâmeros que permitiram a visualização de 96 bandas, sendo que 41 (42,7%) apresentaram polimorfismo entre os acessos estudados, resultando em bandas entre 650 e 2000pb. A dissimilaridade foi calculada utilizando-se o coeficiente de Sorensen-Dice e o agrupamento foi realizado pelo método UPGMA. Os acessos foram separados em dois grupos principais, com dissimilaridade relativamente alta, quando comparada com a dissimilaridade observada dentro de cada grupo. Os dois grupos formados indicam os centros de domesticação, Mesoamericano ou Andino, dos acessos analisados. A dissimilaridade entre as cultivares avaliadas ("SCS 202-Guará", "BRS Valente" e "Pérola") é baixa (0,15), se comparada com a dissimilaridade entre os demais acessos do banco de germoplasma (0,65). A menor dissimilaridade entre os acessos estudados (BAF63 e BAF04) foi de 0,02. A inexistência de acessos repetidos reforça a necessidade de novas coletas de germoplasma, o que resultará em um banco de germoplasma de feijão mais representativo da variabilidade genética remanescente em Santa Catarina.<br>The knowledge of the genetic diversity through the divergence among the genotypes allows the organization of the germplasm, sampling and efficient utilization in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to analyze the dissimilarity among germplasm collected in Santa Catarina State, stored in UDESC germplasm active bank of common bean, and of three cultivars ('Pérola', 'SCS 202-Guará' e 'BRS Valente'), using RAPD markers. 21 decamer-primers that allowed the visualization of 96 bands were used, and 41 (42.7%) presented polymorphism among the studied accesses, resulting in a band range of 650 to 2000pb. The dissimilarity was calculated using the Sorensen-Dice coefficient and the grouping analyses were derived from UPGMA. The accesses were separated in two main groups, with wide dissimilarity when compared with the divergence inside each group. These two groups indicate the possible center of domestication, Middle-American or Andean, of the accesses in this study. The dissimilarity among the cultivars evaluated ('SCS 202-Guará', 'BRS Valente' e 'Pérola') was small (0.15), if compared with the divergence among the accesses of the germplasm bank (0.65). The smaller dissimilarity among the studied accesses (BAF63 and BAF04) was 0.02. The results reinforce the need of new collection expeditions, which will increase the representation of the genetic variability of the remaining bean landraces in Santa Catarina State