62 research outputs found

    Dancing the Night Away:Controlling a Virtual Karaoke Dancer by Multimodal Expressive Cues

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    Interacting with a gaze-aware virtual character

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    In this paper, we present the user’s attentive state interpreted through eye gaze while interacting with a virtual character. The underlying narrative in which the approach was tested is based on a classical XIX th century psychological novel: Madame Bovary, by Flaubert. We connected a remote eye tracker with a dynamic 3D world. An empirical study revealed individual user experiences and behavioral patterns. In particular, we identified two different groups of users: one that was showing natural eye gaze behaviors with rhythmic eye gaze shifts between the characters ’ eyes, face and the scene and another one permanently staring at the character. Interestingly, the group with more natural behaviors towards the character also rated the experience with the system more positively

    Presentation Agents That Adapt to Users' Visual Interest and Follow Their Preferences

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    This research proposes an interactive presentation system that employs eye gaze as an intuitive and unobtrusive input modality. Eye movements are an excellent clue to users' attention, visual interest, and preference. By analyzing and interpreting eye behavior in real-time, our system can adapt to the current (visual) interest state of the user, and thus provide a more personalized and 'attentive' experience of the presentation. The system implements a virtual presentation room, where research content is presented by a team of two highly realistic 3D agents in a dynamic and interactive way. A small preliminary study was conducted to investigate users' gaze behavior with a non-interactive version of the system. A demo video based on our system was awarded as the best application of life-like agents at the GALA event in 2006

    Gaze behavior during interaction with a virtual character in interactive storytelling

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    Y a-t-il une spécificité de l’archéologie des pays du Nord de l’Europe ? C’est à un archéologue danois, conservateur de l’Oldnordisk Museum de Copenhague, Christian Jürgensen Thomsen, que nous devons depuis 1836 le « système des trois âges », c’est-à-dire la distinction, fondatrice de la préhistoire européenne et au-delà, entre un âge de la pierre, un âge du bronze et un âge du fer. Dès le xviie siècle, le royaume de Suède avait institué un service archéologique national – il faut attendre le..

    AutoSelect: What You Want Is What You Get

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    AutoSelect: What You Want Is What You Get : real-time processing of visual attention and affect / N. Bee ... - In: Perception and interactive technologies : international tutorial and research workshop, PIT 2006, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006 ; proceedings / Elisabeth André ... (eds.). - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2006. - S. 40-52. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4021 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence

    AutoSelect: What You Want Is What You Get

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    AutoSelect: What You Want Is What You Get : real-time processing of visual attention and affect / N. Bee ... - In: Perception and interactive technologies : international tutorial and research workshop, PIT 2006, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006 ; proceedings / Elisabeth André ... (eds.). - Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2006. - S. 40-52. - (Lecture notes in computer science ; 4021 : Lecture notes in artificial intelligence
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