32 research outputs found

    Andersen's Code: Aristophanic Obscenity in Thumbelina

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    In his seemingly innocent fairy tale Thumbelina, Hans Christian Andersen makes two allusions to Aristophanes. One of them is quite explicit, as the author makes a toad produce the sound co-ax, co-ax, brek-ek-eke-kex, which is a quotation from the Frogs. The other allusion is less conspicuous. In one of the first sentences of Thumbelina, an object that a woman needs in order to beget a child is referred to as a barleycorn. As I argue, even though on the surface it can be explained in terms of magic typical for fairy tales, it can be also understood as an obscene allusion to the sexual act. This results from the ambiguity, well-known in Andersen’s time, of the word κριθή, which in Aristophanes’ comedies can mean either barleycorn or penis


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    The article addresses the problem of reciprocity in homoerotic relationships in classical Athens. According to the more traditional approach, the pecking ord er model ’’, these typically a symmetrical relationships almost inevitably involved humiliation of one of the partners, who literally or metaphorically assumed a passive and therefore u n manly role. Although more recent studies tend to underline the arti fici al cha racter of these schola rly reconstructions, they still fail to account for the nuances of ancient homoerotic courtship. I argue that some sources often used by scholars as reflec t ing negative attitudes towards homoeroticism may actually t estify to the existenc e of very clear rules of highly valued and praised behaviours of passive partners. T h ese rules formed an implicit grammar of social actions but were never explicitly codified

    Ekspresja wybranych markerów i modulatorów angiogenezy u chorych na raka jajnika w okresie przed-, około- i pomenopauzalnym

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    Summary Introduction: One of the most commonly assessed angiogenesis markers is microvessel density which is determined on the bases of specific endothelial antigen expression (CD34, CD105). Angiogenesis modulators include growth factors and their receptors (EGFR), proteases and their inhibitors, oncogenes and suppressor genes (p53). Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate whether there are any differences in selected angiogenesis markers and modulators expressions in ovarian cancer patients with different menopause status. Material and methods: The study included 100 women, age 30-70, who underwent surgical treatment due to ovarian cancer. As far as their menopause status was concerned, the women were divided into three groups: pre-, peri-, and postmenopausal. Microvessel density was assessed on the basis of CD34 (MVDCD34) and CD105 (MVDCD105) expression. Additionally, tumor tissue p53 protein and EGFR expression were investigated. Active EGFR form in blood serum samples of cancer patients was assessed before the surgery. Results: Microvessel density, assessed on the basis of CD34 and CD105 expression, as well as p53 and EGFR expression were similar in all three groups of patients. Active EGFR serum concentration in women with ovarian cancer did not prove to be significantly different and did not depend on the menopause status. Conclusion: Intensity of the angiogenesis process does not depend on the menopausal status of women and is similar in pre-, peri- and postmenopausal patients.Streszczenie Wstęp: Jednym z najczęściej ocenianych markerów angiogenezy jest gęstość mikronaczyń określana na podstawie ekspresji antygenów swoistych dla komórek śródbłonkowych (CD34, CD105). Modulatorami angiogenezy są m.in. czynniki wzrostu i ich receptory (np. EGFR), proteazy i ich inhibitory, onkogeny i geny supresorowe (p53). Cel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena, czy u pacjentek z rakiem jajnika o różnym statusie menopauzalnym występują różnice w ekspresji wybranych markerów i modulatorów angiogenezy. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 100 kobiet w wieku 30-70 lat, które zostały poddane leczeniu operacyjnemu z powodu raka jajnika. Chore w zależności od statusu menopauzalnego podzielono na trzy grupy: pacjentki w okresie przed-, około- i pomenopauzalnym. Gęstość mikronaczyń oceniano na podstawie ekspresji antygenu CD34 (MVDCD34) oraz antygenu CD105 (MVDCD105). Analizowano immunohistochemiczna ekspresję białka p53 i EGFR w tkance guza. W surowicy krwi pobranej od pacjentek przed zabiegiem operacyjnym oceniano stężenie aktywnej formy EGFR. Wyniki: Gęstość mikronaczyń oceniana na podstawie ekspresji CD34 i CD105, a także ekspresja białka p53 oraz EGFR była podobna we wszystkich trzech badanych grupach. Nie stwierdzono również istotnych różnic w stężeniu aktywnej formy EGFR w surowicy krwi chorych na raka jajnika w zależności od ich statusu menopauzalnego. Wnioski: Proces angiogenezy zachodzącej w raku jajnika wydaje się być niezależny od statusu menopauzalnego pacjentek. Jego tempo i nasilenie są prawdopodobnie zbliżone u chorych w okresie przed-, około- i pomenopauzalnym

    Effects of active form of EGFR on disease-free survival in ovarian cancer women

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    BackgroundStandard procedure in cases of ovarian cancer includes surgical treatment and complementary chemotherapy based on taxanes and platinum compounds. The results of such a procedure in advanced forms of cancer are still unsatisfactory. More accurate determination of the duration of remission with cancer patients is possible through the identification of prognostic factors. Currently adopted and extensively used prognostic factors include, among others, the age of the patient at the moment of the disease being diagnosed, the degree of clinical advancement, the size of the tumour remaining after surgery, the histological type of the neoplasm, and the volume of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. Among neoplasm markers the greatest importance is attributed to the CA 125 antigen, but continued efforts are being made in the search for new, more specific and sensitive markers.AimThe objective of the study presented herein was estimation of the prognostic significance of the active form of EGFR in the serum of women with ovarian cancer in relation to their disease-free survival time.Materials/MethodsThe study was performed on 100 women treated for ovarian cancer in the course of four years. The concentration of the active form of EGFR was determined in the blood serum, prior to treatment, using commercial immunoenzymatic sets. Disease-free survival was defined as the time elapsed from the completion of complementary first-line chemotherapy till the appearance of clinical and/or biochemical (CA 125>30 U/ml) symptoms of relapse of the neoplastic disease.ResultsThe concentration of the active form of EGFR fell within the range of 0.093–0.475 fmol/ml and did not show statistical significance with relation to disease-free time: the duration of the remission period was similar in patients with low as well as with high concentration of the active form of that receptor.ConclusionsExamination of concentration of the active form of EGFR in blood serum prior to surgery does not display prognostic significance for prediction of the length of the period of remission or of disease-free survival

    Evaluation of the intracellular expression of interleukin 17 in patients with ovarian cancer

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    Knowledge of the role of interleukin 17 (IL-17) has led to the identification of new subpopulation of T helper lymphocytes – Th17 and T cytotoxic lymphocytes secreting IL-17 (Tc17). An increasing amount of attention is paid to their role in anti-tumor immunity. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the percentage of peripheral blood, peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes producing IL-17 in patients with ovarian cancer. Material and Methods: Forty patients operated due to advanced ovarian carcinoma and twenty-four patients with functional follicle ovarian cysts were recruited. Peripheral blood, peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue mononuclear cells from ovarian cancer patients were stimulated for 4 hours ex vivo with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) (50ng/ml) and ionomycin(1μg/ml). The percentage of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells producing IL-17 was measured using flow cytometry. Results: CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes producing IL-17 were detected in the peripheral blood, peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue of ovarian cancer patients. The percentage of CD4+ T cells producing IL-17 was higher in the peripheral blood, peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue when compared to CD8+/IL17+ T cells. The percentage of CD4+/IL-17+ was significantly higher in cancer tissue compared to T cells derived form peripheral blood. There was no difference in the percentage of CD4+/IL-17 + T cells between peripheral blood and peritoneal fluid and peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue of ovarian cancer patients. There was no difference in the percentage of CD8+/IL-17+ T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, peritoneal fluid and cancer tissue in patients suffering from ovarian cancer. Conclusions: Increased percentage of CD4+/IL-17+ and CD8+/IL-17+ T cells in cancer tissue indicates that these cells are accumulated in ovarian cancer microenvironment

    Lymphocyte activation markers in patients with ovarian cancer

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenotype and T cell activation markers: CD69, CD25 and HLA - DR in the peripheral blood and tumor tissue of ovarian cancer patients. Material and methods: The study group consisted of 26 patients operated due to ovarian cancer (FIGO IIb - IV). Mononuclear immune cells were isolated from peripheral blood and ovarian cancer tissue. To obtain peripheral blood lymphocytes, blood was collected into heparinized tubes and diluted 1:1 with PBS, then layered on Gradisol L and centrifuged 20 minutes at 2800 rpm. Mononuclear cells were washed twice with PBS and labeled with monoclonal antibodies. A small piece of tumor tissue (about 1cm3) was fragmented with a surgical blade. Minced tissue was suspended in PBS and layered on Gradisol L for mononuclear cells isolation. To assess the phenotype and activation status of peripheral blood and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, we used FACS Canto cytometer and monoclonal antibodies conjugated with fluorochromes: anti-CD3-FITC, anti-CD4-PECy5, anti-CD8-APC, anti-CD25-PE, anti-CD69-PE-Cy7, anti-HLA-DR-PE-Cy7. Statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 5.0 and Wilcoxon test. Results: In all cases we detected T helper CD3+CD4+ and cytotoxic CD3+CD8+ T lymphocytes in both blood samples and tumor tissues. We observed no statistically significant difference in the percentage of CD3+ CD4+ cells among the mononuclear cells present in peripheral blood and tumor tissue. The percentage of CD3+CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes was higher among mononuclear cells isolated from the tumor tissue. The percentage of CD3+ lymphocytes expressing the very early activation marker CD69 was significantly higher among tumor infiltrating lymphocytes compared with peripheral blood lymphocytes. Similarly, the percentages of CD3+CD4+CD69+ T helper lymphocytes and CD3+CD8+CD69+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes were significantly higher on lymphocytes isolated from tumor tissue when compared to blood. The expression of an early activation marker – CD25 was significantly higher on the CD3+ and CD3+CD8+ peripheral blood lymphocytes compared to CD3+ and CD3+CD8+ tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. There were no statistically important differences between the percentages of, isolated from blood and tissue, CD3+CD4+ T helper lymphocytes. The expression of the late activation marker - HLA-DR was significantly higher on CD3+ lymphocytes isolated from tumor tissue compared with peripheral blood. Similarly, the percentages of CD3+CD4+ lymphocytes and CD3+CD8+ cytotoxic T cells expressing HLA-DR were significantly higher among tumor infiltrating lymphocytes when compared to peripheral blood ones. Conclusions: T cells obtained from ovarian cancer tissues are activated cells. The state of T cell activation may be the result of direct contact of these cells with tumor antigens. The low expression of CD25 may suggest abnormal clonal expansion of antigen-specific lymphocytes

    Zwiększone stężenie białek ostrej fazy w płynie otrzewnowym kobiet z zaawansowaną endometriozą

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    Objectives: Most investigators agree that endometriosis is associated with a state of subclinical, non-infectious peritoneal inflammation. The objective of the study was to assess concentrations of two markers of the acute inflammatory phase proteins, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin, in peritoneal fluid of endometriotic women. Material and methods: 229 women who underwent diagnostic or therapeutic laparoscopy were included in the study. Minimal, mild, moderate and severe endometriosis according to ASRM was confirmed in 119 women (study groups), whereas 110 patients suffered from simple serous or dermoid ovarian cysts (reference groups). Haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin concentrations in the peritoneal fluid samples aspirated during laparoscopy were measured using commercially available radial immunodiffusion kits. Results: The concentration of haptoglobin in the peritoneal fluid of women with endometriosis was significantly higher as compared to patients with serous and dermoid ovarian cysts. Significantly higher haptoglobin level was observed in patients with severe and moderate endometriosis as compared to women from both reference groups. No significant difference in the peritoneal fluid ceruloplasmin levels was found between patients with endometriosis and women from reference groups. However, it was noted that ceruloplasmin levels are higher in the subgroup of patients with severe endometriosis as compared to both reference groups and women with mild disease. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that endometriosis is associated with subclinical inflammation within the peritoneal cavity. It may be speculated that pro-inflammatory stimuli strong enough to cause an increase in acute inflammatory phase proteins peritoneal fluid concentrations are observed only in the advanced stages of the disease.Cel pracy: Etiopatogeneza endometriozy nie jest do końca wyjaśniona, a większość badaczy zgadza się, że w płynie otrzewnowym kobiet chorych na tę chorobę stwierdza się subkliniczny proces zapalny pochodzenia nie-infekcyjnego. Celem pracy była ocena stężenia dwóch markerów, białek ostrej fazy zapalnej: haptoglobiny i ceruloplazminy w płynie otrzewnowym kobiet z endometriozą. Materiał i metody: Do badań włączono 229 kobiet, które przebyły diagnostyczną lub terapeutyczną laparoskopię. Endometriozę w stopniu minimalnym, łagodnym, umiarkowanym wg ASRM potwierdzono histologicznie u 119 kobiet (grupa badana). Pozostałe 110 pacjentek leczono z powodu prostych lub dermoidalnych torbieli (grupa referencyjna). Stężenia haptoglobiny i ceruloplazminy w próbkach płynu otrzewnowego oceniano przy użyciu komercyjnych zestawów do immunodyfuzji radialnej. Wyniki: Stężenie haptoglobiny w płynie otrzewnowym pacjentek z endometriozą było znacznie wyższe w porównaniu do pacjentek z grupy referencyjnej. Większe stężenie haptoglobiny dotyczyło podgrupy pacjentek z umiarkowaną i ciężką postacią choroby. Nie stwierdzono różnic w stężeniu ceruloplazminy w płynie otrzewnowym pacjentek z endometriozą w porównaniu do pacjentek z grupy referencyjnej. Jednakże wykazano, że stężenie ceruloplazminy jest większe w podgrupie pacjentek z ciężką postacią choroby w porównaniu do pacjentek z grupy referencyjnej i podgrupy pacjentek z łagodną postacią choroby. Wnioski: Wyniki naszych badań potwierdzają hipotezę o istnieniu subklinicznego stanu zapalnego w jamie otrzewnowej pacjentek z endometriozą. Wydaje się, że działanie silnych bodźców prozapalnych powodujących zwiększenie stężenia białek ostrej fazy w płynie otrzewnowym dotyczy jedynie pacjentek z zaawansowanymi postaciami choroby