270 research outputs found

    Targeted Drug Delivery System for Kidney and/or Liver Failure Patients Using Human Serum Albumin

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    Compromised liver and/or kidney function reduces the acceptable dosage of a variety of medications that can be administered to patients. These patients still have a need for drugs such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antivirals, and antibiotics. The project goal is to provide a drug delivery system to accommodate these reduced dosage limits with added therapeutic benefits to address symptoms of liver or kidney failure. Localized drug delivery allows for a smaller, concentrated dose rather than inundating the patient\u27s system with the drug of interest. Human serum albumin (HSA) is a researched candidate for drug delivery with therapeutic properties. HSA was tested as a drug delivery vehicle for localized, percutaneous drug release aided by a displacing compound and changes in temperature and ultrasound generated by an external device. Dynamic light scattering (DLS), UV/Vis spectroscopy, and optical microscopy were employed in verifying drug binding, release, and effectiveness. The optimization of the proposed drug release method, the design of the device to promote drug delivery, and the testing of the drug delivery system with in vitro tissue testing were performed to validate the designed system

    Review of visceroptosis and allied abdominal conditions associated with chronic invalidism

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    The condition in which an absence of well -being and a lack of energy accompanies persistent abdominal symptoms of no known pathology, is one worthy of investigation. Never leading to a fatal termination it nevertheless assumes considerable importance from the mass of suffering and the loss of economic efficiency it produces.Not that it has failed to receive consideration in the past ; on the contrary, a vast literature has accumulated around this one condition. The magnitude of this literature is not obvious at first sight, and only becomes so when it is realised that conditions as diverse as nervous dyspepsia, nephroptosis, gastroptosis, visceroptosis, autointoxication, intestinal stasis, chronic a.p?oendicitis caecum mobile, and others too numerous to mention, merely re,?resent different interpretations of a single symptom complex. This view is forced upon one by an unprejudiced study of the clinical material as it presents itself in general practice, and the conclusion seems inevitable that some common whole must underlie these diverse manifestations.In the past many investigators have come to the same conclusion. This they reached by an intensive and specialised study of one side of the problem, and for that reason, presumably, failed to obtain the general assent the facts deserved. G It has, therefore, seemed to me worth while to approach the problem from the wide angle of general practice. The latter offers a very special facility for the study of the condition, in that the genesis, progress and termination can be followed by one observer in a way not possible in any other branch of medicine

    Beating Down the Fear: The Civil Sphere and Political Change in South Carolina, 1940-1962

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    This dissertation contends that print culture – newspapers in particular – played a decisive role in launching the black civil rights movement and shaping the white response to it during the middle of the twentieth century. Focusing on South Carolina, this study is the first to use civil sphere theory and frame analysis to explore the role of cultural expression in the political struggle over black equality in the years immediately before and after World War II. It shows how African-American editors and other activists made strategic use of the society’s symbolic codes concerning justice, freedom, and liberty to elicit empathy from potential allies and break down opposition to political and social acceptance. At the same time, this dissertation examines how some whites employed an equally powerful “discourse of repression” to limit the black movement’s gains and help launch the modern conservative movement. By placing cultural symbolism and interpretive communication at the heart of civic life, this study reveals the inextricable link between mass media, public opinion, and formal political power. In doing so, it raises new questions about the received historical narrative of a fully emerged professionalized, independent, and nonpartisan daily press in the United States by the second half of the twentieth century. This dissertation reveals a deep connection between South Carolina’s white press and partisan politics in the state well into the 1970s. Yet it also shows how partisan journalists had begun to hide their activism from the public to maintain their status as independent sources of information and interpretation

    Project Manager Personality as a Factor for Success

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    Much has been written regarding project success, and one of the factors contributing to project success is the role of the project manager. Furthermore, project success can be enhanced by selecting the best project manager, and by assigning project managers whose attributes best align with project type. We investigated the role of the project manager\u27s personality on project success using the Big Five personality model. We surveyed United States Department of Defense project managers to determine specific Big Five personality traits which were more likely to positively predict project manager success. The findings indicate conscientiousness and openness to experience were both good predictors of successful project managers. The results may be useful as one consideration when hiring project managers, and when selecting project managers to best match certain project types


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    One of the major concerns of the coach and Physical Education teacher is to effectively analyze movement. Sport performance is characterized by diverse movement patterns performed at high speeds. Under these circumstances the observer must priorize movement components, detect errors and make decisions regarding the efficiency of movement. Ultimately the criteria for competance in movement analysis is the ability of the coach or teacher to administer appropriate feedback (Armstrong, 1984)


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    Basketball is one sport where equipment design research has been almost nonexistent. With the exception of a height-adjustable basket and a junior-sized ball for elementary players, the size and weight of the first official basketball has remained the same for college men and women since its initial production in 1941 (Pitts, 1985). It has been suggested that skill Performance by women may be limited in those sports which do not have modified equipment designed specifically for their use (Eason, 1962; Pitts, 1985). The literature attributes differences in height, weight, hand size, and upper body strength between males and females to be responsible for a "handicapped" performance by women (as compared to men) when using equipment originally designed for men (Easson 1978, Husak 1984, Daily & ijarris 1984, Critelli 1984, and pitts 1985)

    Audit report criteria: An empirical examination; Technical Research Report 3;

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