Reflective Practice For Leadership (RPL)


The Reflective Practice for leadership described in this project leans towards a wellcrafted exercise, a struchn·ed and collaborative approach to solving professional dilemmas. Reflective Practice can occur individually, with a partner, or within a group. In this project, reflective practice is a collective inquiry and exploration of the knowledge, skills and behaviors that support leadership development within the context of a group, individuals critically examine why certain situations result in stress, confusion, or concern and what strategies exist to bring resolution or clarity to the presenting issue. Moreover, the two major goals for RPL are: (I) to create a forum for exploring leadership capacity; and (2) to identify topics for a leadership development program. The forum, or reflective practice group, represents a grass roots effort to flush out those issues with which GBCC employees struggle. These issues will subsequently provide substance for a leadership program on a more global scale

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