867 research outputs found

    Astrometry and photometry with HST-WFC3. I. Geometric distortion corrections of F225W, F275W, F336W bands of the UVIS-channel

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    An accurate geometric distortion solution for the Hubble Space Telescope UVIS-channel of Wide Field Camera 3 is the first step towards its use for high precision astrometry. In this work we present an average correction that enables a relative astrometric accuracy of ~1 mas (in each axis for well exposed stars) in three broad-band ultraviolet filters (F225W, F275W, and F336W). More data and a better understanding of the instrument are required to constrain the solution to a higher level of accuracy.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures (3 in low resolution), 3 tables. Accepted for publication in PASP on October 16 200

    An Empirical Pixel-Based Correction for Imperfect CTE. I. HST's Advanced Camera for Surveys

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    We use an empirical approach to characterize the effect of charge-transfer efficiency (CTE) losses in images taken with the Wide-Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys. The study is based on profiles of warm pixels in 168 dark exposures taken between September and October 2009. The dark exposures allow us to explore charge traps that affect electrons when the background is extremely low. We develop a model for the readout process that reproduces the observed trails out to 70 pixels. We then invert the model to convert the observed pixel values in an image into an estimate of the original pixel values. We find that when we apply the image-restoration process to science images with a variety of stars on a variety of background levels, it restores flux, position, and shape. This means that the observed trails contain essentially all of the flux lost to inefficient CTE. The Space Telescope Science Institute is currently evaluating this algorithm with the aim of optimizing it and eventually providing enhanced data products. The empirical procedure presented here should also work for other epochs (eg., pre-SM4), though the parameters may have to be recomputed for the time when ACS was operated at a higher temperature than the current -81 C. Finally, this empirical approach may also hold promise for other instruments, such as WFPC2, STIS, the ACS's HRC, and even WFC3/UVIS.Comment: 86 pages, 25 figures (6 in low resolution). PASP accepted on July 21, 201

    Ground-Based CCD Astrometry with Wide Field Imagers. I. [Observations just a few years apart allow decontamination of field objects from members in two Globular clusters.]

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    This paper is the first of a series of papers in which we will apply the methods we have developed for high-precision astrometry (and photometry) with the Hubble Space Telescope to the case of wide-field ground-based images. In particular, we adapt the software originally developed for WFPC2 to ground-based, wide field images from the WFI at the ESO 2.2m telescope. In this paper, we describe in details the new software, we characterize the WFI geometric distortion, discuss the adopted local transformation approach for proper-motion measurements, and apply the new technique to two-epoch archive data of the two closest Galactic globular clusters: NGC 6121 (M4) and NGC 6397. The results of this exercise are more than encouraging. We find that we can achieve a precision of ~7 mas (in each coordinate) in a single exposure for a well-exposed star, which allows a very good cluster-field separation in both M4, and NGC 6397, with a temporal baseline of only 2.8, and 3.1 years, respectively.Comment: 1 pages, 17 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&A, on April 15 2006. For high resolution version: http://www.eso.org/~lbedin/WFI_method/ms.ps.g

    A PSF-based approach to Kepler/K2 data. I. Variability within the K2 Campaign 0 star clusters M 35 and NGC 2158

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    Kepler and K2 data analysis reported in the literature is mostly based on aperture photometry. Because of Kepler's large, undersampled pixels and the presence of nearby sources, aperture photometry is not always the ideal way to obtain high-precision photometry and, because of this, the data set has not been fully exploited so far. We present a new method that builds on our experience with undersampled HST images. The method involves a point-spread function (PSF) neighbour-subtraction and was specifically developed to exploit the huge potential offered by the K2 "super-stamps" covering the core of dense star clusters. Our test-bed targets were the NGC 2158 and M 35 regions observed during the K2 Campaign 0. We present our PSF modeling and demonstrate that, by using a high-angular-resolution input star list from the Asiago Schmidt telescope as the basis for PSF neighbour subtraction, we are able to reach magnitudes as faint as Kp~24 with a photometric precision of 10% over 6.5 hours, even in the densest regions. At the bright end, our photometric precision reaches ~30 parts-per-million. Our method leads to a considerable level of improvement at the faint magnitudes (Kp>15.5) with respect to the classical aperture photometry. This improvement is more significant in crowded regions. We also extracted raw light curves of ~60,000 stars and detrended them for systematic effects induced by spacecraft motion and other artifacts that harms K2 photometric precision. We present a list of 2133 variables.Comment: 27 pages (included appendix), 2 tables, 25 figures (5 in low resolution). Accepted for publication in MNRAS on November 05, 2015. Online materials will be available on the Journal website soo

    Ground-based CCD astrometry with wide field imagers. IV. An improved Geometric Distortion Correction for the Blue prime-focus Camera at the LBT

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    High precision astrometry requires an accurate geometric distortion solution. In this work, we present an average correction for the Blue Camera of the Large Binocular Telescope which enables a relative astrometric precision of ~15 mas for the B_Bessel and V_Bessel broad-band filters. The result of this effort is used in two companion papers: the first to measure the absolute proper motion of the open cluster M67 with respect to the background galaxies; the second to decontaminate the color-magnitude diagram of M67 from field objects, enabling the study of the end of its white dwarf cooling sequence. Many other applications might find this distortion correction useful.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The Puzzling White Dwarf Cooling Sequence in NGC6791: A Simple Solution

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    In this paper we demonstrate that the puzzling bright peak in the luminosity function of the white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence of NGC6791 can be naturally accounted for if ~34% of the observed WDs are WD+WD binary systems.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Accepted (April 9th 2008) on ApJ Lette

    Accurate Internal Proper Motions of Globular Clusters

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    We have undertaken a long term program to measure high precision proper motions of nearby Galactic globular cluster (GC) stars using multi-epoch observations with the WFPC2 and the ACS cameras on-board the Hubble Space Telescope. The proper motions are used to study the internal cluster kinematics, and to obtain accurate cluster distances. In this paper, we also show how the proper motions of the field stars projected in the direction of the studied clusters can be used to set constraints on the Galaxy kinematics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, A.S.P. Conf. Ser., in press in Vol. 296, 200
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