660 research outputs found

    WEST Physics Basis

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    With WEST (Tungsten Environment in Steady State Tokamak) (Bucalossi et al 2014 Fusion Eng. Des. 89 907-12), the Tore Supra facility and team expertise (Dumont et al 2014 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 56 075020) is used to pave the way towards ITER divertor procurement and operation. It consists in implementing a divertor configuration and installing ITER-like actively cooled tungsten monoblocks in the Tore Supra tokamak, taking full benefit of its unique long-pulse capability. WEST is a user facility platform, open to all ITER partners. This paper describes the physics basis of WEST: the estimated heat flux on the divertor target, the planned heating schemes, the expected behaviour of the L-H threshold and of the pedestal and the potential W sources. A series of operating scenarios has been modelled, showing that ITER-relevant heat fluxes on the divertor can be achieved in WEST long pulse H-mode plasmas.EURATOM 63305

    Recent progress in the quantitative validation of JOREK simulations of ELMs in JET

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    Future devices like JT-60SA, ITER and DEMO require quantitative predictions of pedestal density and temperature levels, as well as inter-ELM and ELM divertor heat fluxes, in order to improve global confinement capabilities while preventing divertor erosion/melting in the planning of future experiments. Such predictions can be obtained from dedicated pedestal models like EPED, and from non-linear MHD codes like JOREK, for which systematic validation against current experiments is necessary. In this paper, we show progress in the quantitative validation of the JOREK code using JET simulations. Results analyse the impact of diamagnetic terms on the dynamics and size of the ELMs, and evidence is provided that the onset of type-I ELMs is not governed by linear MHD stability alone, but that a nonlinear threshold could be responsible for large MHD events at the plasma edge.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014–2018 under grant agreement No 633053, and from the RCUK Energy Programme (grant number EP/I501045). To obtain further information on the data and models underlying this paper please contact PublicationsManagerccfe.ac.uk. This work used the HELIOS supercomputer (IFERC-CSC), Japan, under the Broader Approach collaboration, implemented by Fusion for Energy and JAEA. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European Commission or the ITER Organization. The HEC ARCHER computer (UK), as part of the Plasma HEC Consortium EPSRC grant EP/L000237/1, and the MARCONI computer at CINECA in Italy, were also used.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Solitary magnetic perturbations at the ELM onset

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    Edge localised modes (ELMs) allow maintaining sufficient purity of tokamak H-mode plasmas and thus enable stationary H-mode. On the other hand in a future device ELMs may cause divertor power flux densities far in excess of tolerable material limits. The size of the energy loss per ELM is determined by saturation effects in the non-linear phase of the ELM, which at present is hardly understood. Solitary magnetic perturbations (SMPs) are identified as dominant features in the radial magnetic fluctuations below 100kHz. They are typically observed close (+-0.1ms) to the onset of pedestal erosion. SMPs are field aligned structures rotating in the electron diamagnetic drift direction with perpendicular velocities of about 10km/s. A comparison of perpendicular velocities suggests that the perturbation evoking SMPs is located at or inside the separatrix. Analysis of very pronounced examples showed that the number of peaks per toroidal turn is 1 or 2, which is clearly lower than corresponding numbers in linear stability calculations. In combination with strong peaking of the magnetic signals this results in a solitary appearance resembling modes like palm tree modes, edge snakes or outer modes. This behavior has been quantified as solitariness and correlated to main plasma parameters. SMPs may be considered as a signature of the non-linear ELM-phase originating at the separatrix or further inside. Thus they provide a handle to investigate the transition from linear to non-linear ELM phase. By comparison with data from gas puff imaging processes in the non-linear phase at or inside the separatrix and in the scrape-off-layer (SOL) can be correlated. A connection between the passing of an SMP and the onset of radial filament propagation has been found. Eventually the findings related to SMPs may contribute to a future quantitative understanding of the non-linear ELM evolution.Comment: submitted to Nuclear Fusio