1,849 research outputs found

    Control of supersonic wind-tunnel noise by laminarization of nozzle-wall boundary layer

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    One of the principal design requirements for a quiet supersonic or hypersonic wind tunnel is to maintain laminar boundary layers on the nozzle walls and thereby reduce disturbance levels in the test flow. The conditions and apparent reasons for laminar boundary layers which have been observed during previous investigations on the walls of several nozzles for exit Mach numbers from 2 to 20 are reviewed. Based on these results, an analysis and an assessment of nozzle design requirements for laminar boundary layers including low Reynolds numbers, high acceleration, suction slots, wall temperature control, wall roughness, and area suction are presented

    Correlations of supersonic boundary-layer transition on cones including effects of large axial variations in wind-tunnel noise

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    Transition data on sharp tip cones in two pilot low disturbance wind tunnels at Mach numbers of 3.5 and 5 were correlated in terms of noise parameters with data from several conventional wind tunnels and with data from supersonic flight tests on a transition cone. The noise parameters were developed to account for the large axial variations of the free stream noise and the very high frequency noise spectra that occurred in the low disturbance tunnels for some test conditions. The noise could be varied in these tunnels from high levels, approaching those in conventional tunnels, to extremely low levels. The correlations indicated that transition in the low disturbance tunnels was dominated by the local stream noise that was incident on the cone boundary layer unstream of the neutral stability point. The correlation results also suggested that high frequency components of the low disturbance tunnel noise spectra had significant effects on transition when the noise was incident on the boundary layer both upstream and downstream of the neutral stability point

    Noise reduction in a Mach 5 wind tunnel with a rectangular rod-wall sound shield

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    A rod wall sound shield was tested over a range of Reynolds numbers of 0.5 x 10 to the 7th power to 8.0 x 10 to the 7th power per meter. The model consisted of a rectangular array of longitudinal rods with boundary-layer suction through gaps between the rods. Suitable measurement techniques were used to determine properties of the flow and acoustic disturbance in the shield and transition in the rod boundary layers. Measurements indicated that for a Reynolds number of 1.5 x 10 to the 9th power the noise in the shielded region was significantly reduced, but only when the flow is mostly laminar on the rods. Actual nozzle input noise measured on the nozzle centerline before reflection at the shield walls was attenuated only slightly even when the rod boundary layer were laminar. At a lower Reynolds number, nozzle input noise at noise levels in the shield were still too high for application to a quiet tunnel. At Reynolds numbers above 2.0 x 10 the the 7th power per meter, measured noise levels were generally higher than nozzle input levels, probably due to transition in the rod boundary layers. The small attenuation of nozzle input noise at intermediate Reynolds numbers for laminar rod layers at the acoustic origins is apparently due to high frequencies of noise

    Free-stream noise and transition measurements on a cone in a Mach 3.5 pilot low-disturbance tunnel

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    A small scale Mach 3.5 wind tunnel incorporating certain novel design features and intended for boundary-layer-transition research has been tested. The free stream noise intensities and spectral distributions were determined throughout the test section for several values of unit Reynolds number and for nozzle boundary layer bleed on and off. The boundary layer transition location on a slender cone and the response of this to changes in the noise environment were determined. Root mean square free stream noise levels ranged from less than one tenth up to values approaching those for conventional nozzles, with the lowest values prevailing at upstream locations within the nozzle. For low noise conditions, cone transition Reynolds numbers were in the range of those for free flight; whereas for high noise conditions, they were in the range of those in conventional tunnels

    Design and preliminary test results at Mach 5 of an axisymmetric slotted sound shield

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    The basic theory and sound attenuation mechanisms, the design procedures, and preliminary experimental results are presented for a small axisymmetric sound shield for supersonic wind tunnels. The shield consists of an array of small diameter rods aligned nearly parallel to the entrance flow with small gaps between the rods for boundary layer suction. Results show that at the lowest test Reynolds number (based on rod diameter) of 52,000 the noise shield reduced the test section noise by about 60 percent ( or 8 db attenuation) but no attenuation was measured for the higher range of test reynolds numbers from 73,000 to 190,000. These results are below expectations based on data reported elsewhere on a flat sound shield model. The smaller attenuation from the present tests is attributed to insufficient suction at the gaps to prevent feedback of vacuum manifold noise into the shielded test flow and to insufficient suction to prevent transition of the rod boundary layers to turbulent flow at the higher Reynolds numbers. Schlieren photographs of the flow are shown

    Upper limit for the D2H+ ortho-to-para ratio in the prestellar core 16293E (CHESS)

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    The H3+ ion plays a key role in the chemistry of dense interstellar gas clouds where stars and planets are forming. The low temperatures and high extinctions of such clouds make direct observations of H3+ impossible, but lead to large abundances of H2D+ and D2H+, which are very useful probes of the early stages of star and planet formation. The ground-state rotational ortho-D2H+ 111-000 transition at 1476.6 GHz in the prestellar core 16293E has been searched for with the Herschel/HIFI instrument, within the CHESS (Chemical HErschel Surveys of Star forming regions) Key Program. The line has not been detected at the 21 mK km/s level (3 sigma integrated line intensity). We used the ortho-H2D+ 110-111 transition and para-D2H+ 110-101 transition detected in this source to determine an upper limit on the ortho-to-para D2H+ ratio as well as the para-D2H+/ortho-H2D+ ratio from a non-LTE analysis. The comparison between our chemical modeling and the observations suggests that the CO depletion must be high (larger than 100), with a density between 5e5 and 1e6 cm-3. Also the upper limit on the ortho-D2H+ line is consistent with a low gas temperature (~ 11 K) with a ortho-to-para ratio of 6 to 9, i.e. 2 to 3 times higher than the value estimated from the chemical modeling, making it impossible to detect this high frequency transition with the present state of the art receivers.Comment: Accepted in A&

    Moderate Resolution Spectroscopy For The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF)

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    A conceptual design for an infrared spectrometer capable of both low resolution (λ/Δ-λ = 50; 2.5-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) and moderate resolution (1000; 4-200 microns) has been developed. This facility instrument will permit the spectroscopic study in the infrared of objects ranging from within the solar system to distant galaxies. The spectroscopic capability provided by this instrument for SIRTF will give astronomers orders of magnitude greater sensitivity for the study of faint objects than had been previously available. The low resolution mode will enable detailed studies of the continuum radiation. The moderate resolution mode of the instrument will permit studies of a wide range of problems, from the infrared spectral signatures of small outer solar system bodies such as Pluto and the satellites of the giant planets, to investigations of more luminous active galaxies and QS0s at substantially greater distances. A simple design concept has been developed for the spectrometer which supports the science investigation with practical cryogenic engineering. Operational flexibility is preserved with a minimum number of mechanisms. The five modules share a common aperture, and all gratings share a single scan mechanism. High reliability is achieved through use of flight-proven hardware concepts and redundancy. The design controls the heat load into the SIRTF cryogen, with all heat sources other than the detectors operating at 7K and isolated from the 4K cold station. Two-dimensional area detector arrays are used in the 2.5-120μm bands to simultaneously monitor adjacent regions in extended objects and to measure the background near point sources