45 research outputs found

    Superheavy nuclei in a chiral hadronic model

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    Superheavy nuclei are investigated in a nonlinear chiral SU(3)-model. The proton number Z=120 and neutron numbers of N=172, 184 and 198 are predicted to be magic. The charge distributions and alpha-decay chains hint towards a hollow stucture

    Nuclei, superheavy nuclei, and hypermatter in a chiral SU(3) model

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    A model based on chiral SU(3)-symmetry in nonlinear realisation is used for the investigation of nuclei, superheavy nuclei, hypernuclei and multistrange nuclear objects (so called MEMOs). The model works very well in the case of nuclei and hypernuclei with one Lambda-particle and rules out MEMOs. Basic observables which are known for nuclei and hypernuclei are reproduced satisfactorily. The model predicts Z=120 and N=172, 184 and 198 as the next shell closures in the region of superheavy nuclei. The calculations have been performed in self-consistent relativistic mean field approximation assuming spherical symmetry. The parameters were adapted to known nuclei

    Creation of equal-spin triplet superconductivity at the Al/EuS interface

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    In conventional superconductors, electrons of opposite spins are bound into Cooper pairs. However, when the superconductor is in contact with a non-uniformly ordered ferromagnet, an exotic type of superconductivity can appear at the interface, with electrons bound into three possible spin-triplet states. Triplet pairs with equal spin play a vital role in low-dissipation spintronics. Despite the observation of supercurrents through ferromagnets, spectroscopic evidence for the existence of equal-spin triplet pairs is still missing. Here we show a theoretical model that reveals a characteristic gap structure in the quasiparticle density of states which provides a unique signature for the presence of equal-spin triplet pairs. By scanning tunnelling spectroscopy we measure the local density of states to reveal the spin configuration of triplet pairs. We demonstrate that the Al/EuS interface causes strong and tunable spin-mixing by virtue of its spin-dependent transmission.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 17 pages supplementary information, 14 supplementary figure

    Andreev and normal reflections in gapped bilayer graphene-superconductor junctions

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    We study the Andreev and normal reflection processes -- retro as well as specular -- in a bilayer graphene-superconductor junction where equal and opposite displacement fields are applied for the top and bottom layers to induce a band gap. By employing the Dirac-Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation for the gapped bilayer graphene-superconductor junction, we calculate the reflections probabilities within the scattering theory approach. The subgap conductance, calculated in the framework of Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formalism, shows the contribution from the Andreev retro-reflection (specular-reflection) when the applied bias voltage is below (above) the Fermi energy. Notably, both retro and specular reflections are modified in the presence of the displacement field, and the retro-to-specular crossover gets amplified when the displacement field is relatively small. They can be further tuned to either specular or retro Andreev reflection by adjusting the Fermi energy. Furthermore, our study reveals the simultaneous existence of double Andreev reflections and double normal reflections when the displacement field becomes comparable to the interlayer coupling strength. The existence of the normal retro-reflection process in a bilayer graphene-superconductor junction is a new finding which shows a distinctive feature in the conductance that can be experimentally verified.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Nonlinear thermoelectric effects in high-field superconductor-ferromagnet tunnel junctions

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    Background: Thermoelectric effects result from the coupling of charge and heat transport and can be used for thermometry, cooling and harvesting of thermal energy. The microscopic origin of thermoelectric effects is a broken electron-hole symmetry, which is usually quite small in metal structures. In addition, thermoelectric effects decrease towards low temperatures, which usually makes them vanishingly small in metal nanostructures in the sub-Kelvin regime. Results: We report on a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of thermoelectric effects in superconductor/ferromagnet hybrid structures. We investigate the dependence of thermoelectric currents on the thermal excitation, as well as on the presence of a dc bias voltage across the junction. Conclusion: Large thermoelectric effects are observed in superconductor/ferromagnet and superconductor/normal-metal hybrid structures. The spin-independent signals observed under finite voltage bias are shown to be reciprocal to the physics of superconductor/normal-metal microrefrigerators. The spin-dependent thermoelectric signals in the linear regime are due to the coupling of spin and heat transport, and can be used to design more efficient refrigerators

    Chiral model for dense, hot and strange hadronic matter

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    Introduction: Until now it is not possible to determine the equation of state (EOS) of hadronic matter from QCD. One succesfully applied alternative way to describe the hadronic world at high densities and temperatures are effective models like the RMF-models [1], where the relevant degrees of freedom are baryons and mesons instead of quarks and gluons. Since approximate chiral symmetry is an essential feature of QCD, it should be a useful concept for building and restricting e ective models. It has been shown [2,3] that effective sigma-omega models including SU(2) chiral symmetry are able to obtain a reasonable description of nuclear matter and finite nuclei. Recently [4] we have shown that an extended SU(3) Ă— SU(3) chiral sigma-omega model is able to describe nuclear matter ground state properties, vacuum properties and finite nuclei satisfactorily. This model includes the lowest SU(3) multiplets of the baryons (octet and decuplet[5]), the spin-0 and the spin-1 mesons as the relevant degrees of freedom. Here we will discuss the predictions of this model for dense, hot, and strange hadronic matter

    On the generation and role of eddy variability in the central North Atlantic Ocean: Results from surface drifters satellite altimetry and numerical modelling

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    Sources of near-surface oceanic variability in the central North Atlantic are identified from a combined analysis of climatology, surface drifter, and Geosat altimeter data as well as eddy-resolving math formula and math formula Community Modeling Effort North Atlantic model results. Both observational and numerical methods give a consistent picture of the concentration of mesoscale variability along the mean zonal flow bands. Three areas of high eddy energy can be found in all observational data sets: the North Equatorial Current, the North Atlantic Current, and the Azores Current. With increasing horizontal resolution the numerical models give a more realistic representation of the variability in the first two regimes, while no improvement is found with respect to the Azores Current Frontal Zone. Examination of the upper ocean hydrographic structure indicates baroclinic instability to be the main mechanism of eddy generation and suggests that the model deficiencies in the Azores Current area are related to deficiencies in the mean hydrographic fields. A linear instability analysis of the numerical model output reveals that instability based on the velocity shear between the mixed layer and the interior is also important for the generation of the mid-ocean variability, indicating a potential role of the mixed layer representation for the model. The math formula model successfully simulates the northward decrease of eddy length scales observed in the altimeter data, which follow a linear relationship with the first baroclinic Rossby radius. An analysis of the eddy-mean flow interaction terms and the energy budget indicates a release of mean potential energy by downgradient fluxes of heat in the main frontal zones. At the same time the North Atlantic Current is found to be supported by convergent eddy fluxes of zonal momentum

    Tailoring supercurrent confinement in graphene bilayer weak links

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    The Josephson effect is one of the most studied macroscopic quantum phenomena in condensed matter physics and has been an essential part of the quantum technologies development over the last decades. It is already used in many applications such as magnetometry, metrology, quantum computing, detectors or electronic refrigeration. However, developing devices in which the induced superconductivity can be monitored, both spatially and in its magnitude, remains a serious challenge. In this work, we have used local gates to control confinement, amplitude and density profile of the supercurrent induced in one-dimensional nanoscale constrictions, defined in bilayer graphene-hexagonal boron nitride van der Waals heterostructures. The combination of resistance gate maps, out-of-equilibrium transport, magnetic interferometry measurements, analytical and numerical modelling enables us to explore highly tunable superconducting weak links. Our study opens the path way to design more complex superconducting circuits based on this principle such as electronic interferometers or transition-edge sensors