234 research outputs found

    Hierarchical analysis of avian re-nesting behavior: mean, across-individual, and intra-individual responses

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Anti-predator behavior is a key aspect of life history evolution, usually studied at the population (mean), or across-individual levels. However individuals can also differ in their intra-individual (residual) variation, but to our knowledge, this has only been studied once before in free-living animals. Here we studied the distances moved and changes in nest height and concealment between successive nesting attempts of marked pairs of grey fantails (Rhipidura albiscapa) in relation to nest fate, across the breeding season. We predicted that females (gender that decides where the nest is placed) should on average show adaptive behavioral responses to the experience of prior predation risk such that after an unsuccessful nesting attempt, replacement nests should be further away, higher from the ground, and more concealed compared with replacement nests after successful nesting attempts. We found that, on average, females moved greater distances to re-nest after unsuccessful nesting attempts (abandoned or depredated) in contrast to after a successful attempt, suggesting that re-nesting decisions are sensitive to risk. We found no consistent across-individual differences in distances moved, heights, or concealment. However, females differed by 53-fold (or more) in their intra-individual variability (i.e., predictability) with respect to distances moved and changes in nest height between nesting attempts, indicating that either some systematic variation went unexplained and/or females have inherently different predictability. Ignoring these individual differences in residual variance in our models obscured the effect of nest fate on re-nesting decisions that were evident at the mean level

    Rainfall driven and wild-bird mediated avian influenza virus outbreaks in Australian poultry

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    Globally, outbreaks of Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) in poultry continue to burden economies and endanger human, livestock and wildlife health. Wild waterbirds are often identified as possible sources for poultry infection. Therefore, it is important to understand the ecological and environmental factors that directly influence infection dynamics in wild birds, as these factors may thereby indirectly affect outbreaks in poultry. In Australia, where large parts of the country experience erratic rainfall patterns, intense rainfalls lead to wild waterfowl breeding events at temporary wetlands and increased proportions of immunologically naïve juvenile birds. It is hypothesized that after breeding, when the temporary wetlands dry, increasing densities of immunologically naïve waterbirds returning to permanent water bodies might strongly contribute to AIV prevalence in wild waterfowl in Australia. Since rainfall has been implicated as an important environmental driver in AIV dynamics in wild waterbirds in southeast Australia and wild waterbirds are identified globally to have a role in virus spillover into poultry, we hypothesise that rainfall events have an indirect effect on AIV outbreaks in poultry in southeast Australia. In this study we investigated this hypothesis by examining the correlation between the timing of AIV outbreaks in poultry in and near the Murray-Darling basin in relation to temporal patterns in regional rainfall since 1970. Our findings support our hypothesis and suggest that the risk of AIV outbreaks in poultry increases after a period of high rainfall, with peak AIV risk two years after the onset of the high-rainfall period. This is presumably triggered by increased rates of waterbird breeding and consequent higher proportions of immunologically naïve juvenile waterbirds entering the population directly after major rainfall events, which subsequently aggregate near permanent water bodies when the landscape dries out. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12917-021-03010-9

    Understanding the unexplained : the magnitude and correlates of individual differences in residual variance

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    Behavioral and physiological ecologists have long been interested in explaining the causes and consequences of trait variation, with a focus on individual differences in mean values. However, the majority of phenotypic variation typically occurs within individuals, rather than among individuals (as indicated by average repeatability being less than 0.5). Recent studies have further shown that individuals can also differ in the magnitude of variation that is unexplained by individual variation or environmental factors (i.e., residual variation). The significance of residual variation, or why individuals differ, is largely unexplained, but is important from evolutionary, methodological, and statistical perspectives. Here, we broadly reviewed literature on individual variation in behavior and physiology, and located 39 datasets with sufficient repeated measures to evaluate individual differences in residual variance. We then analyzed these datasets using methods that permit direct comparisons of parameters across studies. This revealed substantial and widespread individual differences in residual variance. The magnitude of individual variation appeared larger in behavioral traits than in physiological traits, and heterogeneity was greater in more controlled situations. We discuss potential ecological and evolutionary implications of individual differences in residual variance and suggest productive future research directions

    A novel perspective suggesting high sustained energy expenditure may be net protective against cancer

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    Energy expenditure (EE) is generally viewed as tumorigenic, due to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can damage cells and DNA. On this basis, individuals within a species that sustain high EE should be more likely to develop cancer. Here, we argue the opposite, that high EE may be net protective effect against cancer, despite high ROS production. This is possible because individuals that sustain high EE have a greater energetic capacity (=greater energy acquisition, expenditure and ability to up-regulate output), and can therefore allocate energy to multiple cancer-fighting mechanisms with minimal energetic trade-offs. Our review finds that individuals sustaining high EE have greater antioxidant production, lower oxidative stress, greater immune function and lower cancer incidence. Our hypothesis and literature review suggest that EE may indeed be net protective against cancer, and that individual variation in energetic capacity may be a key mechanism to understand the highly individual nature of cancer risk in contemporary human populations and laboratory animals. Lay summary The process of expending energy generates reactive oxygen species that can lead to oxidative stress, cell and DNA damage, and the accumulation of this damage is thought to be a major contributor to many ageing related diseases that include cancer. Here, we challenge this view, proposing how and why high energy expenditure (EE) may actually be net protective against cancer, and provide literature support for our hypothesis. We find individuals with high sustained EE have greater energetic capacity and thus can invest more in repair to counter oxidative stress, and more in immune function, both of which reduce cancer risk. Our hypothesis provides a novel mechanism to understand the highly individual nature of cancer, why taller individuals are more at risk, why physically active individuals have lower cancer risk, and why regular exercise can reduce cancer risk

    Heterothermy in a Small Passerine : Eastern Yellow Robins Use Nocturnal Torpor in Winter

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    Torpor is a controlled reduction of metabolism and body temperature, and its appropriate use allows small birds to adapt to and survive challenging conditions. However, despite its great energy conservation potential, torpor use by passerine birds is understudied although they are small and comprise over half of extant bird species. Here, we first determined whether a free-living, small ~20 g Australian passerine, the eastern yellow robin (Eopsaltria australis), expresses torpor by measuring skin temperature (Ts) as a proxy for body temperature. Second, we tested if skin temperature fluctuated in relation to ambient temperature (Ta). We found that the Ts of eastern yellow robins fluctuated during winter by 9.1 ± 3.9°C on average (average minimum Ts 30.1 ± 2.3°C), providing the first evidence of torpor expression in this species. Daily minimum Ts decreased with Ta, reducing the estimated metabolic rate by as much as 32%. We hope that our results will encourage further studies to expand our knowledge on the use of torpor in wild passerines. The implications of such studies are important because species with highly flexible energy requirements may have an advantage over strict homeotherms during the current increasing frequency of extreme and unpredictable weather events, driven by changing climate

    A simple methodology for creating and applying replicable, photograph-accurate coloration to 3D-printed models for animal behavior studies

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    Researchers often use artificial models of animals to elicit and study behavior. Until recently, these models were typically handcrafted; however, 3D-printing technology has been adopted by researchers looking to create accurate and consistent animal models from scans of living animals, taxidermies, or existing models. While 3D-printing techniques create models with accurate and repeatable shape and size, applying coloration to these models is still typically achieved with traditional methods, such as painting by hand. These approaches can be time-consuming and require high levels of artistic skill, creating a barrier to producing realistic models, especially when more than one model or standardized coloration is required. Here, we present a simple workflow to avoid these issues by creating a photograph-accurate paper "skin" that can be glued onto 3D-printed animal models to provide surface coloration. We have used this methodology to create avian models for several experiments, and found that it can create highly detailed and standardized models with minimal training and is independent of artistic skill. Additionally, this method allows the files needed to accurately recreate models to be shared digitally with other researchers, further enhancing repeatability in the field

    Avian influenza infection dynamics under variable climatic conditions, viral prevalence is rainfall driven in waterfowl from temperate, south-east Australia

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    Understanding Avian Influenza Virus (AIV) infection dynamics in wildlife is crucial because of possible virus spill over to livestock and humans. Studies from the northern hemisphere have suggested several ecological and environmental drivers of AIV prevalence in wild birds. To determine if the same drivers apply in the southern hemisphere, where more irregular environmental conditions prevail, we investigated AIV prevalence in ducks in relation to biotic and abiotic factors in south-eastern Australia. We sampled duck faeces for AIV and tested for an effect of bird numbers, rainfall anomaly, temperature anomaly and long-term ENSO (El-Niño Southern Oscillation) patterns on AIV prevalence. We demonstrate a positive long term effect of ENSO-related rainfall on AIV prevalence. We also found a more immediate response to rainfall where AIV prevalence was positively related to rainfall in the preceding 3-7 months. Additionally, for one duck species we found a positive relationship between their numbers and AIV prevalence, while prevalence was negatively or not affected by duck numbers in the remaining four species studied. In Australia largely non-seasonal rainfall patterns determine breeding opportunities and thereby influence bird numbers. Based on our findings we suggest that rainfall influences age structures within populations, producing an influx of immunologically naïve juveniles within the population, which may subsequently affect AIV infection dynamics. Our study suggests that drivers of AIV dynamics in the northern hemisphere do not have the same influence at our south-east Australian field site in the southern hemisphere due to more erratic climatological conditions

    Ecological and evolutionary consequences of anticancer adaptations

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    Cellular cheating leading to cancers exists in all branches of multicellular life, favoring the evolution of adaptations to avoid or suppress malignant progression, and/or to alleviate its fitness consequences. Ecologists have until recently largely neglected the importance of cancer cells for animal ecology, presumably because they did not consider either the potential ecological or evolutionary consequences of anticancer adaptations. Here, we review the diverse ways in which the evolution of anticancer adaptations has significantly constrained several aspects of the evolutionary ecology of multicellular organisms at the cell, individual, population, species, and ecosystem levels and suggest some avenues for future research

    Nachhaltige Lieferketten: global kooperative Regionalwirtschaften für Wohlstand und Resilienz

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    Zwei Drittel des heutigen Welthandels gründen auf globalen Wertschöpfungsketten und Versorgungsnetzen. Rein regionalwirtschaftlich organisierte Lieferketten haben in den letzten Jahrzehnten an Bedeutung verloren. Die Auswirkungen dieser globalisierten Strukturen sind vielfältig: Zum einen haben sie beschäftigungsfördernde Effekte und wirken wohlstandsstiftend. Zum anderen existieren entlang der Lieferketten extreme soziale, ökologische und ökonomische Schieflagen. Die COVID-19-Pandemie zeigt in erheblichem Maße, wie fragil bestehende Lieferkettensysteme sind. Der Lockdown unterbricht noch immer komplexe Lieferketten und viele Probleme der bestehenden Produktions- und Konsumweise verschärfen sich weiterhin. COVID-19 ist ein Beispiel einer der möglichen Krisen, welche die globalen und vernetzten Wertschöpfungsketten kurzfristig erschüttern kann. Andere Krisen entwickeln sich schleichender und damit weniger schnell erkennbar, wie etwa der globale Klimawandel. So unterschiedlich sie sind, haben die Krisen eines gemein: Sie zeigen die Verletzlichkeit globaler Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsstrukturen auf und verdeutlichen die Wirkungen globalen Handels auf die Regionen und Menschen der Welt. Die globale Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie setzt genau hier an - sie zielt darauf ab, Unterschiede und Ungleichheit in Chancen und Lebensqualität grundlegend zu vermindern. Deshalb sollte die Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele auf internationaler, nationaler und regionaler Ebene eine Antwort auf solche Krisen sein. Da durch die Covid-19-Pandemie zeitgleich die komplette Welt in eine Umbruchsituation gedrängt wurde, bietet die Reaktion darauf an, Nachhaltigkeit als zentrale politische Resilienz-Strategie zu nutzen. Im Zuge der Corona-Pandemie flammte die Diskussion um resiliente Kommunen auf. Diese sollten sich stärker an regional- und kreislaufwirtschaftlichen Ansätzen orientieren, um angesichts solcher Pandemien die Versorgung weiterhin gewährleisten zu können. So wichtig und richtig die Entwicklung eigener regionalwirtschaftlicher und kreislauforientierter Ansätze im Kern ist, so wenig resilient ist es, wenn deren Entwicklung nicht unter globaler und nachhaltiger Perspektive erfolgt. Ziel sollten menschengerechte, nachhaltige und transparente Lieferketten sein, die auch bei plötzlich veränderten Rahmenbedingungen und Krisen richtungssicher die Versorgungssicherheit zur Deckung von Grundbedürfnissen und Daseinsvorsorge sicherstellen können. Das vorliegende Diskussionspapier zeichnet als Zukunftsszenario global kooperative, kreislauforientierte Regionalwirtschaften, die weltweite Ungleichheiten in Chancen und Lebensqualität grundlegend vermindern und dabei gleichsam die natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen dauerhaft bewahrt werden