1,098 research outputs found

    Estimation of heterogeneous preferences, with an application to demand for internet services

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    This paper presents a structural econometric framework for discrete and continuous consumer choices in which unobserved intrapersonal and interpersonal preference heterogeneity is modeled explicitly. It outlines a simulation-assisted estimation methodology applicable in this framework. This methodology is illustrated in an application to analyze data from the U.C. Berkeley Internet Demand Experiment

    Radiative Transfer Modeling of Three-Dimensional Clumpy AGN Tori and its Application to NGC 1068

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    Recent observations of NGC 1068 and other AGN support the idea of a geometrically and optically thick dust torus surrounding the central supermassive black hole and accretion disk of AGN. In type 2 AGN, the torus is seen roughly edge-on, leading to obscuration of the central radiation source and a silicate absorption feature near 10 micron. While most of the current torus models distribute the dust smoothly, there is growing evidence that the dust must be arranged in clouds. We describe a new method for modeling near- and mid-infrared emission of 3-dimensional clumpy tori using Monte Carlo simulations. We calculate the radiation fields of individual clouds at various distances from the AGN and distribute these clouds within the torus region. The properties of the individual clouds and their distribution within the torus are determined from a theoretical approach of self-gravitating clouds close to the shear limit in a gravitational potential. We demonstrate that clumpiness in AGN tori can overcome the problem of over-pronounced silicate features. Finally, we present model calculations for the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 and compare them to recent high-resolution measurements. Our model is able to reproduce both the SED and the interferometric observations of NGC 1068 in the near- and mid-infrared.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, 6 tables (figures reduced due to astro-ph limitations); accepted by A&

    Advection-Dominated Accretion with Infall and Outflows

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    We present self-similar solutions for advection-dominated accretion flows with radial viscous force in the presence of outflows from the accretion flow or infall. The axisymmetric flow is treated in variables integrated over polar sections and the effects of infall and outflows on the accretion flow are parametrised for possible configurations compatible with the self-similar solution. We investigate the resulting accretion flows for three different viscosity laws and derive upper limits on the viscosity parameter alpha. In addition, we find a natural connection to non-rotating and spherical accretion with turbulent viscosity, which is assumed to persist even without differential rotation. Positive Bernoulli numbers for advection-dominated accretion allow a fraction of the gas to be expelled in an outflow and the upper limit on the viscosity predicts that outflows are inevitable for equations of state close to an ideal gas.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 11: Electrical characteristics of 2 ohm-cm, 228 micron wraparound solar cells as a function of intensity, temperature, and irradiation

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    Parametric characterization data on Spectrolab 2 by 4 cm, 2 ohm/cm, 228 micron thick wraparound cell, a candidate for the Solar Electric Propulsion Mission, are presented. These data consist of the electrical characteristics of the solar cell under a wide range of temperature and illumination intensity combinations of the type encountered in space applications

    Stellar Dynamics at the Galactic Center with an Extremely Large Telescope

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    We discuss experiments achievable via monitoring of stellar dynamics near the massive black hole at the Galactic center with a next generation, extremely large telescope (ELT). Given the likely observational capabilities of an ELT and current knowledge of the stellar environment at the Galactic center, we synthesize plausible samples of stellar orbits around the black hole. We use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to evaluate the constraints that orbital monitoring places on the matter content near the black hole. Results are expressed as functions of the number N of stars with detectable orbital motions and the astrometric precision dtheta and spectroscopic precision dv at which stellar proper motions and radial velocities are monitored. For N = 100, dtheta = 0.5 mas, and dv = 10 km/s -- a conservative estimate of the capabilities of a 30 meter telescope -- the extended matter distribution enclosed by the orbits will produce measurable deviations from Keplerian motion if >1000 Msun is enclosed within 0.01 pc. The black hole mass and distance to the Galactic center will be measured to better than ~0.1%. Lowest-order relativistic effects, such as the prograde precession, will be detectable if dtheta < 0.5 mas. Higher-order effects, including frame dragging due to black hole spin, requires dtheta < 0.05 mas, or the favorable discovery of a compact, highly eccentric orbit. Finally, we calculate the rate at which monitored stars undergo detectable nearby encounters with background stars. Such encounters probe the mass function of stellar remnants that accumulate near the black hole. We find that ~30 encounters will be detected over a 10 yr baseline for dtheta = 0.5 mas.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures; discussion no longer aperture-specific (TMT -> ELT), matches ApJ versio

    High-Spatial Resolution SED of NGC 1068 from Near-IR to Radio. Disentangling the thermal and non-thermal contributions

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    We investigate the ideas that a sizable fraction of the interferometrically unresolved infrared emission of the nucleus of NGC 1068 might originate from other processes than thermal dust emission from the torus. We examine the contribution of free-free or synchrotron emissions to the central mid- and near-IR parsec-scale emitting region of NGC 1068. Each mechanism is constrained with parsec scale radio data available for NGC 1068 in the 10^9 - 10^11 Hz regime, and compared to the highest-resolution interferometric data available in the mid-infrared. It is shown that the unresolved emission in the interferometric observation (<~1pc) is still dominatedd by dust emission and not by contributions from synchrotron or free-free emission. As recent studies suggest, the interferometric observations prefer a clumpy structure of the dust distribution. Extrapolation of the radio free-free or synchrotron emission to the IR indicates that their contribution is <20% even for the unresolved fraction of the interferometric flux. The slope of the available radio data is consistent with a power law exponent alpha = 0.29 +/- 0.07 which we interprete in terms of either free-free emission or synchrotron radiation from quasi-monochromatic electrons. We apply emission models for both mechanisms in order to obtain physical parameters. (abridged)Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; accepted by A&

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 8: Electrical characteristics of Spectrolab BSF, BSR, textured 290-micron solar cells (K7) as a function of intensity, temperature and irradiation

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    A set of parametric data is presented on the Spectrolab textured, back-surface-field, back-surface-reflector solar cell which is a commercially available product

    Characterization of solar cells for space applications. Volume 12: Electrical characteristics of Solarex BSF, 2-ohm-cm, 50-micron solar cells (1978 pilot line) as a function of intensity, temperature, and irradiation

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    Electrical characteristics of Solarex back-surface-field, 2-ohm-cm, 50-micron N/P silicon solar cells are presented in graphical and tabular format as a function of solar illumination intensity, temperature, and irradiation