38,132 research outputs found

    Bubble memory module

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    Design, fabrication and test of partially populated prototype recorder using 100 kilobit serial chips is described. Electrical interface, operating modes, and mechanical design of several module configurations are discussed. Fabrication and test of the module demonstrated the practicality of multiplexing resulting in lower power, weight, and volume. This effort resulted in the completion of a module consisting of a fully engineered printed circuit storage board populated with 5 of 8 possible cells and a wire wrapped electronics board. Interface of the module is 16 bits parallel at a maximum of 1.33 megabits per second data rate on either of two interface buses

    Determination of meteor parameters using laboratory simulation techniques

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    Atmospheric entry of meteoritic bodies is conveniently and accurately simulated in the laboratory by techniques which employ the charging and electrostatic acceleration of macroscopic solid particles. Velocities from below 10 to above 50 km/s are achieved for particle materials which are elemental meteoroid constituents or mineral compounds with characteristics similar to those of meteoritic stone. The velocity, mass, and kinetic energy of each particle are measured nondestructively, after which the particle enters a target gas region. Because of the small particle size, free molecule flow is obtained. At typical operating pressures (0.1 to 0.5 torr), complete particle ablation occurs over distances of 25 to 50 cm; the spatial extent of the atmospheric interaction phenomena is correspondingly small. Procedures have been developed for measuring the spectrum of light from luminous trails and the values of fundamental quantities defined in meteor theory. It is shown that laboratory values for iron are in excellent agreement with those for 9 to 11 km/s artificial meteors produced by rocket injection of iron bodies into the atmosphere

    A multiwavlength study of PSR B0628-28: The first overluminous rotation-powered pulsar?

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    The ROSAT source RX J0630.8-2834 was suggested by positional coincidence to be the X-ray counterpart of the old field pulsar PSR B0628-28. This association, however, was regarded to be unlikely based on the computed energetics of the putative X-ray counterpart. In this paper we report on multiwavelength observations of PSR B0628-28 made with the ESO/NTT observatory in La Silla, the Jodrell Bank radio observatory and XMM-Newton. Although the optical observations do not detect any counterpart of RX J0630.8-2834 down to a limiting magnitude of V=26.1 mag and B=26.3 mag, XMM-Newton observations finally confirmed it to be the pulsar's X-ray counterpart by detecting X-ray pulses with the radio pulsar's spin-period. The X-ray pulse profile is characterized by a single broad peak with a second smaller peak leading the main pulse component by ~144 degree. The fraction of pulsed photons is (38 +- 7)% with no strong energy dependence in the XMM-Newton bandpass. The pulsar's X-ray spectrum is well described by a single component power law with photon index 2.63^{+0.23}_{-0.15}, indicating that the pulsar's X radiation is dominated by non-thermal emission processes. A low level contribution of thermal emission from residual cooling or from heated polar caps, cannot be excluded. The pulsar's spin-down to X-ray energy conversion efficiency is obtained to be ~16% for the radio dispersion measure inferred pulsar distance. If confirmed, PSR B0628-28 would be the first X-ray overluminous rotation-powered pulsar identified among all ~1400 radio pulsars known today.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Find a paper copy with higher resolution images at ftp://ftp.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/web/astro-ph-0505488_rev2.pd

    The cosmic dust analyzer: Experimental evaluation of an impact ionization model

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    A thermal equilibrium plasma model is used to process data from an impact ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer in order to convert the raw ion data to relative abundances of the elemental constituents of cosmic dust particles

    A Coherent Timing Solution for the Nearby Isolated Neutron Star RX J0720.4-3125

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    We present the results of a dedicated effort to measure the spin-down rate of the nearby isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125. Comparing arrival times of the 8.39-sec pulsations for data from Chandra we derive an unambiguous timing solution for RX J0720.4-3125 that is accurate to 5 years. Adding data from XMM and ROSAT, the final solution yields Pdot=(6.98+/-0.02)x10^(-14) s/s; for dipole spin-down, this implies a characteristic age of 2 Myr and a magnetic field strength of 2.4e13 G. The phase residuals are somewhat larger than those for purely regular spin-down, but do not show conclusive evidence for higher-order terms or a glitch. From our timing solution as well as recent X-ray spectroscopy, we concur with recent suggestions that RX J0720.4-3125 is most likely an off-beam radio pulsar with a moderately high magnetic field.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Exact Solution of Strongly Interacting Quasi-One-Dimensional Spinor Bose Gases

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    We present an exact analytical solution of the fundamental system of quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 bosons with infinite delta-repulsion. The eigenfunctions are constructed from the wave functions of non-interacting spinless fermions, based on Girardeau's Fermi-Bose mapping, and from the wave functions of distinguishable spins. We show that the spinor bosons behave like a compound of non-interacting spinless fermions and non-interacting distinguishable spins. This duality is especially reflected in the spin densities and the energy spectrum. We find that the momentum distribution of the eigenstates depends on the symmetry of the spin function. Furthermore, we discuss the splitting of the ground state multiplet in the regime of large but finite repulsion.Comment: Revised to discuss large but finite interaction

    On Retardation Effects in Space Charge Calculations Of High Current Electron Beams

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    Laser-plasma accelerators are expected to deliver electron bunches with high space charge fields. Several recent publications have addressed the impact of space charge effects on such bunches after the extraction into vacuum. Artifacts due to the approximation of retardation effects are addressed, which are typically either neglected or approximated. We discuss a much more appropriate calculation for the case of laser wakefield acceleration with negligible retardation artifacts due to the calculation performed in the mean rest frame. This presented calculation approach also aims at a validation of other simulation approaches

    The X-ray nebula of the filled center supernova remnant 3C58 and its interaction with the environment

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    An \xmm observation of the plerionic supernova remnant 3C58 has allowed us to study the X-ray nebula with unprecedented detail. A spatially resolved spectral analysis with a resolution of 8\arcsec has yielded a precise determination of the relation between the spectral index and the distance from the center. We do not see any evidence for bright thermal emission from the central core. In contrast with previous ASCA and {\em Einstein} results, we derive an upper limit to the black-body 0.5-10 keV luminosity and emitting area of 1.8×10321.8\times 10^{32} \ergsec and 1.3×10101.3\times 10^{10} cm2^2, respectively, ruling out emission from the hot surface of the putative neutron star and also excluding the "outer-gap" model for hot polar caps. We have performed for the first time a spectral analysis of the outer regions of the X-ray nebula, where most of the emission is still non-thermal, but where the addition of a soft (kT=0.2-0.3 keV) optically thin plasma component is required to fit the spectrum at E<1E<1 keV. This component provides 6% of the whole remnant observed flux in the 0.5-10.0 keV band. We show that a Sedov interpretation is incompatible with the SN1181-3C58 association, unless there is a strong deviation from electron-ion energy equipartition, and that an origin of this thermal emission in terms of the expansion of the nebula into the ejecta core nicely fits all the radio and X-ray observations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The 10 to the 8th power bit solid state spacecraft data recorder

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    The results are summarized of a program to demonstrate the feasibility of Bubble Domain Memory Technology as a mass memory medium for spacecraft applications. The design, fabrication and test of a partially populated 10 to the 8th power Bit Data Recorder using 100 Kbit serial bubble memory chips is described. Design tradeoffs, design approach and performance are discussed. This effort resulted in a 10 to the 8th power bit recorder with a volume of 858.6 cu in and a weight of 47.2 pounds. The recorder is plug reconfigurable, having the capability of operating as one, two or four independent serial channel recorders or as a single sixteen bit byte parallel input recorder. Data rates up to 1.2 Mb/s in a serial mode and 2.4 Mb/s in a parallel mode may be supported. Fabrication and test of the recorder demonstrated the basic feasibility of Bubble Domain Memory technology for such applications. Test results indicate the need for improvement in memory element operating temperature range and detector performance
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