305 research outputs found

    Applying Organizational Routines in understanding organizational change

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    Organizational routines are considered basic components of organizational behavior and repositories of Organizational capabilities (Nelson and Winter, 1982). They do, therefore, hold one of the keys to understanding organizational change. We identify problems encountered in such research and present proposal for how to deal with them, in order to advance our knowledge of routines and our understanding or organizational change. Developing these themes, we also introduce the articles in the special section 'Towards an Operationalization of the Routines concept'.

    An Aminoisoxazole‐Based Proto‐RNA

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    The RNA world hypothesis predicts that life started with the development of replicating and catalytically active RNA, which evolved in a process of molecular evolution to increasingly complex chemical structures. RNA is, however, so complex that it has most likely formed from a precursor (proto-RNA) that was more easily accessible in a prebiotic world. Recently, 3-aminoisoxazoles (IO3) were identified as building blocks that can form under prebiotic conditions and can rearrange to give the nucleoside cytidine (C). The present study shows that the constitutional isomer 5-aminoisoxazole (IO5) can undergo the same reaction to give uridine (U). Both compounds (IO3 and IO5), if embedded in RNA, react selectively to C and U, which are the main pyrimidine nucleosides of the genetic system. Importantly, the stereochemical outcome of the IO5 reaction in RNA depends on the neighboring bases. If they are β-configured RNA nucleosides, the reaction proceeds with high selectivity to give exclusively the β-configured U RNA base (anomeric control)

    A one-pot, water compatible synthesis of pyrimidine nucleobases under plausible prebiotic conditions

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    Herein, we report a new prebiotically plausible pathway towards a pyrimidine nucleobase in continuous manner. The route involves simultaneous methylation and carbamoylation of cyanoacetylene-derived alpha,beta-unsaturated thioamide with N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) in aqueous media. This provides S-methylpyrimidinone in one-pot, which can be converted into a variety of 4-substituted pyrimidine nucleobases including cytosine and uracil

    Proto‐Urea‐RNA (Wöhler RNA) Containing Unusually Stable Urea Nucleosides

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    The RNA world hypothesis assumes that life on Earth began with nucleotides that formed information‐carrying RNA oligomers able to self‐replicate. Prebiotic reactions leading to the contemporary nucleosides are now known, but their execution often requires specific starting materials and lengthy reaction sequences. It was therefore proposed that the RNA world was likely proceeded by a proto‐RNA world constructed from molecules that were likely present on the early Earth in greater abundance. Herein, we show that the prebiotic starting molecules bis‐urea (biuret) and tris‐urea (triuret) are able to directly react with ribose. The urea‐ribosides are remarkably stable because they are held together by a network of intramolecular, bifurcated hydrogen bonds. This even allowed the synthesis of phosphoramidite building blocks and incorporation of the units into RNA. Investigations of the nucleotides’ base‐pairing potential showed that triuret:G RNA base pairs closely resemble U:G wobble base pairs. Based on the probable abundance of urea on the early Earth, we postulate that urea‐containing RNA bases are good candidates for a proto‐RNA world

    The Projected Rotational Velocity Distribution of a Sample of OB stars from a Calibration based on Synthetic He I lines

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    We derive projected rotational velocities (vsini) for a sample of 156 Galactic OB star members of 35 clusters, HII regions, and associations. The HeI lines at λλ\lambda\lambda4026, 4388, and 4471A were analyzed in order to define a calibration of the synthetic HeI full-widths at half maximum versus stellar vsini. A grid of synthetic spectra of HeI line profiles was calculated in non-LTE using an extensive helium model atom and updated atomic data. The vsini's for all stars were derived using the He I FWHM calibrations but also, for those target stars with relatively sharp lines, vsini values were obtained from best fit synthetic spectra of up to 40 lines of CII, NII, OII, AlIII, MgII, SiIII, and SIII. This calibration is a useful and efficient tool for estimating the projected rotational velocities of O9-B5 main-sequence stars. The distribution of vsini for an unbiased sample of early B stars in the unbound association Cep OB2 is consistent with the distribution reported elsewhere for other unbound associations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Prebiotic methylations and carbamoylations generate non-canonical RNA nucleosides as molecular fossils of an early Earth

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    The RNA world hypothesis assumes that life on earth started with small RNA molecules that catalyzed their own formation. Vital to this hypothesis is the need for prebiotic routes towards RNA. Contemporary RNA, however, is not only constructed from the four canonical nucleobases (A, C, G and U), but it contains in addition many chemically modified (non-canonical) bases. A yet open question is if these non-canonical bases were formed in parallel to the canonical bases (chemical origin), or whether they were created later, when life demanded higher functional diversity (biological origin). Here we show that isocyanates in combination with sodium nitrite establish methylating and carbamoylating reactivity compatible with early Earth conditions. This chemistry leads to the formation of methylated and amino acid modified nucleosides that are still extant. Our data provide a plausible scenario for the chemical origin of certain non-canonical bases, which suggests that they are fossils of an early Earth

    Novel Approach to Mass Tort Class Actions: The Billion Dollar Settlement in the Sulzer Artificial Hip and Knee Litigation: A Symposium

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    This is a transcript of a two hour symposium which deals with the Sulzer knee and hip replacement class action. A copy of the settlement is included as an appendix. The settlement in the U.S. District Court for the N.D. Ohio was unique and creative approach to resolving a mass tort class action. In a novel move, Sulzer agreed to open its books to an independent review firm to determine how much the firm could pay without going bankrupt. The number was $1 billion. As negotiated by the parties and approved by the court, the final settlement provides compensation for each member of the class based on a variety of factors, such as whether the member has undergone - or is likely to undergo - a revision to replace the defective part. Professor Susan Becker made the introductory remarks. The panel members were all involved in the Sulzer knee and hip replacement class action. R. Eric Kennedy served as lead plaintiffs\u27 counsel. The Honorable Kathleen McDonald O\u27Malley of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio presided over the Sulzer class action litigation and settlement. Sidney A. Backstrom and Richard F. Scruggs were the defense counsel. James J. McMonagle served as the Claims Administrator overseeing distribution of the Sulzer class action settlement funds

    Novel Approach to Mass Tort Class Actions: The Billion Dollar Settlement in the Sulzer Artificial Hip and Knee Litigation: A Symposium

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    This is a transcript of a two hour symposium which deals with the Sulzer knee and hip replacement class action. A copy of the settlement is included as an appendix. The settlement in the U.S. District Court for the N.D. Ohio was unique and creative approach to resolving a mass tort class action. In a novel move, Sulzer agreed to open its books to an independent review firm to determine how much the firm could pay without going bankrupt. The number was $1 billion. As negotiated by the parties and approved by the court, the final settlement provides compensation for each member of the class based on a variety of factors, such as whether the member has undergone - or is likely to undergo - a revision to replace the defective part. Professor Susan Becker made the introductory remarks. The panel members were all involved in the Sulzer knee and hip replacement class action. R. Eric Kennedy served as lead plaintiffs\u27 counsel. The Honorable Kathleen McDonald O\u27Malley of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio presided over the Sulzer class action litigation and settlement. Sidney A. Backstrom and Richard F. Scruggs were the defense counsel. James J. McMonagle served as the Claims Administrator overseeing distribution of the Sulzer class action settlement funds

    Unified prebiotically plausible synthesis of pyrimidine and purine RNA ribonucleotides

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    Theories about the origin of life require chemical pathways that allow formation of life’s key building blocks under prebiotically plausible conditions. Complex molecules like RNA must have originated from small molecules whose reactivity was guided by physico-chemical processes. RNA is constructed from purine and pyrimidine nucleosides, both of which are required for accurate information transfer. This is the prerequisite for Darwinian evolution. While separate pathways to purines and pyrimidines have been reported, their concurrent syntheses remain a challenge. We report the synthesis of the pyrimidine nucleosides from small molecules and ribose, driven solely by wet-dry cycles. In the presence of phosphate-containing minerals, 5’-mono- and di-phosphates also form selectively in one-pot. The pathway is compatible with purine synthesis, allowing the concurrent formation of all Watson-Crick bases