41,635 research outputs found

    Beck and beyond: Selling security in the world risk society

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    ©2010 British International Studies AssociationExpanding on the works of Beck and others on the growing business of risk, this article examines the role of the private security industry in the creation, management and perpetuation of the world risk society. It observes that the replacement of the concept of security with risk over the past decades has permitted private firms to identify a growing range of unknown and unknown-unknown dangers which cannot be eliminated, but require permanent risk management. Using the discourse of risk and its strategies of commercialised, individualised and reactive risk management, the private risk industry thus has contributed to the rise of a world risk society in which the demand for security can never be satisfied and guarantees continuous profits

    Spiranthes gracilis (Bigelow) Beck

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    Spiranthes gracilis (Bigelow) Beck

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    The commodification of security in the risk society

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    Expanding on the works of Beck and others on the growing business of risk, this paper examines the role of private industry in the creation, management and perpetuation of the world risk society. It observes that the replacement of the concept of security with risk over the past decades has permitted private firms to identify a growing range of unknown and unknown-unknown dangers which cannot be eliminated and require continuous risk management. Using the discourse of risk and its strategies of commercialized, individualized and reactive risk management, the private risk industry has thus contributed to the rise of a world risk society in which the demand for security can never be satisfied and so guarantees continuous profits

    Spiranthes gracilis (Bigelow) Beck

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    Legal Issues in Terminations of Single-Employer Pension Plans: Beck v. PACE International Union

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    [Excerpt] On January 19, 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in Beck v. PACE International Union. The case concerns the decision by an employer in bankruptcy proceedings to terminate its pension plans. The employer, which was both plan sponsor and administrator, had the option of terminating the plans by buying annuities for plan participants and beneficiaries or by merging the plans with a multiemployer plan. It chose the annuity option. At issue in Beck is whether the employer breached the fiduciary duty owed under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) to plan participants and beneficiaries by failing to adequately consider the merger proposal. This report discusses the Beck case and will be updated as events warrant

    Interview with Ulrich Beck: Globality and cosmopolitism

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    Ulrich Beck (1944) es considerado uno de los “autores mayores” de la sociología contemporánea. Su defensa de la modernidad reflexiva, de la sociedad del riesgo y del cosmopolitismo han hecho de este sociólogo alemán uno de los grandes referentes del pensamiento crítico actual. Con motivo de su investidura como doctor Honoris Causa por la UNED y dentro del simposio sobre “Migración e identidades culturales: España y Alemania en el contexto actual europeo” que acogió el Goethe-Institut de Madrid, Beck, catedrático en la Universidad Ludwing-Maximilian de Munich y profesor en la London School of Economics, tuvo la cortesía de concedernos esta entrevista.Publicad

    Inkpaduta: Dakota Leader

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    Review of: "Inkpaduta: Dakota Leader," by Paul N. Beck

    Adaptação do Inventário de Depressão de Beck II para a população portuguesa

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    O Inventário de Depressão de Beck II (Beck Steer & Brown., 1996) é um dos instrumentos de auto-relato mais populares e mais utilizados para avaliar a intensidade da sintomatologia depressiva em adolescentes e adultos. Existem diversas adaptações da prova para diferentes países. Os autores do presente trabalho desenvolveram uma versão portuguesa do inventário. Após o processo de tradução dos itens, que contou com a avaliação de três especialistas, para além dos dois autores, e de uma retroversão, e de um pré-teste, realizaram-se três estudos de validação: com uma amostra de estudantes universitários (n = 547), com uma amostra comunitária (n = 200), e um terceiro com uma amostra de pacientes depressivos (n = 31). São apresentados dados relativos à precisão, estrutura factorial e à validade do teste. A versão portuguesa apresenta uma boa consistência interna, uma estrutura factorial muito semelhante à obtida por Beck et al. (1996) com a versão original, é capaz de diferenciar significativamente a amostra clínica da amostra de estudantes e apresenta uma adequada validade convergente, correlacionando-se significativamente com a CES-D. A análise factorial confirmatória suporta a existência de dois factores, cognitivo-afectivo e somático

    Aripiprazol no tratamento do transtorno de estresse pós-traumático: um ensaio clínico aberto

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    OBJECTIVE: Post traumatic stress disorder is frequent in the general population (7.8%-lifetime-USA). The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the first choice of treatment but result in low remission rates. This study aims to evaluate the effect of aripiprazole monotherapy for the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder. METHOD: Thirty-two patients diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder were included in a 16-week open label trial of aripiprazole. They were evaluated at baseline, week 8, and 16 with the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36, and Social Adjustment Scale. Statistical analysis were performed with an intention-to-treat approach and last observation carried forward. A general linear model for repeated measures comparing the factor with 3 continuous measures from baseline, 8 and 16 weeks was used. A between-subject factor was included RESULTS: Nine patients discontinued the treatment. The mean aripiprazole dose was 9.6 (± 4.3) mg/day. The mean scores at baseline and endpoint for all measures were: Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale - 82.7 (± 23.1) and 51.4 (± 31.4) (F = 11.247, p = 0.001); Beck Anxiety Inventory - 31.7 (± 13.4) and 25.4 (± 18.2) (F = 8.931, p = 0.011); Social Adjustment Scale - 2.4 (± 0.45) and 2.27 (± 0.57) (F = 8.633, p = 0.012); Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 - 76.6 (± 14.11) and 94.01 (± 25.06) (F = 10.127 p = 0.007); and Beck Depression Inventory - 26.06 (± 11.6) and 21.35 (± 12.6) (F = 1.580, p = 0.042). In all measurements, the differences were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Patients achieved a good response to treatment with aripiprazole, but placebo-controlled studies are needed for more accurate results.OBJETIVO: O transtorno de estresse pós-traumático é um quadro prevalente (7,8%-lifetime-EUA) que provoca grande prejuízo aos pacientes. Os inibidores seletivos de recaptação de serotonina, medicação de primeira escolha para o tratamento, mostram baixos índices de remissão. Este estudo pretende apresentar uma diferente escolha de medicamento para tratar o transtorno de estresse pós-traumático. MÉTODO: Trinta e dois pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático receberam aripiprazol por 16 semanas. Foram submetidos na entrada, 8 e 16 semanas às escalas Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 e Social Adjustment Scale. Foi usado o modelo linear generalizado para medidas repetidas comparando o fator com as três medidas contínuas nos três pontos de avaliação. Foi feita uma comparação entre sujeitos (grupo tratamento) usando modelo linear generalizado univariado. Usamos a intenção de tratamento e a estratégia da última observação com endpoint (Last Observation Carried Forward). RESULTADOS: Nove pacientes descontinuaram antes da segunda avaliação. A dose média foi 9,6 (± 4,3) mg/dia. As medidas na entrada e no final do tratamento foram: Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale - 82,7 (± 23,1) e 51,4 (± 31,4) (F = 11,247, p = 0,001); Beck Anxiety Inventory - 31,7 (± 13,4) e 25,4 (± 18,2) (F = 8,931, p = 0,011); Social Adjustment Scale - 2,4 (± 0,45) e 2,27 (± 0,57) (F = 8,633, p = 0,012); Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 - 76,6 (± 14,11) e 94,01 (± 25,06) (F = 10,127 p = 0,007); e Beck Depression Inventory - 26,06 (± 11,6) e 21,35 (± 12,6) (F = 1,580, p = 0,042). Em todas as medidas, as diferenças foram estatisticamente significativas. CONCLUSÕES: O aripiprazol alcançou uma boa resposta em pacientes com transtorno de estresse pós-traumático, mas para resultados mais acurados ainda são necessários estudos controlados com placebo.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Psychiatry Victims of Violence and Stress ProgramUNIFESP, Department of Psychiatry Victims of Violence and Stress ProgramSciEL