59,417 research outputs found

    Dynamically dominant magnetic fields in the diffuse interstellar medium

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    Observations show that magnetic fields in the interstellar medium (ISM) often do not respond to increases in gas density as would be naively expected for a frozen-in field. This may suggest that the magnetic field in the diffuse gas becomes detached from dense clouds as they form. We have investigated this possibility using theoretical estimates, a simple magneto-hydrodynamic model of a flow without mass conservation and numerical simulations of a thermally unstable flow. Our results show that significant magnetic flux can be shed from dense clouds as they form in the diffuse ISM, leaving behind a magnetically dominated diffuse gas.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. In proceedings of IAU Symposium 259: "Cosmic magnetic fields: from planets to stars and galaxies", eds. K.G. Strassmeier, A.G. Kosovichev & J.E. Beckman in pres

    Lagrangian acceleration statistics in turbulent flows

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    We show that the probability densities af accelerations of Lagrangian test particles in turbulent flows as measured by Bodenschatz et al. [Nature 409, 1017 (2001)] are in excellent agreement with the predictions of a stochastic model introduced in [C. Beck, PRL 87, 180601 (2001)] if the fluctuating friction parameter is assumed to be log-normally distributed. In a generalized statistical mechanics setting, this corresponds to a superstatistics of log-normal type. We analytically evaluate all hyperflatnes factors for this model and obtain a flatness prediction in good agreement with the experimental data. There is also good agreement with DNS data of Gotoh et al. We relate the model to a generalized Sawford model with fluctuating parameters, and discuss a possible universality of the small-scale statistics.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Surface energetics and structure of the Ge wetting layer on Si(100)

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    Ge deposited on Si(100) initially forms heteroepitaxial layers, which grow to a critical thickness of ~3 MLs before the appearance of three-dimensional strain relieving structures. Experimental observations reveal that the surface structure of this Ge wetting layer is a dimer vacancy line (DVL) superstructure of the unstrained Ge(100) dimer reconstruction. In the following, the results of first-principles calculations of the thickness dependence of the wetting layer surface excess energy for the c(4Ă—2) and 4Ă—6 DVL surface reconstructions are reported. These results predict a wetting layer critical thickness of ~3 MLs, which is largely unaffected by the presence of dimer vacancy lines. The 4Ă—6 DVL reconstruction is found to be thermodynamically stable with respect to the c(4Ă—2) structure for wetting layers at least 2 ML thick. A strong correlation between the fraction of total surface induced deformation present in the substrate and the thickness dependence of wetting layer surface energy is also shown

    The magnetic field of M31 from multi-wavelength radio polarization observations

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    The configuration of the regular magnetic field in M31 is deduced from radio polarization observations at the wavelengths 6, 11 and 20 cm. By fitting the observed azimuthal distribution of polarization angles, we find that the regular magnetic field, averaged over scales 1--3 kpc, is almost perfectly axisymmetric in the radial range 8 to 14 kpc, and follows a spiral pattern with pitch angles of p\simeq -19\degr to p\simeq -8\degr. In the ring between 6 and 8 kpc a perturbation of the dominant axisymmetric mode may be present, having the azimuthal wave number m=2. A systematic analysis of the observed depolarization allows us to identify the main mechanism for wavelength dependent depolarization -- Faraday rotation measure gradients arising in a magneto-ionic screen above the synchrotron disk. Modelling of the depolarization leads to constraints on the relative scale heights of the thermal and synchrotron emitting layers in M31; the thermal layer is found to be up to three times thicker than the synchrotron disk. The regular magnetic field must be coherent over a vertical scale at least similar to the scale height of the thermal layer, estimated to be h\therm\simeq 1 kpc. Faraday effects offer a powerful method to detect thick magneto-ionic disks or halos around spiral galaxies.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Simulations of the Galaxy Cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301 I: Thermal Model and Shock Properties

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    The giant radio relic in CIZA J2242.8+5301 is likely evidence of a Mpc sized shock in a massive merging galaxy cluster. However, the exact shock properties are still not clearly determined. In particular, the Mach number derived from the integrated radio spectrum exceeds the Mach number derived from the X-ray temperature jump by a factor of two. We present here a numerical study, aiming for a model that is consistent with the majority of observations of this galaxy cluster. We first show that in the northern shock upstream X-ray temperature and radio data are consistent with each other. We then derive progenitor masses for the system using standard density profiles, X-ray properties and the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. We find a class of models that is roughly consistent with weak lensing data, radio data and some of the X-ray data. Assuming a cool-core versus non-cool-core merger, we find a fiducial model with a total mass of 1.6×1015 M⊙1.6 \times 10^{15}\,M_\odot, a mass ratio of 1.76 and a Mach number that is consistent with estimates from the radio spectrum. We are not able to match X-ray derived Mach numbers, because even low mass models over-predict the X-ray derived shock speeds. We argue that deep X-ray observations of CIZA J2242.8+5301 will be able to test our model and potentially reconcile X-ray and radio derived Mach numbers in relics.Comment: 19 pages, 19 figure

    Magnetic fields and spiral arms in the galaxy M51

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    (Abridged) We use new multi-wavelength radio observations, made with the VLA and Effelsberg telescopes, to study the magnetic field of the nearby galaxy M51 on scales from 200\pc to several \kpc. Interferometric and single dish data are combined to obtain new maps at \wwav{3}{6} in total and polarized emission, and earlier \wav{20} data are re-reduced. We compare the spatial distribution of the radio emission with observations of the neutral gas, derive radio spectral index and Faraday depolarization maps, and model the large-scale variation in Faraday rotation in order to deduce the structure of the regular magnetic field. We find that the \wav{20} emission from the disc is severely depolarized and that a dominating fraction of the observed polarized emission at \wav{6} must be due to anisotropic small-scale magnetic fields. Taking this into account, we derive two components for the regular magnetic field in this galaxy: the disc is dominated by a combination of azimuthal modes, m=0+2m=0+2, but in the halo only an m=1m=1 mode is required to fit the observations. We disuss how the observed arm-interarm contrast in radio intensities can be reconciled with evidence for strong gas compression in the spiral shocks. The average arm--interam contrast, representative of the radii r>2\kpc where the spiral arms are broader, is not compatible with straightforward compression: lower arm--interarm contrasts than expected may be due to resolution effects and \emph{decompression} of the magnetic field as it leaves the arms. We suggest a simple method to estimate the turbulent scale in the magneto-ionic medium from the dependence of the standard deviation of the observed Faraday rotation measure on resolution. We thus obtain an estimate of 50\pc for the size of the turbulent eddies.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures (some at lower resolution than submitted version), accepted for publication in MNRA

    Entrance-channel Mass-asymmetry Dependence of Compound-nucleus Formation Time in Light Heavy-ion Reactions

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    The entrance-channel mass-asymmetry dependence of the compound nucleus formation time in light heavy-ion reactions has been investigated within the framework of semiclassical dissipative collision models. the model calculations have been succesfully applied to the formation of the 38^{38}Ar compound nucleus as populated via the 9^{9}Be+29^{29}Si, 11^{11}B+27^{27}Al, 12^{12}C+26^{26}Mg and 19^{19}F+19^{19}F entrance channels. The shape evolution of several other light composite systems appears to be consistent with the so-called "Fusion Inhibition Factor" which has been experimentally observed. As found previously in more massive systems for the fusion-evaporation process, the entrance-channel mass-asymmetry degree of freedom appears to determine the competition between the different mechanisms as well as the time scales involved.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Figures available upon request, Submitted at Phys. Rev.

    Hybrid Atom--Photon Quantum Gate in a Superconducting Microwave Resonator

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    We propose a novel hybrid quantum gate between an atom and a microwave photon in a superconducting coplanar waveguide cavity by exploiting the strong resonant microwave coupling between adjacent Rydberg states. Using experimentally achievable parameters gate fidelities >0.99> 0.99 are possible on sub-ÎĽ\mus timescales for waveguide temperatures below 40 mK. This provides a mechanism for generating entanglement between two disparate quantum systems and represents an important step in the creation of a hybrid quantum interface applicable for both quantum simulation and quantum information processing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Dissecting the spiral galaxy M83: mid-infrared emission and comparison with other tracers of star formation

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    We present a detailed mid-infrared study of the nearby, face-on spiral galaxy M83 based on ISOCAM data. M83 is a unique case study, since a wide variety of MIR broad-band filters as well as spectra, covering the wavelength range of 4 to 18\mu m, were observed and are presented here. Emission maxima trace the nuclear and bulge area, star-formation regions at the end of the bar, as well as the inner spiral arms. The fainter outer spiral arms and interarm regions are also evident in the MIR map. Spectral imaging of the central 3'x3' (4 kpc x 4 kpc) field allows us to investigate five regions of different environments. The various MIR components (very small grains, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules, ionic lines) are analyzed for different regions throughout the galaxy. In the total 4\mu m to 18\mu m wavelength range, the PAHs dominate the luminosity, contributing between 60% in the nuclear and bulge regions and 90% in the less active, interarm regions. Throughout the galaxy, the underlying continuum emission from the small grains is always a smaller contribution in the total MIR wavelength regime, peaking in the nuclear and bulge components. The implications of using broad-band filters only to characterize the mid-infrared emission of galaxies, a commonly used ISOCAM observation mode, are discussed. We present the first quantitative analysis of new H-alpha and 6cm VLA+Effelsberg radio continuum maps of M83. The distribution of the MIR emission is compared with that of the CO, HI, R band, H-alpha and 6cm radio. A striking correlation is found between the intensities in the two mid-infrared filter bands and the 6cm radio continuum. To explain the tight mid-infrared-radio correlation we propose the anchoring of magnetic field lines in the photoionized shells of gas clouds.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in A&
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