27 research outputs found

    The SMART model: Soft Membranes Adapt and Respond, also Transiently, in the presence of antimicrobial peptides:

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    Biophysical and structural studies of peptide-lipid interactions, peptide topology and dynamics have changed our view on how antimicrobial peptides insert and interact with membranes. Clearly, both the peptides and the lipids are highly dynamic, change and mutually adapt their conformation, membrane penetration and detailed morphology on a local and a global level. As a consequence, the peptides and lipids can form a wide variety of supramolecular assemblies in which the more hydrophobic sequences preferentially, but not exclusively, adopt transmembrane alignments and have the potential to form oligomeric structures similar to those suggested by the transmembrane helical bundle model. In contrast, charged amphipathic sequences tend to stay intercalated at the membrane interface where they cause pronounced disruptions of the phospholipid fatty acyl packing. At increasing local or global concentrations, the peptides result in transient membrane openings, rupture and ultimately lysis. Depending on peptide-to-lipid ratio, lipid composition and environmental factors (temperature, buffer composition, ionic strength, etc.), the same peptide sequence can result in a variety of those responses. Therefore, the SMART model has been introduced to cover the full range of possibilities. With such a view in mind, novel antimicrobial compounds have been designed from amphipathic polymers, peptide mimetics, combinations of ultra-short polypeptides with hydrophobic anchors or small designer molecules

    Molecular packing of amphipathic peptides on the surface of lipid membranes

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    When polypeptides bind to the membrane surface, they become confined to a restricted quasi-two-dimensional space where peptide-peptide interactions become highly relevant, and the concept of a crowded medium is appropriate. Within this crowded environment interesting effects like clustering, separation of phases, cooperative alignment, and common movements occur. Here we investigated such effects by measuring distances between fluorophore-labeled peptides in the range </=1 nm by fluorescence self-quenching. For helical peptides with dimensions of approximately 1 x 3 nm such a small "ruler" is sensitive to the packing of the labeled peptides and thereby to their molecular arrangement. A novel approach to characterize peptide-peptide interactions within membranes is presented using the designer peptide LAH4. This sequence changes membrane topology in a controlled manner being transmembrane at neutral conditions but oriented parallel to the surface at low pH. Experimental measurements of the fluorescence self-quenching of close-by chromophores and the changes that occur upon dilution with unlabeled peptides are used to analyze the peptide distribution within the membrane surface. The data show a strong effect of electrostatic interactions and under some experimental conditions clustering of the peptides. Furthermore, the results suggest that at pH 4 the peptides arrange along the membrane surface in an ordered mesophase-like arrangement

    Biophysical Investigations Elucidating the Mechanisms of Action of Antimicrobial Peptides and Their Synergism

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    Biophysical and structural investigations are presented with a focus on the membrane lipid interactions of cationic linear antibiotic peptides such as magainin, PGLa, LL37, and melittin. Observations made with these peptides are distinct as seen from data obtained with the hydrophobic peptide alamethicin. The cationic amphipathic peptides predominantly adopt membrane alignments parallel to the bilayer surface; thus the distribution of polar and non-polar side chains of the amphipathic helices mirror the environmental changes at the membrane interface. Such a membrane partitioning of an amphipathic helix has been shown to cause considerable disruptions in the lipid packing arrangements, transient openings at low peptide concentration, and membrane disintegration at higher peptide-to-lipid ratios. The manifold supramolecular arrangements adopted by lipids and peptides are represented by the 'soft membranes adapt and respond, also transiently' (SMART) model. Whereas molecular dynamics simulations provide atomistic views on lipid membranes in the presence of antimicrobial peptides, the biophysical investigations reveal interesting details on a molecular and supramolecular level, and recent microscopic imaging experiments delineate interesting sequences of events when bacterial cells are exposed to such peptides. Finally, biophysical studies that aim to reveal the mechanisms of synergistic interactions of magainin 2 and PGLa are presented, including unpublished isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), circular dichroism (CD) and dynamic light scattering (DLS) measurements that suggest that the peptides are involved in liposome agglutination by mediating intermembrane interactions. A number of structural events are presented in schematic models that relate to the antimicrobial and synergistic mechanism of amphipathic peptides when they are aligned parallel to the membrane surface.PMC602300

    The histidine-rich peptide LAH4-L1 strongly promotes PAMAM-mediated transfection at low nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in the presence of serum

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    Non-viral vectors are widely used and investigated for the delivery of genetic material into cells. However, gene delivery barriers like lysosomal degradation, serum inhibition and transient gene expression so far still limit their clinical applications. Aiming to overcome these limitations, a pH-sensitive hybrid gene vector (PSL complex) was designed by self-assembly of poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers, the histidine-rich peptide LAH4-L1 and the sleeping beauty transposon system (SB transposon system, a plasmid system capable of efficient and precise genomic insertion). Transfection studies revealed that PSL complexes achieved excellent efficiency in all investigated cell lines (higher than 90% in HeLa cells and over 30% in MDCK cells, a difficult-to-transfect cell line). Additionally, the PSL complexes showed high serum tolerance and exhibited outstanding transfection efficiency even in medium containing 50% serum (higher than 90% in HeLa cells). Moreover, a high level of long-term gene expression (over 30% in HeLa cells) was observed. Furthermore, PSL complexes not only resulted in high endocytosis, but also showed enhanced ability of endosomal escape compared to PAMAM/DNA complexes. These results demonstrate that simple association of PAMAM dendrimers, LAH4-L1 peptides and the SB transposon system by self-assembly is a general and promising strategy for efficient and safe gene delivery.PMC557505

    Simultaneous Analysis of Secondary Structure and Light Scattering from Circular Dichroism Titrations: Application to Vectofusin-1:

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    Circular Dichroism data are often decomposed into their constituent spectra to quantify the secondary structure of peptides or proteins but the estimation of the secondary structure content fails when light scattering leads to spectral distortion. If peptide-induced liposome self-association occurs, subtracting control curves cannot correct for this. We show that if the cause of the light scattering is independent from the peptide structural changes, the CD spectra can be corrected using principal component analysis (PCA). The light scattering itself is analysed and found to be in good agreement with backscattering experiments. This method therefore allows to simultaneously follow structural changes related to peptide-liposome binding as well as peptide induced liposome self-association. We apply this method to study the structural changes and liposome binding of vectofusin-1, a transduction enhancing peptide used in lentivirus based gene therapy. Vectofusin-1 binds to POPC/POPS liposomes, causing a reversal of the negative liposome charge at high peptide concentrations. When the peptide charges exactly neutralise the lipid charges on both leaflets reversible liposome self-association occurs. These results are in good agreement with biological observations and provide further insight into the conditions required for efficent transduction enhancement.PMC517791

    Alamethicin topology in phospholipid membranes by oriented solid-state NMR and EPR spectroscopies: a comparison:

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    Alamethicin, a hydrophobic peptide that is considered a paradigm for membrane channel formation, was uniformly labeled with 15N, reconstituted into oriented phosphatidylcholine bilayers at concentrations of 1 or 5 mol %, and investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy as a function of temperature. Whereas the peptide adopts a transmembrane alignment in POPC bilayers at all temperatures investigated, it switches from a transmembrane to an in-plane orientation in DPPC membranes when passing the phase transition temperature. This behavior can be explained by an increase in membrane hydrophobic thickness and the resulting hydrophobic mismatch condition. Having established the membrane topology of alamethicin at temperatures above and below the phase transition, ESEEM EPR was used to investigate the water accessibility of alamethicin synthetic analogues carrying the electron spin label TOAC residue at one of positions 1, 8, or 16. Whereas in the transmembrane alignment the labels at positions 8 and 16 are screened from the water phase, this is only the case for the latter position when adopting an orientation parallel to the surface. By comparing the EPR and solid-state NMR data of membrane-associated alamethicin it becomes obvious that the TOAC spin labels and the cryo-temperatures required for EPR spectroscopy have less of an effect on the alamethicin-POPC interactions when compared to DPPC. Finally, at P/L ratios of 1/100, spectral line broadening due to spin-spin interactions and thereby peptide oligomerization within the membrane were detected for transmembrane alamethicin

    Solid-State NMR/Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Polypeptides in Planar Supported Lipid Bilayers

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization has been developed to overcome the limitations of the inherently low signal intensity of NMR spectroscopy. This technique promises to be particularly useful for solid-state NMR spectroscopy where the signals are broadened over a larger frequency range and most investigations rely on recording low gamma nuclei. To extend the range of possible investigations, a triple-resonance flat-coil solid-state NMR probe is presented with microwave irradiation capacities allowing the investigation of static samples at temperatures of 100 K, including supported lipid bilayers. The probe performance allows for two-dimensional separated local field experiments with high-power Lee-Goldberg decoupling and cross-polarization under simultaneous irradiation from a gyrotron microwave generator. Efficient cooling of the sample turned out to be essential for best enhancements and line shape and necessitated the development of a dedicated cooling chamber. Furthermore, a new membrane-anchored biradical is presented, and the geometry of supported membranes was optimized not only for good membrane alignment, handling, stability, and filling factor of the coil but also for heat and microwave dissipation. Enhancement factors of 17-fold were obtained, and a two-dimensional PISEMA spectrum of a transmembrane helical peptide was obtained in less than 2 h

    Structure and membrane interactions of the homodimeric antibiotic peptide homotarsinin

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from amphibian skin are valuable template structures to find new treatments against bacterial infections. This work describes for the first time the structure and membrane interactions of a homodimeric AMP. Homotarsinin, which was found in Phyllomedusa tarsius anurans, consists of two identical cystine-linked polypeptide chains each of 24 amino acid residues. The high-resolution structures of the monomeric and dimeric peptides were determined in aqueous buffers. The dimer exhibits a tightly packed coiled coil three-dimensional structure, keeping the hydrophobic residues screened from the aqueous environment. An overall cationic surface of the dimer assures enhanced interactions with negatively charged membranes. An extensive set of biophysical data allowed us to establish structure-function correlations with antimicrobial assays against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Although both peptides present considerable antimicrobial activity, the dimer is significantly more effective in both antibacterial and membrane biophysical assays.PMC524437