524 research outputs found

    A Functional and Lagrangian Formulation of Two-Dimensional Topological Gravity

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    We reconsider two-dimensional topological gravity in a functional and lagrangian framework. We derive its Slavnov-Taylor identities and discuss its (in)dependence on the background gauge. Correlators of reparamerization invariant observables are shown to be globally defined forms on moduli space. The potential obstruction to their gauge-independence is the non-triviality of the line bundle on moduli space Lx{\cal L}_x, whose first Chern-class is associated to the topological invariants of Mumford, Morita and Miller. Based on talks given at the Fubini Fest, Torino, 24-26 February 1994, and at the Workshop on String Theory, Trieste, 20-22 April 1994.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac, CERN-TH-7302/94, GEF-Th-6/199

    Finiteness of 2D Topological BF-Theory with Matter Coupling

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    We study the ultraviolet and the infrared behavior of 2D topological BF-Theory coupled to vector and scalar fields. This model is equivalent to 2D gravity coupled to topological matter. Using techniques of the algebraic renormalization program we show that this model is anomaly free and ultraviolet as well as infrared finite at all orders of perturbation theory.Comment: 17 pages, Late

    On a class of embeddings of massive Yang-Mills theory

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    A power-counting renormalizable model into which massive Yang-Mills theory is embedded is analyzed. The model is invariant under a nilpotent BRST differential s. The physical observables of the embedding theory, defined by the cohomology classes of s in the Faddeev-Popov neutral sector, are given by local gauge-invariant quantities constructed only from the field strength and its covariant derivatives.Comment: LATEX, 34 pages. One reference added. Version published in the journa

    Gauge Invariance, the Quantum Action Principle, and the Renormalization Group

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    If the Wilsonian renormalization group (RG) is formulated with a cutoff that breaks gauge invariance, then gauge invariance may be recovered only once the cutoff is removed and only once a set of effective Ward identities is imposed. We show that an effective Quantum Action Principle can be formulated in perturbation theory which enables the effective Ward identities to be solved order by order, even if the theory requires non-vanishing subtraction points. The difficulties encountered with non-perturbative approximations are briefly discussed.Comment: 11 pages, latex, no figures, one reference added, version to be published on Phys. Lett.

    From Koszul duality to Poincar\'e duality

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    We discuss the notion of Poincar\'e duality for graded algebras and its connections with the Koszul duality for quadratic Koszul algebras. The relevance of the Poincar\'e duality is pointed out for the existence of twisted potentials associated to Koszul algebras as well as for the extraction of a good generalization of Lie algebras among the quadratic-linear algebras.Comment: Dedicated to Raymond Stora. 27 page

    Algebraic Properties of BRST Coupled Doublets

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    We characterize the dependence on doublets of the cohomology of an arbitrary nilpotent differential s (including BRST differentials and classical linearized Slavnov-Taylor (ST) operators) in terms of the cohomology of the doublets-independent component of s. All cohomologies are computed in the space of local integrated formal power series. We drop the usual assumption that the counting operator for the doublets commutes with s (decoupled doublets) and discuss the general case where the counting operator does not commute with s (coupled doublets). The results are purely algebraic and do not rely on power-counting arguments.Comment: Some explanations enlarged, references adde

    Rigid invariance as derived from BRS invariance: The abelian Higgs model

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    Consequences of a symmetry, e.g.\ relations amongst Green functions, are renormalization scheme independently expressed in terms of a rigid Ward identity. The corresponding local version yields information on the respective current. In the case of spontaneous breakdown one has to define the theory via the BRS invariance and thus to construct rigid and current Ward identity non-trivially in accordance with it. We performed this construction to all orders of perturbation theory in the abelian Higgs model as a prelude to the standard model. A technical tool of interest in itself is the use of a doublet of external scalar ``background'' fields. The Callan-Symanzik equation has an interesting form and follows easily once the rigid invariance is established.Comment: 33 pages, Plain Te

    Slavnov-Taylor Parameterization for the Quantum Restoration of BRST Symmetries in Anomaly-Free Gauge Theories

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    It is shown that the problem of the recursive restoration of the Slavnov-Taylor (ST) identities at the quantum level for anomaly-free gauge theories is equivalent to the problem of parameterizing the local approximation to the quantum effective action in terms of ST functionals, associated with the cohomology classes of the classical linearized ST operator. The ST functionals of dimension <=4 correspond to the invariant counterterms, those of dimension >4 generate the non-symmetric counterterms upon projection on the action-like sector. At orders higher than one in the loop expansion there are additional contributions to the non-invariant counterterms, arising from known lower order terms. They can also be parameterized by using the ST functionals. We apply the method to Yang-Mills theory in the Landau gauge with an explicit mass term introduced in a BRST-invariant way via a BRST doublet. Despite being non-unitary, this model provides a good example where the method devised in the paper can be applied to derive the most general solution for the action-like part of the quantum effective action, compatible with the fulfillment of the ST identities and the other relevant symmetries of the model, to all orders in the loop expansion. The full dependence of the solution on the normalization conditions is given.Comment: 23 pages. Final version published in the journa

    Sum rules for e+eW+We^+e^- \to W^+W^- helicity amplitudes from BRS invariance

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    The BRS invariance of the electroweak gauge theory leads to relationships between amplitudes with external massive gauge bosons and amplitudes where some of these gauge bosons are replaced with their corresponding Nambu-Goldstone bosons. Unlike the equivalence theorem, these identities are exact at all energies. In this paper we discuss such identities which relate the process e+eW+We^+e^- \to W^+W^- to W±χW^\pm\chi^\mp and χ+χ\chi^+\chi^- production. By using a general form-factor decomposition for e+eW+We^+e^- \to W^+W^-, e+eW±χe^+e^- \to W^\pm \chi^\mp and e+eχ+χe^+e^- \to \chi^+\chi^- amplitudes, these identities are expressed as sum rules among scalar form factors. Because these sum rules may be applied order by order in perturbation theory, they provide a powerful test of higher order calculations. By using additional Ward-Takahashi identities we find that the various contributions are divided into separately gauge-invariant subsets, the sum rules applying independently to each subset. After a general discussion of the application of the sum rules we consider the one-loop contributions of scalar-fermions in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model as an illustration.Comment: 37 pages, including 16 figure

    BRS Cohomology of the Supertranslations in D=4

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    Supersymmetry transformations are a kind of square root of spacetime translations. The corresponding Lie superalgebra always contains the supertranslation operator δ=cασαβ˙μcβ˙(ϵμ) \delta = c^{\alpha} \sigma^{\mu}_{\alpha \dot \beta} {\overline c}^{\dot \beta} (\epsilon^{\mu})^{\dag} . We find that the cohomology of this operator depends on a spin-orbit coupling in an SU(2) group and has a quite complicated structure. This spin-orbit type coupling will turn out to be basic in the cohomology of supersymmetric field theories in general.Comment: 14 pages, CTP-TAMU-13/9