291 research outputs found

    The Cerebellopontile Angle, The Blood Supply of the Brain Stem and the Reticular Formation: Anatomical and Functional Correlations Relevant to Surgery of Acoustic Tumors

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    The cerebellopontile angle and the vascular supply of the adjacent brain stem and cerebellum are susceptible to compression and damage by tumor and may be injured, directly or indirectly, during surgery. Awareness of the normal anatomical features of the region is valuable to the neuropathologist, the neurosurgeon and the neuro-otologist. Following is the first of a two-part presentation which describes the anatomy of the cerebellopontile angle, the vascular supply of the brain stem and its pathophysiology

    Aonni Mineral Water Plant

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    Etiology Of Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

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    The organic Charolais suckler farmers of the French Massif Central sell most of their animals on the conventional market. The high cost of the inputs, and in particular the concentrates, is an incentive for these suckler farmers to seek a high degree of food self-sufficiency on their farms. This self-sufficiency is reached through good management of grass and especially through cereal crops for animal feeding. The strong limitation of the inputs does not affect the numerical productivity or the health of the herd, but it entails lower meat productivity per animal and per hectare. However, the operational cost savings make it possible to maintain income per hectare at the same level as that of conventional farms

    An organic suckler cattle farming system in the Massif Central: analysis of technical and economic results.

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    in the Massif Central. An organic suckler cattle farm network was set up in order to establish technical and economic references. In 2004, 22 farms were monitored (13 of which had been monitored since 2001). All of these farms are located in economically-depressed areas. One hundred percent of the fodder area is under grassland. Annual crops (cereals and a cereal/pulse mix) take up 13% of the farm area and are used as livestock feed. The stocking rate (1 Livestock Unit/ha of fodder area) is 20% lower on organic farms than on conventional farms. Organic farms use 33% less concentrates per LU, and the meat production/LU is 16% lower than for conventional farms. The poorly structured organic beef market forces organic farmers to sell most of their animals (mainly store animals, since fattened animals represent only 43% of the animals sold) on the conventional market without getting premium prices. Since only fattened animals are sold on the organic market at a premium price, the average selling price (€/kg live-weight) of all the animals sold is only 12% higher for organically-bred than for conventionally-bred animals. However, because of lower operational costs (-35% for herd and fodder area costs), the bovine gross margin/LU is 3% higher for OF than for conventionally-bred animals. The lower stocking rate leads to a lower gross product per hectare of farm area. Since this result is balanced by a very low level of operational costs (no chemical inputs), the economic efficiency of the OF system is higher than that of the conventional system. The farm income per worker is the same in both systems. The search for feed self-sufficiency at the farm scale is a crucial element in farm economics, but it is only possible on mixed-crop livestock farms where cropping is possible with adapted crop rotation. The grassland farms, which are the least self-sufficient and have to purchase all the concentrates needed, must sell all their animals on the organic market to get the premium price that will then enable them to buy the inputs not produced on the farm

    Impacts possibles de la réforme de la PAC de juin 2003 et de ses différentes options d'application sur des exploitations d'élevages bovins allaitants

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    La dernière réforme de la PAC poursuit celle de 1992, elle-même confirmée par l'Agenda 2000, dans le découplage des soutiens directs à la production. Afin de voir les adaptations des exploitations d'élevage bovin allaitant, des simulations de différentes options d'application de la réforme ont été faites pour les principaux cas d'exploitations, plus ou moins intensives, naisseurs ou naisseurs-engraisseurs de taurillons ou de boeufs, avec plus ou moins de cultures, situées dans les 3 régions charolaise, limousine et Pays de Loire. Les tendances qui se dégagent, après adaptations à prix stables, soutiens globalement maintenus et à superficie constante, sont la faible incidence sur le résultat économique, la réduction des cultures au profit des prairies et du cheptel, l'augmentation du nombre de vaches après diminution dans la situation de référence, le maintien de la finition des femelles avec les rapports de prix entre catégories de 1998, et l'engraissement des mâles plus difficile mais maintenu dans certaines options dans les systèmes naisseurs-engraisseurs étudiés.

    Modifying genetic epilepsies - Results from studies on tuberous sclerosis complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant neurocutaneous disorder affecting approximately 1 in 6,000 in general population and represents one of the most common genetic causes of epilepsy. Epilepsy affects 90% of the patients and appears in the first 2 years of life in the majority of them. Early onset of epilepsy in the first year of life is associated with high risk of cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric problems including autism. Recently TSC has been recognized as a model of genetic epilepsies. TSC is a genetic condition with known dysregulated mTOR pathway and is increasingly viewed as a model for human epileptogenesis. Moreover, TSC is characterized by a hyperactivation of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway, and mTOR activation was showed to be implicated in epileptogenesis in many animal models and human epilepsies. Recently published studies documented positive effect of preventive or disease modifying treatment of epilepsy in infants with high risk of epilepsy with significantly lower incidence of epilepsy and better cognitive outcome. Further studies on preventive treatment of epilepsy in other genetic epilepsies of early childhood are considered. This article is part of the special issue entitled \u27New Epilepsy Therapies for the 21st Century - From Antiseizure Drugs to Prevention, Modification and Cure of Epilepsy\u27

    The Effect Of Maternal Hypoxia Upon Fetal Dental Enamel

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    Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Torula-Meningoencephalitis

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    Es werden 4 Fälle von Torula-Meningoencephalitis beschrieben. Die histologische Untersuchung ergab, daß, entgegen der bisher herrschenden Lehrmeinung, gliöse Reaktionen am Hirngewebe beobachtet werden können. Wird die Pia-Glia-Membran des Virchow-Robin schen Raumes von den Erregern durchdrungen, so kommt es zur Bildung von Monstregliazellen, unter Umständen auch zur Wucherung mikrogliöser Elemente. Bezüglich der Prozeßausbreitung im Nervensystem ist festzustellen, daß diese vorwiegend nach dem Prinzip der Fortleitung von den Meningen her erfolgt. Indessen muß zur Erklärung isolierter Herdchen in den tieferen Hirnbezirken auch eine hämatogene Metastasierung angenommen werden.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41753/1/415_2004_Article_BF00217990.pd