139 research outputs found

    Astronomical Anomalies: Their Role in the Quest for Extraterrestrial Life

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    Astronomers occasionally detect an object having unexpected shape, unexplainable photometry, or unprecedented spectra that are inconsistent with our contemporary knowledge of the universe. Upon careful assessment, many of these anomalies are discarded as mere noise, contamination, or faulty analysis. But some anomalies survive scrutiny to yield new astronomical objects and physical processes. Examples of validated anomalies include quasars, pulsars, and periodic Doppler shifts of Sun-like stars caused by the gravitational pull of orbiting planets. Other anomalies persist as mysteries, including Fast Radio Bursts, dark energy, 'Oumuamua as an alien spaceship, and simultaneously vanishing stars. Advanced technological life may present astronomers with anomalies that require carefully designed observations from multiple vantage points simultaneously and with real-time spectroscopy.Comment: 9 pages. This paper is for the general publi

    Data-driven dissection of emission-line regions in Seyfert galaxies

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    Indirectly resolving the line-emitting gas regions in distant Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) requires both high-resolution photometry and spectroscopy (i.e. through reverberation mapping). Emission in AGN originates on widely different scales; the broad-line region (BLR) has a typical radius less than a few parsec, the narrow-line region (NLR) extends out to hundreds of parsecs. But emission also appears on large scales from heated nebulae in the host galaxies (tenths of kpc). We propose a novel, data-driven method based on correlations between emission-line fluxes to identify which of the emission lines are produced in the same kind of emission-line regions. We test the method on Seyfert galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7) and Galaxy Zoo project. We demonstrate the usefulness of the method on Seyfert-1s and Seyfert-2 objects, showing similar narrow-line regions (NLRs). Preliminary results from comparing Seyfert-2s in spiral and elliptical galaxy hosts suggest that the presence of particular emission lines in the NLR depends both on host morphology and eventual radio-loudness. Finally, we explore an apparent linear relation between the final correlation coefficient obtained from the method and time lags as measured in reverberation mapping for Zw229-015.Comment: Accepted into Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Reciclaje : ¿Cuestión ambiental? ¿Social? o ¿Cuestión socioambiental?. Producción colectiva de lxs recicladorxs de la Economía Popular organizadxs en cooperativa

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    Trabajo Final para optar al Grado Académico de Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2022.Fil: Castillo Sosa, María José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social; Argentina.Fil: Villarroel, Vanesa Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social; Argentina.El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad, dar cuenta de las prácticas pre-profesionales de la Licenciatura en Trabajo Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) realizadas en Cooperativa de trabajo La Victoria Ltda. La temática que se aborda es la del trabajo cooperativo, sus principios y valores en un contexto de lucha por el reconocimiento como recicladorxs dentro de la Gestión Integral e Inclusiva de Residuos Sólidos Urbanos (GIIRSU). Concepto central para nuestra temática ya que ésta permite disminuir los residuos generados para reducir sus impactos asociados y los costos de su manejo, a fin de minimizar los potenciales daños que causan al hombre y al ambiente. A su vez la integralidad inclusiva requiere impulsar procesos de participación ciudadana. Nos insertamos a través de un instrumento de relevamiento y diagnóstico a los fines de generar dispositivos que permitan la (re)construcción de espacios de participación, protagonismo, de fortalecimiento y organización interna, vinculado a valores y principios cooperativos, cultura de cooperación y espíritu comunitario. El objeto de sistematización del presente trabajo está constituido entonces, por los procesos de participación y reconocimiento del trabajo cooperativo, los avances, contradicciones y facilitadores que tiene el mismo, recuperando las voces de lxs asociadxs de la Cooperativa de reciclaje La Victoria Ltda. de la ciudad de Córdoba.Fil: Castillo Sosa, María José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social; Argentina.Fil: Villarroel, Vanesa Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Licenciatura en Trabajo Social; Argentina

    Estética de la sonrisa

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    Al menos existen tres componentes para evaluar la sonrisa: labios, dientes y encía. El labio inferior debe formar una curva natural, con las comisuras de la boca hacia arriba, y los bordes incisales deben seguir la curva del labio. Cuando se ve alterado, la sonrisa del paciente se ve afectada.Facultad de OdontologíaUniversidad Nacional de Cuy

    A bright triple transient that vanished within 50 minutes

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    We report on three optically bright, ~15th mag, point-sources within 10 arcsec of each other that vanished within 1 hour, based on two consecutive exposures at Palomar Observatory on 1952 July 19 (POSS I Red and Blue). The three point-sources have continued to be absent in telescope exposures during 71 years with detection thresholds of ~21st mag. We obtained two deep exposures with the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias on 25 and 27 April 2023 in r and g-band, both reaching magnitude 25.5 (3-sigma). The three point-sources are still absent, implying they have dimmed by more than 10 magnitudes within an hour. When bright in 1952, the most isolated transient source has a profile nearly the same as comparison stars, implying the sources are sub-arcsec in angular size and they exhibit no elongation due to movement. This triple transient has observed properties similar to other cases where groups of transients ("multiple transients") have appeared and vanished in a small region within a plate exposure. The explanation for these three transients and the previously reported cases remains unclear. Models involving background objects that are optically luminous for less than one hour coupled with foreground gravitational lensing seem plausible. If so, a significant population of massive objects with structure serving as the lenses, to produce three images, are required to explain the hundreds of sub-hour transients.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRA