24 research outputs found

    The G Protein-Coupled Receptor RAI3 Is an Independent Prognostic Factor for Pancreatic Cancer Survival and Regulates Proliferation via STAT3 Phosphorylation

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    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the deadliest tumors worldwide. Understanding the function of gene expression alterations is a prerequisite for developing new strategies in diagnostic and therapy. GPRC5A (RAI3), coding for a seven transmembrane G protein-coupled receptor is known to be overexpressed in pancreatic cancer and might be an interesting candidate for therapeutic intervention. Expression levels of RAI3 were compared using a tissue microarray of 435 resected patients with pancreatic cancer as well as 209 samples from chronic pancreatitis (CP), intra-ductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) and normal pancreatic tissue. To elucidate the function of RAI3 overexpression, siRNA based knock-down was used and transfected cells were analyzed using proliferation and migration assays. Pancreatic cancer patients showed a statistically significant overexpression of RAI3 in comparison to normal and chronic pancreatitis tissue. Especially the loss of apical RAI3 expression represents an independent prognostic parameter for overall survival of patients with pancreatic cancer. Suppression of GPRC5a results in decreased cell growth, proliferation and migration in pancreatic cancer cell lines via a STAT3 modulated pathway, independent from ERK activation

    Deep learning improves pancreatic cancer diagnosis using RNA-based variants

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    For optimal pancreatic cancer treatment, early and accurate diagnosis is vital. Blood-derived biomarkers and genetic predispositions can contribute to early diagnosis, but they often have limited accuracy or applicability. Here, we seek to exploit the synergy between them by combining the biomarker CA19-9 with RNA-based variants. We use deep sequencing and deep learning to improve differentiating pancreatic cancer and chronic pancreatitis. We obtained samples of nucleated cells found in peripheral blood from 268 patients suffering from resectable, non-resectable pancreatic cancer, and chronic pancreatitis. We sequenced RNA with high coverage and obtained millions of variants. The high-quality variants served as input together with CA19-9 values to deep learning models. Our model achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 96% in differentiating resectable cancer from pancreatitis using a test cohort. Moreover, we identified variants to estimate survival in resectable cancer. We show that the blood transcriptome harbours variants, which can substantially improve noninvasive clinical diagnosis

    Проект узла гидрирования сернистых соединений

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    Конструирование аппарата для гидрирования сернистых соединений содержащихся в природном газе, а также исследование методов очистки природного газа.Designing an apparatus for hydrogenating sulfur compounds in natural gas, and studying methods for purifying natural gas

    Google Goes Cancer: Improving Outcome Prediction for Cancer Patients by Network-Based Ranking of Marker Genes

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    Predicting the clinical outcome of cancer patients based on the expression of marker genes in their tumors has received increasing interest in the past decade. Accurate predictors of outcome and response to therapy could be used to personalize and thereby improve therapy. However, state of the art methods used so far often found marker genes with limited prediction accuracy, limited reproducibility, and unclear biological relevance. To address this problem, we developed a novel computational approach to identify genes prognostic for outcome that couples gene expression measurements from primary tumor samples with a network of known relationships between the genes. Our approach ranks genes according to their prognostic relevance using both expression and network information in a manner similar to Google's PageRank. We applied this method to gene expression profiles which we obtained from 30 patients with pancreatic cancer, and identified seven candidate marker genes prognostic for outcome. Compared to genes found with state of the art methods, such as Pearson correlation of gene expression with survival time, we improve the prediction accuracy by up to 7%. Accuracies were assessed using support vector machine classifiers and Monte Carlo cross-validation. We then validated the prognostic value of our seven candidate markers using immunohistochemistry on an independent set of 412 pancreatic cancer samples. Notably, signatures derived from our candidate markers were independently predictive of outcome and superior to established clinical prognostic factors such as grade, tumor size, and nodal status. As the amount of genomic data of individual tumors grows rapidly, our algorithm meets the need for powerful computational approaches that are key to exploit these data for personalized cancer therapies in clinical practice

    CFTR Expression Analysis for Subtyping of Human Pancreatic Cancer Organoids

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    Background. Organoid cultures of human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have become a promising tool for tumor subtyping and individualized chemosensitivity testing. PDACs have recently been grouped into different molecular subtypes with clinical impact based on cytokeratin-81 (KRT81) and hepatocyte nuclear factor 1A (HNF1A). However, a suitable antibody for HNF1A is currently unavailable. The present study is aimed at establishing subtyping in PDAC organoids using an alternative marker. Methods. A PDAC organoid biobank was generated from human primary tumor samples containing 22 lines. Immunofluorescence staining was established and done for 10 organoid lines for cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) and KRT81. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) was performed for CFTR and HNF1A. A chemotherapeutic drug response analysis was done using gemcitabine, 5-FU, oxaliplatin, and irinotecan. Results. A biobank of patient-derived PDAC organoids was established. The efficiency was 71% (22/31) with 68% for surgical resections and 83% for fine needle aspirations. Organoids could be categorized into the established quasimesenchymal, exocrine-like, and classical subtypes based on KRT81 and CFTR immunoreactivity. CFTR protein expression was confirmed on the transcript level. CFTR and HNF1A transcript expression levels positively correlated (n=10; r=0.927; p=0.001). PDAC subtypes of the primary tumors and the corresponding organoid lines were identical for most of the cases analyzed (6/7). Treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs revealed tendencies but no significant differences regarding drug responses. Conclusions. Human PDAC organoids can be classified into known subtypes based on KRT81 and CFTR immunoreactivity. CFTR and HNF1A mRNA levels correlated well. Furthermore, subtype-specific immunoreactivity matched well between PDAC organoids and the respective primary tumor tissue. Subtyping of human PDACs using CFTR might constitute an alternative to HNF1A and should be further investigated

    Gene Expression Profiling of Microdissected Pancreatic Ductal Carcinomas Using High-Density DNA Microarrays,

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains an important cause of malignancy-related death and is the eighth most common cancer with the lowest overall 5-year relative survival rate. To identify new molecular markers and candidates for new therapeutic regimens, we investigated the gene expression profile of microdissected cells from 11 normal pancreatic ducts, 14 samples of PDAC, and 4 well-characterized pancreatic cancer cell lines using the Affymetrix U133 GeneChip set. RNA was extracted from microdissected samples and cell lines, amplified, and labeled using a repetitive in vitro transcription protocol. Differentially expressed genes were identified using the significance analysis of microarrays program. We found 616 differentially expressed genes. Within these, 140 were also identified in PDAC by others, such as Galectin-1, Galectin-3, and MT-SP2. We validated the differential expression of several genes (e.g., CENPF, MCM2, MCM7, RAMP, IRAK1, and PTTG1) in PDAC by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. We present a whole genome expression study of microdissected tissues from PDAC, from microdissected normal ductal pancreatic cells and pancreatic cancer cell lines using highdensity microarrays. Within the panel of genes, we identified novel differentially expressed genes, which have not been associated with the pathogenesis of PDAC before