30 research outputs found

    Military Manpower in Late Mongol and Timurid Iran

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    It is common to introduce a neglected historical source at a conference; I want to do something a little different and introduce a neglected group of people – the local military population of Iran in the late Mongol and the Timurid period. We know that Iranian troops were widely used during the Mongol period, and we also know that under the Timurids the local military of Iran took part in most large campaigns and many minor ones, but these troops and most of their commanders have remained sha..

    The sympathomimetic agonist mirabegron did not lower JAK2-V617F allele burden, but restored nestin-positive cells and reduced reticulin fibrosis in patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms: results of phase II study SAKK 33/14

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    The β-3 sympathomimetic agonist BRL37344 restored nestin-positive cells within the stem cell niche, and thereby normalized blood counts and improved myelofibrosis in a mouse model of JAK2-V617F positive myeloproliferative neoplasms. We therefore tested the effectiveness of mirabegron, a β-3 sympathomimetic agonist, in a phase II trial including 39 JAK2-V617F positive MPN with a mutant allele burden >20%. Treatment consisted of mirabegron 50 mg daily for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint, reduction of the JAK2-V617F allele burden ≥50%, was not reached in any of the patients. One patient achieved a 25% reduction in JAK2-V617F allele burden by 24 weeks. A small subgroup of patients showed hematological improvement. As a side study, bone marrow biopsies were evaluated in 20 patients.We found an increase in the nestin+ cells from a median of 1.09 (interquartile range 0.38-3.27)/mm2 to 3.95 (interquartile range 1.98-8.79)/mm2 (p<0.0001) and a slight decrease of reticulin fibrosis from a median grade of 1.0 (interquartile range 0-3) to 0.5 (interquartile range 0-2) (p=0.01) between start and end of mirabegron treatment. Despite the fact that the primary endpoint of reducing JAK2-V617F allele burden was not reached, the observed effects on nestin+ MSCs and reticulin fibrosis is encouraging and shows that mirabegron can modify the microenvironment where the JAK2-mutant stem cells are maintained

    Dentin tubule obturation of a bioglass-based dentin desensitizer under repeated exposure to lactid acid and brushing

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    BACKGROUND: Dentin hypersensitivity is a frequent finding especially in periodontitis patients. Conventional treatment aims for obstruction of dentin tubules by disabling liquid and osmotic fluctuation to and from the pulpal chamber. A novel bioglass-based desensitizer was shown to obstruct tubules and to resist periodic exposure to lactic acid. Whether this obstruction is resistant to brushing had not been tested so far. Accordingly, the present study aimed to assess dentin tubule obstruction after repeated acid exposure and brushing. METHODS: Sixty dentin discs were cleaned with 17% EDTA, mounted into a pulp fluid simulator and randomly divided into 3 groups: No surface treatment in Group A, Seal&Protect® in group B and DentinoCer in group C. Discs were exposed to 0.1 M non-saturated lactic acid thrice and standardized brushing twice a day for 12 days. At baseline and after 2, 4 and 12 d samples were removed from the setting and prepared for top-view SEM analysis to assess tubule obstruction using the Olley score. Discs were then vertically cut and the section surface morphologically assessed using backscatter imaging. For both vertical and sectional surfaces EDX analysis was used to characterize the surface composition in the tubular and inter-tubular area. RESULTS: Group A showed clean tubular lumina at all time points. From day 2 onwards dentin showed exposed collagen fibers. Group 2 initially showed a complete surface coverage that flattened out during treatment without ever exposing tubules. At baseline, samples of Group C displayed a complete homogeneous coverage. From day 2 on tubules entrances with obstructed lumen became visible. While on day 4 and 12 the dentin surface exposed collagen fibers the lumina remained closed. EDX analysis of the vertical and horizontal views showed that P and Ca were predominant elements in both the inter- and tubular dentin while Si peaks were found in the tubule plugs. CONCLUSION: While group B displayed a packed layer on the surface during the whole investigation time group C samples lost their superficial layer within 48 h. Tubule plugs containing considerable Si proportions indicated previous presence of DentinoCer, while high Ca and P proportions suggest obturation by dentin-like material. KEYWORDS: Bioglass; Dentin sensitivity; Desensitizer; Electron microscopy; Hypersensitivit

    Correction to: Performance of a bioglass-based dentine desensitizer under lactid acid exposition: an in-vitro study

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    BACKGROUND: Dentine hypersensitivity is especially frequent in patients with pronounced periodontal attachment loss. Aim of the treatment is an obstruction of the dentine tubules in order to inhibit liquid or osmotic motion, which is considered as trigger for pain sensations. Novel approaches aim for obstruction by calcium phosphate compounds in order to rely on biocompatible compounds. It was the aim of the study to optically investigate the morphology and to assess the fluid permeability of treated dentine surfaces. METHODS: Dentine discs were pretreated in an ultrasonic bath with 17% EDTA to clean the lumina of the dentine tubules. Samples of group A remained untreated while Seal&Protect® as a conventional desensitizer was applied for group B and DentinoCer in group C. Discs were mounted into a pulp fluid simulator (PFS) with a methylene blue solution in order to create a flow pressure of 0.5 bar. Over 12 d, discs were exposed three times per day to 0.1 M nonsaturated lactic acid. At baseline and after 2, 8 and 12 d samples were removed from PFS and prepared for SEM analysis. Tubule obstruction was assessed quantitatively using Olley scores and by qualitative description of the surface. Absorption spectrometry was used to assess the concentration of leaked methylene blue outside the samples in order to estimate dentine permeability. RESULTS: Untreated discs showed clean lumina of all tubules at all time points and magnifications. From day 2 onwards dentine showed exposed collagene fibers due to acid exposition. Seal&Protect® initially showed homogenous dentine surface coverage that got a more granulomatous aspect in the course of treatment time. Few samples showed sporadic tubules with open lumen at day 8 and 12. Group C showed samples with a homogeneous, even surface. Narrow slits in the superficial layer are visible from day 4 on, but the dentine surface remained invisible and dentine tubules were closed till the end of the investigation period. CONCLUSION: Over 12 d of lactid acid exposure, samples showed complete coverage of the dentine tubules in the chosen in-vitro-model when treated with Seal&Protect® or DentinoCer. KEYWORDS: Dentine sensitivity; Desensitizer; Electron microscopy; Hypersensitivity; Periodontiti

    Mongol History rewritten and relived

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    L'Histoire fut une base importante de légitimation et de précédents pour le Moyen-Orient médiéval, à la fois pour les gouvernants et pour leurs sujets. En Iran et en Asie centrale, l'histoire la plus récente et la plus riche d'enseignement fut celle de la conquête et de la souveraineté mongoles ; ceci fut vrai pour les Iraniens comme pour la classe dirigeante turco-mongole. Dans l'histoire dynastique comme dans l'histoire régionale, nous percevons une constante élaboration des données, en particulier sur le problème de la division de l'empire mongol, et sur celui de l'islamisation. Dans cet article, l'auteur examine l'utilisation de l'histoire par divers dirigeants qui tentèrent d'accroître leur prestige et de légitimer leur gouvernement par une imitation active des souverains anciens et par la manipulation des souvenirs historiques. Par leurs actions publiques, Tamerlan et son rival Jötchide Tokhtamish, se réfèrent à la fois à la carrière de Gengis Khan et aux anciennes rivalités entre les Ilkhans et la Horde d'Or. Shāhrukh, qui utilisa l'islam comme partie intégrante de sa légitimisation, imita Ghazan, le khan islamisateur. Pour comprendre la carrière de ces chefs, nous devons comprendre les précédents historiques auxquels se référaient leurs actions et la façon dont ils voyaient l'histoire mongole

    Performance of a bioglass-based dentine desensitizer under lactid acid exposition: an in-vitro study

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    Abstract Background Dentine hypersensitivity is especially frequent in patients with pronounced periodontal attachment loss. Aim of the treatment is an obstruction of the dentine tubules in order to inhibit liquid or osmotic motion, which is considered as trigger for pain sensations. Novel approaches aim for obstruction by calcium phosphate compounds in order to rely on biocompatible compounds. It was the aim of the study to optically investigate the morphology and to assess the fluid permeability of treated dentine surfaces. Methods Dentine discs were pretreated in an ultrasonic bath with 17% EDTA to clean the lumina of the dentine tubules. Samples of group A remained untreated while Seal&Protect® as a conventional desensitizer was applied for group B and DentinoCer in group C. Discs were mounted into a pulp fluid simulator (PFS) with a methylene blue solution in order to create a flow pressure of 0.5 bar. Over 12 d, discs were exposed three times per day to 0.1 M nonsaturated lactic acid. At baseline and after 2, 8 and 12 d samples were removed from PFS and prepared for SEM analysis. Tubule obstruction was assessed quantitatively using Olley scores and by qualitative description of the surface. Absorption spectrometry was used to assess the concentration of leaked methylene blue outside the samples in order to estimate dentine permeability. Results Untreated discs showed clean lumina of all tubules at all time points and magnifications. From day 2 onwards dentine showed exposed collagene fibers due to acid exposition. Seal&Protect® initially showed homogenous dentine surface coverage that got a more granulomatous aspect in the course of treatment time. Few samples showed sporadic tubules with open lumen at day 8 and 12. Group C showed samples with a homogeneous, even surface. Narrow slits in the superficial layer are visible from day 4 on, but the dentine surface remained invisible and dentine tubules were closed till the end of the investigation period. Conclusion Over 12 d of lactid acid exposure, samples showed complete coverage of the dentine tubules in the chosen in-vitro-model when treated with Seal&Protect® or DentinoCer