23 research outputs found

    Current State of Reporting Pain Outcomes in Cochrane Reviews of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Conditions and Considerations for an OMERACT Research Agenda

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    Objective. To assess the current state of reporting of pain outcomes in Cochrane reviews on chronic musculoskeletal painful conditions and to elicit opinions of patients, healthcare practitioners, and methodologists on presenting pain outcomes to patients, clinicians, and policymakers. Methods. We identified all reviews in the Cochrane Library of chronic musculoskeletal pain conditions from Cochrane review groups (Back, Musculoskeletal, and Pain, Palliative, and Supportive Care) that contained a summary of findings (SoF) table. We extracted data on reported pain domains and instruments and conducted a survey and interviews on considerations for SoF tables (e.g., pain domains, presentation of results). Results. Fifty-seven SoF tables in 133 Cochrane reviews were eligible. SoF tables reported pain in 56/57, with all presenting results for pain intensity (20 different outcome instruments), pain interference in 8 SoF tables (5 different outcome instruments), and pain frequency in 1 multiple domain instrument. Other domains like pain quality or pain affect were not reported. From the survey and interviews [response rate 80% (36/45)], we derived 4 themes for a future research agenda: pain domains, considerations for assessing truth, discrimination, and feasibility; clinically important thresholds for responder analyses and presenting results; and establishing hierarchies of outcome instruments. Conclusion. There is a lack of standardization in the domains of pain selected and the manner that pain outcomes are reported in SoF tables, hampering efforts to synthesize evidence. Future research should focus on the themes identified, building partnerships to achieve consensus and develop guidance on best practices for reporting pain outcomes

    Rizoremediação de pentaclorofenol em um solo argiloso por sphingomonas chlorophenolica ATCC 39723 Pentachlorophenol rhizoremediation in a loamy soil by sphingomonas chlorophenolica ATCC 39723

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    O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a degradação de PCP por Sphingomonas chlorophenolicaem solo argiloso na presença e ausência de trigo. As concentrações de PCP foram determinadas através de Análises de Alta Performance de Cromatografia Líquida. Os efeitos tóxicos de PCP foram estudados através do monitoramento do crescimento das plantas. A biodegradação de PCP por S. chlorophenolica foi acompanhada por testes de bioluminescência de Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607 e contagens bacterianas no solo e nas raízes. A degradação de PCP ocorreu de forma mais rápida no solo plantado e inoculado quando comparada ao solo sem plantas. Houve um aumento significativo nas populações dos organismos testados nas raízes quando comparadas com as populações presentes no solo. O monitoramento do crescimento da planta mostrou o papel protetor exercido pela S.chlorophenolica contra a toxicidade do PCP.<br>The main objective of this study was study the PCP degradation by Sphingomonas chlorophenolica in a loamy soil in the presence and absence of plants (Winter wheat). Measurements of PCP concentrations were carried out in a laboratory basis using High performance liquid chromatography analysis (HPLC). The toxic effect of PCP on plants was studied through the monitoring of the plant growth. The biodegradation of PCP by S. chlorophenolica in soil was assessed with a bioluminescence assay of Escherichia coli HB101 pUCD607 and bacterial analyses in roots and soil. The planted and inoculated soil showed a faster degradation when compared to the inoculated soil without plants. There was a significative increase in the populations of the organisms tested in the roots when compared to the soil. The monitoring of the plant growth showed a protective role of S. chlorophenolica against the toxicity of PCP in the loamy soil

    Desenvolvimento de uma escala para medir o potencial empreendedor utilizando a Teoria da Resposta ao Item (TRI) Development of a scale to measure the entrepreneurial potential using the Item Response Theory (IRT)

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    Diversas variáveis estão relacionadas ao desenvolvimento da atividade empreendedora, verifica-se, entre elas, a importância do agente empreendedor. Dos estudos que contribuem para o seu entendimento, este segue a linha que defende que o empreendedor tem características e traços de personalidade singulares em relação à população, os quais são propícios ao sucesso do empreendedorismo. O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver uma escala para medir o potencial empreendedor utilizando a Teoria da Resposta ao Item. Foi utilizado o modelo logístico de dois parâmetros da TRI. As estimativas dos parâmetros foram obtidas a partir da amostra com 764 pessoas que responderam a um instrumento composto por 103 itens. A curva de informação e do erro padrão do teste e a interpretação qualitativa de níveis da escala permitiram determinar o intervalo mais apropriado para utilização do instrumento. Os resultados mostraram que a escala é mais adequada para avaliar indivíduos com baixo até moderadamente alto potencial empreendedor. Por isso, sugere-se que novos itens sejam incorporados ao instrumento para mensurar e interpretar níveis ainda mais elevados. A Teoria da Resposta ao Item permite que novos itens sejam calibrados a fim de mensurar os empreendedores com alto potencial empreendedor, aproveitando os dados já obtidos.<br>Several variables are related to the development of entrepreneurial activities. An important one among them is the entrepreneurial agent. This study is one of many that contribute to the understanding of the entrepreneurial agent. In its line of thought, it upholds the idea that the entrepreneur has characteristics and personality traits that stand out from the general population and that are favorable to the success of the entrepreneurship. This study aims at developing a measurement scale for entrepreneurial potential using the Item Response Theory. The items were generated by Santos (2008) based on a theoretical model referenced in theories of entrepreneur's personality. The samples include 664 undergraduate and graduate students of Brazilian universitie, and 100 entrepreneurs of the state of Alagoas. A two- parameter logistic IRT model was used. The parameter estimates were obtained from a sample of 764 people who responded to an instrument containing 103 items. The information and the standard error curves and the qualitative interpretation of the scale levels allowed us to determine the most appropriate range for the instrument use. The results showed that the scale is most adequate to evaluate individuals with low to moderately high entrepreneurial potential. Therefore, it is suggested that new items are incorporated into the instrument to measure and interpret even higher levels. The Item Response Theory allows the calibration of new items to measure entrepreneurs with high entrepreneurial potential using previously obtained data