291 research outputs found

    Analysis of existing mathematics textbooks for use in secondary schools.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University Thesis (M.A.)--Boston Universit

    Microbial Degradation of Cellulosic Material and Gas Generation: Implications for the Management of Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste

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    Deep geologic repositories (DGR) in Canada are designed to contain and isolate low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. Microbial degradation of the waste potentially produces methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas. The generation of these gases increase rock cavity pressure and limit water ingress which delays the mobility of water soluble radionuclides. The objective of this study was to measure gas pressure and composition over 7 years in experiments containing cellulosic material with various starting conditions relevant to a DGR and to identify micro-organisms generating gas. For this purpose, we conducted experiments in glass bottles containing (1) wet cellulosic material, (2) wet cellulosic material with compost Maker, and (3) wet cellulosic material with compost Accelerator. Results demonstrated that compost accelerated the pressure build-up in the containers and that methane gas was produced in one experiment with compost and one experiment without compost because the pH remained neutral for the duration of the 464 days experiment. Methane was not formed in the other experiment because the pH became acidic. Once the pressure became similar in all containers after 464 days, we then monitored gas pressure and composition in glass bottle containing wet cellulosic material in (1) acidic conditions, (2) neutral conditions, and (3) with an enzyme that accelerated degradation of cellulose over 1965 days. In these experiments, acetogenic bacteria degraded cellulose and produced acetic acid, which acidity suppressed methane production. Microbial community analyses suggested a diverse community of archaea, bacteria and fungi actively degrading cellulose. DNA analyses also confirmed the presence of methanogens and acetogens in our experiments. This study suggests that methane gas will be generated in DGRs if pH remains neutral. However, our results showed that microbial degradation of cellulose not only generated gas, but also generated acidity. This finding is important as acids can limit bentonite swelling and potentially degrade cement and rock barriers, thus this requires consideration in the safety case as appropriate

    Theology, News and Notes - Vol. 57, No. 01

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    Theology News & Notes was a theological journal published by Fuller Theological Seminary from 1954 through 2014.https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/tnn/1166/thumbnail.jp

    High infliximab trough concentrations are associated with sustained histologic remission in inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective cohort study

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    Background: The threshold concentration of infliximab during maintenance therapy has not been well-defined in relation to histologic remission. The aim of the study is to dentify the maintenance-phase infliximab concentration associated with histologic remission in inflammatory bowel disease patients (IBD). Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out in 104 IBD patients seen at a tertiary care centre in London, Canada. Infliximab trough concentrations were collected during the maintenance phase of treatment and compared between participants with and without evidence of histologic remission. Participants were additionally evaluated for sustained histologic remission, and relapse to active disease. Results: Participants in histologic remission attained higher mean concentrations of infliximab during the maintenance phase (10.34 ± 0.69 μg/ml) compared to those with persistent disease activity (6.23 ± 0.67 μg/ml, p-value \u3c 0.0001). Additionally, during the maintenance phase, sustained histologic remission was also associated with a higher mean concentration of infliximab (10.81 ± 5.46 μg/ml) compared to those who relapsed to active disease (5.68 ± 3.70, p \u3c 0.001). Overall, participants with a mean infliximab trough concentration greater than 8ug/ml were more likely to have histologic remission (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, AUROC = 0.72, 95%CI = 0.65–0.84, p \u3c 0.0001) and sustained histologic remission (AUC = 0.77, 95%CI = 0.63–0.91, p = 0.002). Conclusion: Maintenance-phase infliximab trough concentrations greater than 8 μg/ml, which is higher than the currently recommended target concentration, are highly associated with histologic remission and sustained histologic remission

    Rheumatic heart disease in Uganda: the association between MHC class II HLA DR alleles and disease: a case control study

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    Background Rheumatic heart disease (RHD), the only long term consequence of acute rheumatic fever, remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality among young adults in Uganda. An inherited susceptibility to acute rheumatic fever centers around the major histocompatibility class II human leucocyte antigens. However, there is paucity of data from sub-Saharan Africa. This study compares the frequency of HLA class II DR alleles between RHD cases and normal controls in Uganda. Methods One hundred ninety-nine participants including 96 established RHD cases aged 5–60 years and 103 age and sex matched normal controls were recruited for participation. DNA was manually extracted from buffy coat samples and HLA analysis was performed. HLA-DR allelic frequency comparison between cases and controls were estimated using conditional logistic regression with 95% confidence intervals. P -values were corrected for multiple hypothesis testing. Results 199 participants (103 female, 51.8%) completed the study. The mean (SD) age in years for cases and controls were 29.6 (10.2) and 29(18), respectively. After conditional logistic regression and multiple hypothesis testing, HLA-DR1was associated with a decreased risk of RHD (OR = 0.42, CI 0.21-085, P = 0.01, Corrected P value (PC) = 0.09,) while HLA-DR11 was associated with increased risk of RHD (OR = 3.31, CI 1.57-6.97, P = \u3c0.001, Pc \u3c 0.001). No other significant associations were found. Conclusion In this first study of HLA genetic susceptibility to RHD in Uganda, HLA- DR1 was more common in normal controls while HLA- DR11 was more common among RHD cases suggesting a disease susceptibility association. In future studies, high resolution HLA analysis and genome wide studies should be carried out to confirm this pattern

    Global analysis of patterns of gene expression during Drosophila embryogenesis

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    Embryonic expression patterns for 6,003 (44%) of the 13,659 protein-coding genes identified in the Drosophila melanogaster genome were documented, of which 40% show tissue-restricted expression

    Standardized Luminosity of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch utilizing Multiple Fields in NGC 4258 and the CATs Algorithm

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    The Tip of the Red Giant Branch provides a luminous standard candle for calibrating distance ladders that reach Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) hosts. However, recent work reveals that tip measurements vary at the ∼\sim 0.1 mag level for different stellar populations and locations within a host, which may lead to inconsistencies along the distance ladder. We pursue a calibration of the tip using 11 Hubble Space Telescope fields around the maser host, NGC 4258, that is consistent with SN Ia hosts by standardizing tip measurements via their contrast ratios. We find F814WF814W-band tips that exhibit a full 0.3 mag range and 0.1 mag dispersion. We do not find any correlation between HI column density and the apparent tip to 0.04 ±\pm 0.03 mag/cm−2^{-2}. We search for a tip-contrast relation (TCR) and measure the TCR within the fields of NGC 4258 of −0.015±0.008-0.015\pm0.008 mag/RR, where RR is the contrast ratio. This value is consistent with the TCR originally discovered in the GHOSTS sample (Wu et al. 2022) of −0.023±0.005-0.023\pm0.005 mag/R. Combining these measurements, we find a global TCR of −0.021±0.004-0.021\pm0.004 mag/R and a calibration of MITRGB=−4.025±0.035−(R−4)×0.021M_I^{TRGB} = -4.025 \pm 0.035 - (R-4)\times0.021 mag. We also use stellar models to simulate single age and metallicity stellar populations with [Fe/H] from −2.0-2.0 to −0.7-0.7 and ages from 3 Gyr to 12 Gyr and reconstruct the global TCR found here to a factor of ∼\sim 2. This work is combined in a companion analysis with tip measurements of nearby SN Ia hosts to measure H0H_0.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Ap

    Relationships between Endogenous Plasma Biomarkers of Constitutive Cytochrome P450 3A Activity and Single-Time-Point Oral Midazolam Microdose Phenotype in Healthy Subjects

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    Due to high basal interindividual variation in cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) activity and susceptibility to drug interactions, there has been interest in the application of efficient probe drug phenotyping strategies, as well as endogenous biomarkers for assessment of in vivo CYP3A activity. The biomarkers 4β-hydroxycholesterol (4βHC) and 6β-hydroxycortisol (6βHCL) are sensitive to CYP3A induction and inhibition. However, their utility for the assessment of constitutive CYP3A activity remains uncertain. We investigated whether endogenous plasma biomarkers (4βHC and 6βHCL) are associated with basal CYP3A metabolic activity in healthy subjects assessed by a convenient single-time-point oral midazolam (MDZ) phenotyping strategy. Plasma 4βHC and 6βHCL metabolic ratios (MRs) were analysed in 51 healthy adult participants. CYP3A activity was determined after administration of an oral MDZ microdose (100 μg). Simple linear and multiple linear regression analyses were performed to assess relationships between MDZ oral clearance, biomarkers and subject covariates. Among study subjects, basal MDZ oral clearance, 4βHC and 6βHCL MRs ranged 6.5-, 10- and 13-fold, respectively. Participant age and alcohol consumption were negatively associated with MDZ oral clearance (p = 0.03 and p = 0.045, respectively), while weight and female sex were associated with lower plasma 4βHC MR (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.032, respectively). Neither 4βHC nor 6βHCL MRs were associated with MDZ oral clearance. Plasma 4βHC and 6βHCL MRs do not relate to MDZ single-time-point metabolic phenotype in the assessment of constitutive CYP3A activity among healthy individuals

    The SPLASH Survey: Internal Kinematics, Chemical Abundances, and Masses of the Andromeda I, II, III, VII, X, and XIV Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies

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    We present new Keck/DEIMOS spectroscopic observations of hundreds of individual stars along the sightline to the first three of the Andromeda (M31) dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies to be discovered, And I, II, and III, and combine them with recent spectroscopic studies by our team of three additional M31 dSphs, And VII, X, and XIV, as a part of the SPLASH Survey (Spectroscopic and Photometric Landscape of Andromeda's Stellar Halo). Member stars of each dSph are isolated from foreground Milky Way dwarf stars and M31 field contamination using a variety of photometric and spectroscopic diagnostics. Our final spectroscopic sample of member stars in each dSph, for which we measure accurate radial velocities with a median uncertainty (random plus systematic errors) of 4-5 km s^(–1), includes 80 red giants in And I, 95 in And II, 43 in And III, 18 in And VII, 22 in And X, and 38 in And XIV. The sample of confirmed members in the six dSphs is used to derive each system's mean radial velocity, intrinsic central velocity dispersion, mean abundance, abundance spread, and dynamical mass. This combined data set presents us with a unique opportunity to perform the first systematic comparison of the global properties (e.g., metallicities, sizes, and dark matter masses) of one-third of Andromeda's total known dSph population with Milky Way counterparts of the same luminosity. Our overall comparisons indicate that the family of dSphs in these two hosts have both similarities and differences. For example, we find that the luminosity-metallicity relation is very similar between L ~ 10^5 and 10^7 L_☉, suggesting that the chemical evolution histories of each group of dSphs are similar. The lowest luminosity M31 dSphs appear to deviate from the relation, possibly suggesting tidal stripping. Previous observations have noted that the sizes of M31's brightest dSphs are systematically larger than Milky Way satellites of similar luminosity. At lower luminosities between L = 10^4 and 10^6 L_☉, we find that the sizes of dSphs in the two hosts significantly overlap and that four of the faintest M31 dSphs are smaller than Milky Way counterparts. The first dynamical mass measurements of six M31 dSphs over a large range in luminosity indicate similar mass-to-light ratios compared to Milky Way dSphs among the brighter satellites, and smaller mass-to-light ratios among the fainter satellites. Combined with their similar or larger sizes at these luminosities, these results hint that the M31 dSphs are systematically less dense than Milky Way dSphs. The implications of these similarities and differences for general understanding of galaxy formation and evolution are summarized

    Nephrology training in Australia and New Zealand: a survey of outcomes and adequacy

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    Advanced training programmes in nephrology should provide broad exposure to all aspects of nephrology. In Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), the Advanced Training Committee in Nephrology oversees training, and recent increases in trainee numbers have led to concern about dilution of experience.To investigate early career paths of nephrologists in ANZ and determine the adequacy of training by comparing self-determined competency and skill relevance among recently graduated nephrologists.In 2015, the Advanced Training Committee in Nephrology administered an online survey during the annual subscription for members of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology. Nephrologists who were awarded Fellowship after 2002 were invited to participate.The survey was completed by 113 Fellows with 8 respondents excluded (response rate 44.1%). Initial post-Fellowship work included full-time public hospital appointments (34.3%) or undertaking full-time higher research degrees (41.9%). The majority reported securing their desired employment. Respondents indicated adequate training in most clinical skills; however, responses of 'well trained' in home haemodialysis (41.8%), conservative care (42.9%), automated peritoneal dialysis (38.8%), and assessment of kidney transplant recipients (48%) and living kidney donors (34.7%) were less adequate. Although considered highly relevant to current practice, responses of 'well trained' were low for management and research skills, including complaint management (16.3%), private practice management (2%), health system knowledge (14.3%) and regulations (6.1%), ethics approval (23.5%), research funding (11.2%) and quality assurance (26.5%).Nephrology training in ANZ generally meets clinical needs and most secure their desired employment. Training in management and research are areas for improvement
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