429 research outputs found

    Corporate Governance und couragiertes Handeln – Zur Bedeutung individueller Urteilskraft in Hinweisgebersystemen

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    Mit Hilfe von Gesetzesinitiativen wurden strenge Corporate-Governance-Anforderungen erhoben. Diese formale Governance lässt jedoch das Individuum als moralisch handelndes Subjekt völlig außer Acht. In dieser Arbeit stehen der Handelnde und der Handlungsprozess im Vordergrund. Die Bedeutung der individuellen Urteilskraft in Hinweisgebersystemen wird exemplarisch herausgearbeitet und Förderungspotential aufgezeigt

    Anticataleptic potencies of glutamate antagonists

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    The anticataleptic effects of non-competitive and competitive NMDA antagonists as well as those of an agonist at the allosteric glycine binding site of the NMDA receptor were tested in the catalepsy model. Some of these drugs were further tested in a reaction time task demanding rapid locomotor initiation. The results show that the non-competitive NMDA antagonists dizocilpine and memantine as well as the competitive antagonists CGP 39551, CGP 37849 and CPPene antagonized dopamine D2 receptor mediated catalepsy induced by haloperidol. D-cycloserine, a partial glycine agonist per se had no effects, but it enhanced the anticataleptic effects of dizocilpine when coadministered. However, the effects of CGP 37849 were abolished. Dopamine D1 receptor mediated catalepsy induced by SCH 23390 was antagonized by dizocilpine, memantine, CPPene, but not by CGP 37849. In the reaction time task dizocilpine, memantine and CGP 37849 were tested for their anti-akinetic and anti-bradykinetic potencies. All these compounds improved haloperidolinduced slowing of reaction time. However, they acted differentially on haloperidol-induced slowing of movement execution and decreased initial acceleration. Thus, antagonists at the NMDA receptor may have a therapeutic potential in the treatment of Parkinson''s disease. Their potency can be manipulated specifically at the glycine binding sit

    Correlation calculations for the reconstruction of the Si (100) surface

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    Ab initio multi-reference configuration interaction calculations are performed for the Si(100) surface using a cluster approach. The convergence with respect to the cluster size is checked and the final results are taken from a Si32H28Si_{32} H_{28} cluster which models two dimers and six bulk layers. We find for the ideal as well as for the p(1×21\times 2) reconstruction a singlet ground state consisting of several configurations. The energy gain due to forming the symmetric dimer in the p(1×21\times 2) structure is 1.75 eV, the bond length of the dimer is 2.35 \AA which is very close to the bulk value. In contradiction to the LDA results and in agreement with previous correlation calculations we do not find an asymmetric p(1×21\times 2) structure.Comment: 6 pages, Revtex, 3 postscript figures, to appear in Surf. S

    Les reseaux hvdc multi-terminaux: des defies multipes en genie electrique high voltage direct current grid multiterminals: many challenges in electrical engineering

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    Electrical installation using high voltage need to be improve to make the exchanges of power under the sea with security and to connect the offshore sources. Alterative grid show limits in those applications. High voltage direct current (HVDC) installation can be a solution to those cases, if some technological and scientist problem are solved. Challenge are in every level of the electrical engineering work, in the whole system, with the material used, and the way their used. This article introduce the main challenges in the domain of electrical engineering to solve in case of the exploitation of a HVDC grid

    Grenzüberschreitender Öffentlicher Verkehr - immer noch Barrieren trotz EU

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    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Ausbau des grenzüberschreitenden Verkehrs innerhalb der EU. Trotz jahrelanger Bestrebungen im Bereich des grenzüberschreitenden Verkehrs durch die Verkehrs- und Kohäsionspolitik bestehen nach wie vor in vielen Grenzregionen Herausforderungen in Bezug auf Verkehrsinfrastruktur und Öffentlichen Verkehr. Diese werden im ersten Teil des Beitrags beleuchtet. Danach werden die verkehrspolitischen Ziele und Instrumente auf EU-Ebene präsentiert, die anschließend anhand von Fallbeispielen im Grenzraum auf ihren Einfluss überprüft werden. Die EU-Politik und die Förderinstrumente sind wenig konkret und verbindlich, sodass in der nationalen Politik der Mitgliedsstaaten nach wie vor große Unterschiede herrschen. Wichtig für die Umsetzung sind ein starker politischer Wille und eine gesicherte Finanzierung. Verkehr ist eine wichtige Basis für andere Bereiche in der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit. Es sollte daher nachhaltig in dieses Schlüsselfeld investiert werden.This paper is concerned with the extension of cross-border transport within the EU. Despite the longstanding efforts of transport and cohesion policies to improve cross-border transport, many border regions still face challenges related to transport infrastructure and local public transportation. These are discussed in the first part of the paper. Transport policy goals and instruments on the EU level are then presented and their impact is assessed using case studies in the border area. EU policy and funding instruments are neither particularly concrete nor binding, so that there are still great variations between the national policies of member states. Implementation requires strong political will and secure finance. Transport is an important foundation for other fields of cross-border cooperation. Sustained investment in this key area is therefore necessary

    Inhibition of HIV-1 in Cell Culture by Synthetic Humate Analogues Derived from Hydroquinone: Mechanism of Inhibition

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    AbstractHumic acids are natural constituents of soil and ground water and mainly consist of mixtures of polycyclic phenolic compounds. A similar complex of compounds with a mean size of about 1000 Da, designated HS-1500, was synthesized by oxidation of hydroquinone. HS-1500 inhibited HIV-1 infection of MT-2 cells with an IC50of 50–300 ng/ml and showed a mean cell toxicity of about 600 μg/ml. Inhibition of HIV-induced syncytium formation was observed at 10–50 μg/ml. Treatment of free and cell-attached HIV with HS-1500 irreversibly reduced its infectivity, whereas the susceptibility of target cells for the virus was not impaired by treatment prior to infection. The HIV envelope protein gp120SU bound to sepharose-coupled HS-1500 and could be eluted by high salt and detergent. HS-1500 interfered with the CD4-induced proteolytic cleavage of the V3 loop of virion gp120SU. Furthermore, binding of V3 loop-specific antibodies was irreversibly inhibited, whereas binding of soluble CD4 to gp120SU on virus and infected cells was not affected. In conclusion, our data suggest, that the synthetic humic acid analogue inhibits the infectivity of HIV particles by interference with a V3 loop-mediated step of virus entry