70 research outputs found

    Only Children in Poland: Demographic, Social, and Educational Consequences

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    The main purpose of this article is to present the population of “only children” in Poland and address the poss-ible effects of very low fertility for the functioning of the family, society, education system, and the only children them-selves. This analysis is based primarily on statistics published by government institutions such the Central Statistical Office of Poland, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Ministry of Finance, etc. In Poland, as in other developed countries, a decrease in fertility can be observed. As a result, only children are a fast-growing group among children and adolescents. Due to changes to the definition of a family, the definition of an only child is also under transformation. Thus, the term “only child” can now refer to more and more people. Currently, the group of only children accounts for about 50% of all children. Data and demographic projections both for the population of only children and for fertility in Poland indicate that in the next few years the situation will worsen. This raises challenges on demographic grounds, as the substitutability of generations is not only threatened, but it is also not assured. Also, pedagogy becomes a field of trial, especially in terms of the education of children and in terms of preparing adults to be parents of an only child. New problems arise on a social basis in terms of providing care for the elderly and the functioning of pension systems. The growing population of only children also implies the need for new research in the field of social sciences and humanities

    E-Reading among Students of the Political Studies and International Relations Faculty of the Nicolauscopernicus University in Torun (Poland)

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    This paper considers students’ attitudes towards e-reading. The author presents the results of a studyconducted from 2003 to 2012 among students atNicolaus Copernicus University that examined students’ attitudes towards electronic resources. The studyutilized the results of other researchers. The results of the study indicate that despite the increasing availability of electronic publications on the Polish market, they are not becoming more popular among students, at least not among those students that comprised the researched group. This is undoubtedly connected with the respondents’ modest reading needs, which are being insufficiently developed at Polish schools. After the reforms of 1999, Polish education has focused solely on test-driven examinations of students’ knowledge and abilities. The results of the research presented in this paper unambiguously indicate that interest in online magazines, as well as digital libraries in which the holdings are becoming more and more extensive, is decreasing

    The level of student preparation for active living in the information society: a comparative analysis 2009-2012

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    The preparation of citizens for active living in the information society is important. This not only requires having proper equipment, but also knowledge, skills, and competences. In many sociological and pedagogical analyses, as well as reports from the National Statistical Office, there is no data concerning usage of e-services, ownership of equipment, etc. Furthermore, there are no indexes that extensively present this data. In this paper, the author proposes a synthetic indi-cator called the involvement index in the information society. In addition, the author presents the results of research con-ducted in politics, international relations, and internal safety with both full-time students and part-time students at Nicolaus Copernicus University in 2009 and 2012. The author uses the value of the involvement index in the information society in the research. The research results indicate that students do not look at their future through the prism of change in the information society, they do not think about themselves as teleworkers, and they do not perceive themselves as persons who often change job positions or who use the e-learning process upon completion of their studies. Reasons for this situation are surely not attributable to matters of infrastructure, as these parameters reach almost maximum value, but instead can be attributed to a lack of knowledge or habits. Hence, a general conclusion resulting from the study is a call for change in the learning formula for the subject of information technology not only at the primary and secondary school levels, but in higher education as well

    The development of information society in the light of new dangers in the area of internal security as viewed by the students

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    The development of information society contributes to many transformations; they virtually encompass all the aspects of the contemporary world. However, not all the realms of transformations are subject to scrutiny to the very same degree. This paper is an attempt to acquaint its readers with the issues oftentimes evaded or even not picked up by researchers. The author in this paper presents the results of the research conducted among the students of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the realm of judging the risk resulting from the development of information society within the context of internal security as well as within the evaluation of the level of these dangers. The results of the author’s investigation indicate that there are many factors which statistically significantly determine the student’s beliefs in the scrutinized realm. Such determinants proved to be – among others- gender, the students’ field of study and the frequency of using the Internet etc

    E-czytelnictwo studentów – wybrane konteksty

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    Artykuł zawiera rozważania dotyczące postaw studentów w obszarze e-czytelnictwa. Przedstawiono w nim wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w roku 2009 oraz 2012 wśród studentów studiów stacjonarnych i niestacjonarnych Uni- wersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu na kierunkach Politologia, Stosunki międzynarodowe oraz Bezpieczeń- stwo wewnętrzne. Wyniki badań wskazują, iż mimo powiększającej się oferty zainteresowanie e-czytelnictwem maleje. Ta niepokojąca tendencja wymaga obserwacji, a także podjęcia przez uczelnie działań prowadzących do pełniejszego wykorzystywania zasobów elektronicznych w procesie kształcenia

    The Development of Information Society Vis-à-Vis Threats in the Realm of Internal Security, as Construed by the Respondents from Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship

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    Information and communication technologies play a vital role in the lives of individuals, social groups or society as such. This fact is related not only to new devices but also to a further- and further-reaching software offer. Nowadays, e-services are offered not only by commercial entities (eg. e-banking or electronic trade platforms) but also by central administration (eg. mDokumenty [personal documents available on electronic devices], Regionalny System Ostrzegania [Regional Warning System] or by self-governments (eg. the application BLISKO). Frequent use of these programmes requires providing data which, when improperly secured, may be taken advantage of by criminals. Users, both individual and institutional ones, should remain alert while availing themselves of information and communication technologies. That is why, diagnostic research with respect to estimating threats – also in the realm of internal security – resulting from technological development is so important. Underestimating dangers may result in risky behaviours. Negligence or simply not conducting this sort of explorations usually lead to misfired educational-informational actions or to the increase in the number of crimes. The present paper presents the results of the research conducted among the inhabitants of Kuyavian-Pomeranian voivodeship in the area of threats to internal security, with the threats being contingent upon the development of ICT


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    This article will discuss selected aspects of the transformation of Lithuanian, German, Polish, Czech Republic and Ukraine to the information society. The author will conduct reflections of the historical and demographic perspectives. This approach to problems is rare, much more likely to be taken into account aspects of infrastructure and technology. In addition, reflections of the author will be enriched by the results of the level of preparation of students for active functioning in the information society. The research was conducted by the author in the academic year 2009/2010 at six universities in these countries.W artykule tym zostaną omówione wybrane aspekty transformacji Litwy, Niemiec, Polski, Republiki Czeskiej oraz Ukrainy do społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Autorka swoje rozważania przeprowadzi z perspektyw historycznej oraz demograficznej, takie ujęcie problematyki jest rzadziej uwzględniane w rozważaniach o społeczeństwie informacyjnym, o wiele częściej brane są pod uwagę aspekty infrastrukturalne oraz technologiczne. Ponadto refleksje autorki zostaną wzbogacone o wyniki badań poziomu przygotowania studentów do aktywnego funk- cjonowania w społeczeństwie informacyjnym, jakie zostały przez nią przeprowadzone w roku akademickim 2009/2010 na sześciu uniwersytetach w omawianych państwach

    Narzędzia społecznościowe dla naukowców

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    Prezentacja zawiera dane statystyczne dotyczące obecności pracowników UMK na serwisach społecznościowych dla ludzi nauki

    Introduction to the Balance of Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries

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    The purpose of this study is to perform preliminary weighing of the consequences of integration of these Central-Eastern European countries which, during the years 2004 and 2007, became members of the European Union. The elements considered in the analysis included changes observable in four areas: social, economic, cultural and that of the information society. Specifically, the analysis covered selected measurable variables relating to the above-mentioned areas. In the case of the economic field, the authors took into account the changes in production output of the economy, in public debt level, and the inflow of EU funds to the new member states. The social area factor considered was the change to the value of human development index. In the part related to the culture, particular attention was paid to four aspects: language learning, cultural heritage, employment in the cultural sector and the project of European Capital of culture. In the last part of the article, the issues related to e-society were presented (in particular: the percentage of people regularly using the Internet, the indicator of software piracy and the index of networked readiness)