28 research outputs found

    Studenci i pracownicy zmieniają uczelnię z Idea Box

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    The impact of alcohol dependence on the course and psychopathology of schizophrenia

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    Summary Aim. The study has been undertaken to investigate a possible influence of alcoholism on the course and psychopathology of schizophrenia. Method. A representative sample of 61 subjects was selected from the schizophrenic patients with a history of alcohol dependence (dual diagnosis), registered in the period of 1997-2000. They were compared with 60 control patients, with a single diagnosis of schizophrenia. In the two groups, the onset, course and psychopathology of schizophrenia were assessed with the use interviews and clinical scales. Results. Male patients with schizophrenia and alcohol dependence were of a later mean age at the onset of the mental illness. In case of women, a higher rate of alcohol abuse in the family was noticed when compared with the control groups. In men with dual diagnosis, the negative symptoms were less prominent. Women with schizophrenia and alcohol dependence reported more depressive symptomatology. schizophrenia / alcoholism / comorbidit

    Shinrin-yoku i terapia lasem — przegląd literatury

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    Forest therapy and shinrin-yoku are concepts that have been appearing more and more often in the literature on theprevention of stress and immune disorders for over a dozen years. In the context of research, it can be said that it plays animportant role not only in the prevention of somatic civilization diseases, such as hypertension or diabetes, but also protectsagainst development and helps in the treatment of mental disorders from the group of anxiety-depressive disorders.In the “Pub Med” database, the search terms “shinrin-yoku” were entered, 23 results and “forest bathing”, 90 results,of which 18 were rejected after repetitive and unrelated searches. Only original papers were analysed (30).Forest therapy eliminates the effects of stress caused by numerous external factors generated by lifestyle in an urbanizedenvironment and, for example, by overworking. It increases immunity, affecting, among others on the amountand activity of NK cells, it has a positive effect on metabolic parameters in ischemic heart disease and hypertension.It supports relaxation, attention and convalescence after stress. In Asian countries, it is an official branch of medicine,which is dedicated to profiled medical centers. In European countries we often meet conferences dedicated to foresttherapies and specialized trainings.Forest therapy is a well-documented therapeutic method that can be used in the prevention, support of treatment andrehabilitation of stress disorders and civilization diseases.Terapia lasem i shinrin-yoku to pojęcia, które od kilkunastu lat coraz częściej pojawiają się w literaturze dotyczącej profilaktyki stresu i zaburzeń odporności. W kontekście badań można stwierdzić, że terapia lasem odgrywa istotną rolę nie tylko w zapobieganiu somatycznym chorobom cywilizacyjnym, jak nadciśnienie tętnicze czy cukrzyca, ale także chroni przed rozwinięciem oraz pomaga w leczeniu chorób psychicznych z grupy zaburzeń lękowo-depresyjnych. W bazie danych „Pub Med” wpisano hasła „shinrin-yoku”, uzyskując 23 wyniki, oraz „forest bathing”, uzyskując 90 wyników, z czego po odrzuceniu powtarzających się w poprzednim wyszukiwaniu oraz niezwiązanych z tematem pozostało 18. Przeanalizowano tylko prace badawcze (30). Terapia lasem niweluje skutki stresu spowodowanego licznymi czynnikami zewnętrznymi, generowanymi przez styl życia w środowisku zurbanizowanym, a także na przykład z przepracowania. Podnosi odporność, wpływając między innymi na liczbę i aktywność komórek natural killers (NK), wpływa korzystnie na parametry metaboliczne w chorobie niedokrwiennej serca i nadciśnieniu tętniczym, wspomaga relaks, koncentrację uwagi oraz rekonwalescencję po stresie. W krajach azjatyckich stanowi oficjalną gałąź medycyny, której poświęcone są profilowane centra medyczne. W krajach europejskich coraz częściej organizowane są konferencje poświęcone terapii lasem oraz specjalistyczne szkolenia. Terapia lasem stanowi dobrze udokumentowaną metodę terapeutyczną i może mieć zastosowanie w profilaktyce, wspomaganiu leczenia i rehabilitacji zaburzeń stresowych i chorób cywilizacyjnych

    Broaching sexual health topics during a doctor-patient encounter in ambulatory psychiatric care

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     WSTĘP: Trudności w sferze seksualnej są częstym problemem pacjentów psychiatrycznych. Zarówno psychopatologia niektórych zaburzeń i chorób psychicznych, jak i efekty niepożądane wielu leków stosowanych w psychiatrii mogą negatywnie wpływać na sferę seksualną pacjenta. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie, w jakim stopniu lekarze psychiatrzy podejmują z pacjentami rozmowę na temat sfery seksualnej oraz jakie są oczekiwania pacjentów w tym zakresie.MATERIAŁ I METODY: 615 ambulatoryjnych pacjentów psychiatrycznych oceniło swoją postawę do lekarza prowadzącego, umiejętność psychiatry do taktownego wprowadzenia tematów związanych ze sferą seksualną oraz swoje oczekiwania w zakresie takiej rozmowy. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone w 10 spośród 30 losowo wybranych poradni zdrowia psychicznego w północno-wschodniej Polsce.WYNIKI: Pacjenci ujawniali pozytywną postawę do leczących ich psychiatrów. Ponad połowa ankietowanych ujawniła, że psychiatra nie omawia z nimi sfery seksualnej. Jedna czwarta badanych chciałaby rozmawiać podczas wizyty u psychiatry o swoim życiu seksualnym, jedna czarta nie była pewna, czy chce ten temat podejmować. Gotowość pacjentów do podejmowania w rozmowie tematów seksualnych była istotnie związana z wprowadzaniem przez lekarza tego tematu do rozmowy.WNIOSKI: Psychiatra jako osoba dominująca w diadzie lekarz−pacjent ma wpływ na kształtowanie relacji z pacjentem i wprowadzanie do rozmowy tematów związanych ze sferą seksualną. Taktowne poruszanie przez psychiatrę tematów dotyczących funkcjonowania seksualnego pacjenta zwiększa jego gotowość do rozmowy na ten temat. Introduction: Difficulties in sexual functioning are a frequent problem for psychiatric patients. Both the psychopathology of some psychiatric diseases as well as the side effects of medication used in psychiatry may adversely affect the patient’s sexual functioning. The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent psychiatrists raise sexual matters with patients during their encounters in psychiatric ambulatory care and what the patients’ expectations in this area are.Material and methods: 615 psychiatric outpatients responded to the anonymous questionnaire regarding their attitudes towards their psychiatrists, their evaluation of the doctors’ ability to tactfully address sexual matters during the encounter and their expectations from such an interaction. The study was conducted in 10 out of 30 randomly chosen public mental health clinics in north-eastern Poland.Results: In general, patients expressed a positive attitude towards their therapists. Over half of the study group revealed that the psychiatrist did not discuss with them their sexual health concerns. A quarter of the patients surveyed would have liked to talk about their sex life during their encounter with the psychiatrist whereas a quarter were not certain if they wanted to address the subject. The patient’s readiness to discuss sexual health issues was significantly correlated with the initiation of this topic by the doctor.Conclusions: The psychiatrist as the dominant person in the doctor–patient dyad has a considerable influence on the shape of the patient’s relationship with the therapist and the initiation of sexual health topics during the doctor-patient encounter. The tactful introduction of the topic of the patient’s sexual functioning by the psychiatrist increases the patient’s willingness to discuss their sexual health concerns

    Selected aspects of sexual functioning in young male schizophrenic patients

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    Wstęp. Celem badania była ocena liczby partnerów i stosowania antykoncepcji wśród młodych mężczyzn z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii (od momentu rozpoczęcia aktywności seksualnej) oraz ich funkcjonowania seksualnego pod kątem zaburzeń libido, przed zastosowaniem leczenia przeciwpsychotycznego. Materiał i metody. Przy użyciu kwestionariusza poddano ocenie 50 mężczyzn w wieku 23-35 lat hospitalizowanych w szpitalu psychiatrycznym w latach 2004-2005. Wyniki. Na podstawie wyników badania ustalono, że 42% (21 osób) mężczyzn (przed rozpoczęciem farmakoterapii z powodu schizofrenii) nie podejmowało aktywności seksualnej ze względu na brak partnera, 20% zgłaszało obniżenie popędu seksualnego, a 2% - jego wzrost. Liczba partnerów seksualnych w tej grupie wynosiła zaledwie 1,96 SD (2,79). Tylko 3% badanych osób choć raz użyło prezerwatywy. Wnioski. Brak lub utrata potrzeb seksualnych stanowi częste zaburzenie wśród młodych mężczyzn z rozpoznaniem schizofrenii. W porównaniu z populacją ogólną charakteryzują się oni posiadaniem mniejszej liczby partnerów seksualnych, rzadziej używają prezerwatyw i są częściej niezadowoleni ze swego funkcjonowania seksualnego.Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the condoms use and the number of lifetime sexual partners and pretreatment sexual functioning in the context of libido disturbances, in the selected group of young males with schizophrenia. Material and methods. The study was carried out in the form of questionnaire which collected information from 50 patients between 25-35 years of age, hospitalized in psychiatric hospital in the period of 2004-2005. Results. Great proportion (42%, n = 21) of responders (before the antipsychotic treatment was initiated) was not engage in sexual activity, 20% reported lack of sexual desire, 2% its increase. The number of lifetime sexual partners in this group reached only 1,96 SD (2,79). Condoms use reported 3% of patients. Conclusions. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder are highly prevalent among young male adults with schizophrenia during pretreatment period. Compared to general population they had fewer lifetime sexual partner, less common use condoms, and are not satisfied with their sexual functioning

    The effect of chronic alcohol intoxication and smoking on the output of salivary immunoglobulin A

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    It was investigated the effect of chronic alcohol intoxication and smoking, on the output of salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA). In the study participated 37 volunteers: 17 male smoking patients after chronic alcohol intoxication (AS) and 20 control nonsmoking male social drinkers (CNS). The DMFT index (decayed, missing, or filled teeth), gingival index (GI) and papilla bleeding index (PBI) were assessed. Levels of IgA were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent method. There were significantly decreased salivary flow (SF) and IgA output in AS, when compared to the CNS. There were no significant correlations between amount of alcohol/cigarettes as well as  duration of alcohol intoxication/smoking, and SF or IgA output, and between IgA and SF. Gingival index was significantly higher in AS than in CNS, and inversely correlated with IgA. It is more probable that SF and IgA decrease, are the result of ethanol action than smoking. Worse periodontal state in smoking alcohol dependent persons than in controls, may be the result of lower IgA protection of the oral cavity due to its decreased output

    Decrease in salivary lactoferrin output in chronically intoxicated alcohol-dependent patients

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    Salivary lactoferrin is a glycoprotein involved in the elimination of pathogens and the prevention of massive overgrowth of microorganisms that affect oral and general health. A high concentration of lactoferrin in saliva is often considered to be a marker of damage to the salivary glands, gingivitis, or leakage through inflamed or damaged oral mucosa, infiltrated particularly by neutrophils. We conducted a study to determine the effect of chronic alcohol intoxication on salivary lactoferrin concentration and output. The study included 30 volunteers consisting of ten non-smoking male patients after chronic alcohol intoxication (group A), and 20 control nonsmoking male social drinkers (group C) with no history of alcohol abuse. Resting whole saliva was collected 24 to 48 hours after a chronic alcohol intoxication period. Lactoferrin was assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. For all participants, the DMFT index (decayed, missing, or filled teeth), gingival index (GI) and papilla bleeding index (PBI) were assessed. The differences between groups were evaluated using the Mann–Whitney U test. We noticed significantly decreased salivary flow (SF) in alcohol dependent patients after chronic alcohol intoxication (A), compared to the control group (C). Although there was no significant difference in salivary lactoferrin concentration between the alcohol dependent group A and the control group C, we found significantly decreased lactoferrin output in group A compared to group C. We found a significant correlation between the amount of daily alcohol use and a decrease in lactoferrin output. There was a significant increase in GI and a tendency of PBI to increase in group A compared to group C. We demonstrated that chronic alcohol intoxication decreases SF and lactoferrin output. The decreased lactoferrin output in persons chronically intoxicated by alcohol may be the result of lactoferrin exhaustion during drinking (due to its alcohol-related lower biosynthesis or higher catabolism) or to decreased function of neutrophils affected by the ethanol. The poorer periodontal state in alcohol dependent persons compared to controls may be a result of lower salivary flow and decreased protection of the oral cavity by lactoferrin

    Alcohol abuse and glycoconjugate metabolism

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    The relationship between alcohol consumption and glycoconjugate metabolism is complex and multidimensional. This review summarizes the advances in basic and clinical research on the molecular and cellular events involved in the metabolic effects of alcohol on glycoconjugates (glycoproteins, glycolipids, and proteoglycans). We summarize the action of ethanol, acetaldehyde, reactive oxygen species (ROS), nonoxidative metabolite of alcohol — fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEEs), and the ethanol-water competition mechanism, on glycoconjugate biosynthesis, modification, transport and secretion, as well as on elimination and catabolism processes. As the majority of changes in the cellular metabolism of glycoconjugates are generally ascribed to alterations in synthesis, transport, glycosylation and secretion, the degradation and elimination processes, of which the former occurs also in extracellular matrix, seem to be underappreciated. The pathomechanisms are additionally complicated by the fact that the effect of alcohol intoxication on the glycoconjugate metabolism depends not only on the duration of ethanol exposure, but also demonstrates dose- and regional-sensitivity. Further research is needed to bridge the gap in transdisciplinary research and enhance our understanding of alcohol- and glycoconjugate-related diseases