101 research outputs found

    Subjective perception of anxiety as PSYCHOSOCIAL effect of COVID-19

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    Introduction: Every day, people are more or less anxious, but during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, this anxiety can be greatly exacerbated. The aim of this study was to analyze the subjective feelings of anxiety associated with being in quarantine due to infection or suspected infection with SARS-CoV-2. Material and methods: The study included 138 people from different backgrounds. It was conducted using a survey (Google Form) consisting of fifteen questions. Results were compiled using chi2, Kendall's tau-b, one-way ANOVA analysis of variance with Bonferroni post hoc tests. Results: The level of experienced anxiety during the quarantine by the subjects was found to be statistically significantly higher compared to its level before and after the quarantine period (p=0.002). An increase in somatic symptoms was also observed during isolation (29.0%). Statistical analysis, however, confirmed the relationship between the sex of the subjects and the level of anxiety during and after quarantine (p<0.05) - women experienced anxiety slightly more strongly. In addition, younger people experienced higher levels of anxiety before quarantine than older people (p=0.001). The study also showed that some subjects felt the need to take sedatives (29.0%) and/or seek psychological/psychotherapeutic help (38.4%) during or after quarantine. Conclusions: Being in forced isolation has an impact on the severity of anxiety and the maintenance of high anxiety levels even after quarantine is over. These results show the importance of monitoring mental health during (and in relation to) a pandemic

    Physical activity and quality of life in the group of women participating in senior education

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    Introduction. Maintaining mobility and extending the period of functional activity in everyday life is the basis for gerontological prevention for the elderly. An important task in the physical culture strategy for an aging society is to prepare both oneself and one’s family for old age (education "in old age" and "towards old age"). Educational institutions for activation of seniors play a very important role in this area. The aim of the study was to analyze the relationship between physical activity and quality of life of women 65+, including participation in senior education. Material and methods. The study was conducted among inhabitants of Tarnów province (southern Poland) aged 65+: 205 educationally active seniors (group I) and 207 women who do not benefit from senior education (group II). The diagnostic survey method and standardized interview technique using the WHOQoL-AGE quality of life questionnaire were used. The level of significance was adopted as p≤0.05. Results and conclusions. Educationally active seniors significantly more often declared systematic physical activity. Regular physical activity was most often undertaken by women in the youngest age group. It is recommended to carry out activities promoting participation in various forms of physical activity, especially in the two oldest age groups (old & oldest old). It is also proposed to continue research on the quality of life and its determinants by gender, and the results of these studies can be used by managers and decision-makers in the local health care sector to develop health-promoting strategies targeted at specific groups

    Senior education and the quality of life of women in different periods of old age

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    Introduction. The current evolution in thinking considers the concern for the dignity of the elderly and their relationship with society. The intellectual and causal potential of older people, which was ignored so far, has also begun to be appreciated. The aim of the study was to assess the quality of life and its determinants in the group of women over 65 years of age (including age groups), using various forms of education for seniors. Material and methods. The study was conducted among women aged 65+ living in the Tarnów province (southern Poland): 205 educationally active seniors (group I) and 207 women who do not benefit from senior education (group II). The diagnostic survey method and standardized interview technique using the WHOQoL-AGE quality of life questionnaire were used. Results and conclusions. A higher level of quality of life was associated primarily with participation in senior education, lower age and better material status of the examined women. It is recommended to carry out activities promoting participation in various forms of senior education, especially in the two oldest age groups (old & oldest old)

    Opinions on the impact of studying/working remotely on vision impairment and the use of eye hygiene principles

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    Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the introduction of remote learning and working. Symptoms of digital eye fatigue are increasingly reducing the quality of life. The aim of the study was to collect opinions on the impact of studying/working remotely on vision impairment and to find out the eye hygiene methods used by the respondents. Material and methods. An original questionnaire consisting of 20 closed-ended questions was used for the study. The form was filled out by 194 people aged 18-55 years (mean: 23.15 ± 6.91 years) who were studying or working at least partially remotely. Results. Respondents working remotely were most likely to spend more than 8 hours a day in front of the computer (49.02%), those working hybrid most often marked 5-6 hours (38.04%). Less than half - 44.85% - had a subjective feeling that their eyesight had deteriorated since they started learning/working remotely, and 19.07% declared that the deterioration of their eyesight had been confirmed by an examination with a specialist. Since starting to study/work online, respondents most often complained of eye fatigue (52.58%), dry eyes (34.54%), and sore/burning eyeballs (25.78%). Among eye hygiene rules, the largest percentage declared using a matte screen (48.97%), using "night mode" on an electronic device after dark (51.55%), sleeping for 7-9 hours (45.36%), and taking a break from the screen by blinking (41.24%). Few people are familiar with and use the exercise of closing and shading their eyes (6.70%) the 20-20-20 rule (4.12%), and do not use a smartphone/computer immediately before bed (2.58%). Conclusions. Most of the respondents stated subjectively, or confirmed by a specialist, that their eyesight had deteriorated, and they associate this with learning/working remotely. The most common ocular symptom in the surveyed group was eye fatigue. There is a large deficit in the knowledge and application of eye hygiene principles that can benefit the organ of vision

    Funkcjonowanie pacjentów z zaimplantowanym neurostymulatorem rdzeniowym

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    Introduction. Despite recent advancement in medical science, the effectiveness of therapies preventing or curing neuropathic pain is still not satisfactory enough.Aim. To assess the functional state of persons with the Spinal Cord Stimulator and their beliefs about pain management.Material and Methods. A total of 44 respondents with the Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) due to pain complaints in the lumbosacral region of the spine participated in the survey, in which the Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) and the Beliefs about Pain Control Questionnaire (BPCQ) were applied.Results. Physicians scored 18 points (i.e.: 75.0% of the maximum score) in the RMDQ in their attempts to reduce the experience of pain and the respondents’ degree of disability was assessed as 15.8 (±3.2 pts).Conclusions. Pain complaints significantly decreased the quality of life in patients with the neurostimulator. The greatest influence on pain control was ascribed by respondents to physicians’ attempts. (JNNN 2016;5(2):53–57)Wstęp. Mimo postępu medycyny, skuteczność terapii bólu neuropatycznego nadal nie jest satysfakcjonująca.Cel. Celem pracy była ocena stanu funkcjonalnego oraz przekonań na temat kontroli bólu wśród pacjentów z zaimplantowanym rdzeniowym neurostymulatorem bólu.Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 44 pacjentów poddanych stymulacji rdzenia kręgowego (ang. Spinal Cord Stimulation, SCS) z powodu dolegliwości bólowych odcinka lędźwiowo-krzyżowego kręgosłupa. Posłużono się Kwestionariuszem Bólu Krzyża Rolanda i Morrisa (ang. The Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire, RMDQ) oraz Kwestionariuszem Przekonań o Kontroli Bólu (The Beliefs about Pain Control Questionnaire, BPCQ).Wyniki. Wskaźnik wpływu lekarzy i opieki medycznej na kontrolę bólu wyniósł śr. 18,0 pkt (75,0% wartości maksymalnej). Respondenci uzyskiwali śr. 15,8 (±3,2 pkt) w skali RMDQ.Wnioski. Największe znaczenie chorzy przypisywali wpływowi lekarzy na kontrolę bólu. Dolegliwości bólowe u pacjentów z zaimplantowanym rdzeniowym neurostymulatorem bólu powodowały znaczny ubytek jakości życia. (PNN 2016;5(2):53–57

    Strategia leczenia ANN w obliczu zagrożeń współczesnego świata

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    Alergiczny nieżyt nosa (ANN) jest najczęstszą postacią alergii, która dotyczy – jak wykazały badania epidemiologiczne – prawie 25% populacji. ANN wpływa znacząco na jakość życia chorego, a im cięższa postać choroby, tym większe ryzyko rozwoju astmy oskrzelowej. Jednym z czynników wpływających na nasilenie objawów i stopień ich kontroli jest zanieczyszczenie powietrza. U niektórych chorych, mimo właściwego leczenia, obserwuje się utrzymywanie lub tylko częściowe ustąpienie dolegliwości (niekontrolowany alergiczny nieżyt nosa). Może prowadzić to do nasilenia chorób towarzyszących – zapalenia zatok przynosowych, zapalenia ucha środkowego i astmy – zarówno u dzieci, jak i u dorosłych. Postępowanie w alergicznym nieżycie nosa, zgodnie ze standardami, polega na: edukacji chorego, eliminacji z otoczenia alergenu i czynników nasilających przebieg choroby, dobraniu właściwej farmakoterapii oraz swoistej immunoterapii alergenowej. Na wybór stosowanego leku przeciwhistaminowego wpływa wiele czynników, m.in. możliwość bezpiecznego zwiększenia jego dawki

    Najczęstsze powikłania po urazach czaszkowo-mózgowych u dzieci hospitalizowanych na oddziale chirurgii dziecięcej

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    Introduction. Head injuries among children are the most frequent cause of hospitalization. Posttraumatic cranio-cerebral damage in children can lead to the occurrence of partial physical and mental disorders and in some cases prevent proper functioning of the organism.Aim. The goal of this research was to study the frequency of complication occurrence among children after cranio-cerebral traumas as well as to determine the character they most often take on.Material and Methods. The study was conducted at Paediatric Surgery Outpatient Clinic at the St. Luke District Hospital in Tarnów. It included 150 children hospitalized at the Department of Paediatric Surgery within the period from July to October 2015 due to sustained cranio-cerebral injuries ranging from minor and moderate to severe.Results. The most frequent causes of sustained injuries were sport-related ones as well as those resulting from a fall from height. Among the vast majority of the children with an injury (95%) an early posttraumatic complication occurred in the form of concussion. The most often demonstrated early side symptoms of sustained injury included: emesis (80%), poor well-being and headache (69%) as well as drowsiness and changes in behavior (53%). The most frequent late complication was posttraumatic cerebrasthenia characterized by headache, memory disorders and problems with concentration. In the study group of children with an injury, poor well-being and headache were experienced by approximately 50% of the patients one week following the hospital discharge and by approximately 20% one month after the discharge.Conclusions. The demonstrated early and late side symptoms observed among children with an injury, when properly treated and controlled, with time tend to decrease and thus contribute to comforting statistics of occurrence of a small number of serious complications following minor and moderate to severe cranio-cerebral injuries. (JNNN 2017;6(3):107–113)Wstęp. Urazy głowy u dzieci są najczęstszą przyczyną hospitalizacji. Pourazowe uszkodzenia czaszkowo-mózgowe dzieci mogą prowadzić do wystąpienia u nich częściowych zaburzeń fizycznych lub psychicznych a w niektórych przypadkach uniemożliwiać prawidłowe funkcjonowanie organizmu.Cel. Zbadanie częstości występowania powikłań u dzieci po urazach czaszkowo-mózgowych oraz określenie jaki przybierają one najczęściej charakter.Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w Poradni Chirurgii Dziecięcej w Szpitalu Wojewódzkim im. św. Łukasza w Tarnowie. Badaniem objęto 150 dzieci hospitalizowanych na Oddziale Chirurgii Dziecięcej w okresie od lipca do października 2015 r., z powodu doznanych lekkich lub średniociężkich urazów czaszkowo-mózgowych.Wyniki. Najczęstszą przyczyną doznanych obrażeń były urazy sportowe oraz upadki z wysokości. U zdecydowanej większości dzieci urazowych (95%) wystąpiło wczesne powikłanie po urazie w postaci wstrząśnienia mózgu. Najczęściej występującym wczesnym objawem ubocznym doznanego urazu głowy były wymioty (80%), złe samopoczucie i bóle głowy (69%) oraz senność i zmiany w zachowaniu (53%). Najczęstszymi późnymi powikłaniami była celebrastemia pourazowa, charakteryzująca się bólami głowy, zaburzeniami pamięci i problemami w koncentracji. W badanej grupie dzieci urazowych złe samopoczucie i bóle głowy tydzień po wypisie ze szpitala odczuwało około 50% pacjentów, a miesiąc po wypisie około 20%.Wnioski. Występujące wczesne i późne objawy uboczne zaobserwowane u dzieci urazowych, odpowiednio leczone i kontrolowane z czasem mają tendencję do zmniejszania się i dzięki temu przyczyniają się do pocieszającej statystyki występowania małej ilości poważnych powikłań po lekkich i średnich urazach czaszkowo-mózgowych. (PNN 2017;6(3):107–113

    Public knowledge of blood cancers

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    Introduction. Blood cancers are a group of conditions that develop in the bone marrow and/or lymphatic system and include cancers of the hematopoietic system and cancers of the lymphatic system. The key test for blood cancers diagnosing is complete blood count. The aim of the study was to assess the level of public knowledge about blood cancers and their treatment. The study was conducted in March 2022 by a diagnostic survey method using a proprietary survey questionnaire made available online via Google Forms. The analysis included 311 correctly completed questionnaires. Results and conclusions. The respondents' level of knowledge about blood cancers and their treatment methods is very low. Nearly half of the respondents perform blood counts too infrequently (every two years or less often). Those with any knowledge of blood cancers (defined as minimal in the knowledge test) performed a blood count every six months, and not less often than once a year. Nearly 1/3 of the respondents do not want to donate bone marrow because they are afraid of the procedure. Of those registered or those who attempted registration, most presented a level of knowledge defined as minimal. The vast majority of respondents would like to see more events to promote blood cancer awareness

    Pandemic changes in work, rest, physical activity and diet versus nutritional status of respondents

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    The aim of the study was to determine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the nutritional status of the respondents through changes in work mode, physical activity and diet among residents of the Tarnów region. Material and methods. The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, and the tool was the author's questionnaire. The study was conducted in January-February 2022, using the Google Forms platform. In total, data were collected from 414 people. The questionnaires were filled out mostly by women (67.9% vs. 32.1%). The average age of respondents was 31.9 years (±13.52). Results. Those who worked remotely and in hybrid mode had the highest percentages declaring an increase in food intake during the COVID-19 pandemic (65.0% and 59.7%, respectively). The highest percentages of those who indicated a deterioration in the quality of their food intake were those who worked remotely (60.0%) and hybrid job (45.5%), while those who did not work were the group that most often among the others indicated an improvement in the quality of their food (23.4%). Respondents with remote and hybrid jobs were the most likely to report a reduction in their activity level (72.5% and 58.4%, respectively). Considering the BMI of those surveyed before the COVID-19 pandemic and now, there is an apparent decrease in the percentage of those with a normal BMI in favor of overweight and obesity. Conclusions. During the COVID-19 pandemic period, the percentages of overweight and obese people increased. People working remotely and in hybrid mode not only increased the amount of food they consumed, but also began to consume lower-quality products, as well as more often reporting reduced levels of physical activity

    Urazy czaszkowo-mózgowe a punktacja Glasgow Coma Scale u pacjentów pod wpływem alkoholu przyjmowanych do szpitalnego oddziału ratunkowego

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    Introduction. Alcohol abuse constitutes a significant social and health problem in Poland. Consumption of even a small amount of alcohol causes an increase in the probability of the injury.Aim. The objective of the thesis was to determine the relationship between the scoring in the Glasgow Coma Scale and head injuries in the patients under the influence of alcohol admitted to the Hospital Emergency Department in an urgent mode.Material and Methods. On the basis of the retrospective analysis the group of 210 intoxicated patients of the Hospital Emergency Department of the University Hospital in Cracow (167 men and 43 women) who sustained head injuries during the period from 1st May 2011 to 1st May 2012 was examined. The data included in the medical documentation, such as: age, gender, result of the scoring in the Glasgow Coma Scale, blood alcohol level, sustained head injuries on the basis of the CT examination and selected co-existing post-traumatic disorders were taken into consideration.Results. Among the patients with high blood alcohol level there were people with both high and low results in the Glasgow Coma Scale. The patients with fractures of the facial bones and skull base, epidural haematoma, pericerebral haematoma, subdural haematoma, intracerebral haematoma, subarachnoid haematoma, cerebral edema, displacement of the ventricular system and blood in the location of the cerebellar tentorium had the lower scoring in the Glasgow Coma Scale than other patients. The lowest score in the Glasgow Coma Scale had the patients who fell from height, the highest one — patients after a suicide attempt.Conclusions. Blood alcohol level did not have an influence on the scoring in the Glasgow Coma Scale. There is a relationship between the scoring in the Glasgow Coma Scale and head injuries. The GCS score depended on the symptoms that co-exist with the head injuries. The mechanism (cause) of sustained head injury determined the score in the Glasgow Coma Scale. (JNNN 2015;4(2):56–61)Wstęp. Nadmierne spożywanie alkoholu jest w Polsce istotnym problemem społecznym i zdrowotnym. Przyjęcie nawet niewielkiej dawki alkoholu powoduje wzrost prawdopodobieństwa urazu.Cel. Celem pracy było określenie związku pomiędzy punktacją w skali Glasgow a urazami głowy u pacjentów w stanie nietrzeźwości doraźnie przyjmowanych do Szpitalnego Oddziału Ratunkowego.Materiał i metody. Na podstawie analizy retrospektywnej przebadano grupę 210 nietrzeźwych pacjentów SOR Szpitala Uniwersyteckiego w Krakowie (167 mężczyzn i 43 kobiety), którzy w okresie od 01.05.2011 r. do 01.05.2012 r. doznali urazu głowy. Brano pod uwagę dane dostępne w dokumentacji medycznej: wiek, płeć, wynik punktacji w skali Glasgow, poziom alkoholu we krwi, doznane obrażenia głowy na podstawie wyniku tomografii komputerowej oraz wybrane współtowarzyszące zaburzenia pourazowe.Wyniki. Wśród pacjentów z wysokim poziomem alkoholu były osoby zarówno z wysokimi, jak i niskimi wynikami w skali Glasgow. Pacjenci ze złamaniami kości twarzoczaszki i podstawy czaszki, krwiakiem nadtwardówkowym, przymózgowym, podtwardówkowym, śródmózgowym i podpajęczynówkowym, obrzękiem mózgu, przemieszczeniem układu komorowego oraz krwią w lokalizacji namiotu móżdżku, mieli niższą punktację w skali Glasgow niż pozostali chorzy. Najniższy wynik w skali Glasgow miały osoby, które upadły z wysokości, najwyższy — pacjenci po próbie samobójczej.Wnioski. Poziom alkoholu we krwi nie miał wpływu na wynik punktacji w skali Glasgow. Istnieje zależność pomiędzy punktacją w skali Glasgow a obrażeniami głowy. Punktacja GCS zależała od objawów współtowarzyszących obrażeniom głowy. Przyczyna doznanego urazu głowy determinowała wynik punktacji w skali Glasgow. (PNN 2015;4(2):56–61