32 research outputs found

    Globalisation as a major factor modifying the patterns of tourism activity

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    Globalisation is a complex and dynamic process that today influences many factors determining the development of tourism. It brings about economic, political, social and even cultural changes and drives the expansion of a single global market where the movement of capital, goods and people is much easier than it used to be. Globalization also has an intangible dimension – by enabling access to information and modern forms of communication and by stimulating the spatial mobility of populations it allows ideas to flow freely, as a result of which individuals learn new attitudes and behaviours. This article discusses the influence of globalization on the tourism preferences and tourism activity of Polish residents. The results of the earlier empirical research has confirmed that different social groups have their specific models of tourism activity, showing also which groups have responded to globalization the most strongly and the possible consequences this may have for tourism activity

    Impacts of Globalization on Tourist Preferences and Activity

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    Mass tourism is widely regarded as one of the visible manifestations of globalization. Tourism development can be considered in every dimension of these processes: economic, social, cultural and even political. The high importance of tourism in the present global economy makes it a very popular research field, especially in the scope of economic dependence between tourism and globalization at the global or regional levels. Fully appreciating the achievements of research in this domain, the authors of this paper wish to refer to the scale of the unit and indicate how globalization impacts the individual purchasing decisions. The analysis is based on empirical studies within Polish tourist activity preferences. On the basis of these results the authors attempt to answer the following questions: (1) which tourists' attitudes may reveal the impact of globalization on their preferences and purchasing behaviors; (2) which 'mega-trends' of current tourism are visible in the attitude of Polish tourists; (3) are there differences in the model of tourist activity with reference to the sociodemographic features; (4) what is the spatial scope of preferred tourist destinations (i.e. is the compression of space as readily absorbed in the consciousness of the older population as in the younger?)

    Ruch wędrówkowy ludności i jego zasięg oddziaływania na przykładzie miasta Bygdoszczy i Torunia

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    praca zbiorowa/monografiaPOPULATION MOVEMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE RANGE AFTER EXAMPLES OF BYDGOSZCZ AND TORUŃ SUMMARY The subject of the paper is population movement to and from towns of Bydgoszcz and Toruń, along with appropriate influence range. While studying a "town-region" relation, one can observe distinct feedbacks. On one hand the influence ranges and gravitation of a region to a town depend in great measure on its size, economic potential and attractiveness, while on the other hand, the range of influence and the intensity of its effect depend on transport development, density of settlements, population susceptibility to mobility within a town base as well as the level of its urbanization and industrialization. Migration effects taking shape of balance of internal movements of population are differentiated depending on city size and the distance to the city. However, since the end of 80's everywhere the decrease in migration movements takes place. In general, one can observe two opposing tendencies with reference to large towns (Bydgoszcz, Toruń). On the one hand there exists a quite strong interest in settling these towns (although the influx still fades), while on the other hand the residents of above mentioned settlement units move permanently to outskirts and country areas of neighbouring communes. From the beginning of 90's the increasing migrations from Bydgoszcz to country areas have been noticed. Following surrounding communes admit main wave of mi- grants: Dąbrowa Chełmińska, Dobrcz, Osielsko, Sicienko, Białe Błota, Nowa Wieś Wielka and So1ec Kujawski (see fig. 1 and 2). In the years 1990-1997 the share of immigrants from outside Bydgoszcz Province in the total Bydgoszcz influx amounted to 58,6%, while from the region (former Byd- goszcz Province) 28% and from direct suburban zone (neighbouring communes) 13,4%. However, in the outflow number the 58% of emigrants moved outside Bydgoszcz Pro- vince, 23% emigrated from Bydgoszcz to area of a former Bydgoszcz Province and as much as 19% of total migrants moved to surrounding communes area. Therefore, 13,4% of total migrants number came to Bydgoszcz from neighbouring communes and 19% of total outflow emigrated from the town to suburban area. In the rnigration turnover of Bydgoszcz city the national circulation amounted to 58,1 %, regional one 25,9% and the local as much as 16% (fig. 1,2). In the recent years the similar phenomenon of emigration to neighbouring com- munes is being observed in Toruń, where population more and more frequently settles permanently in the closest communes, that is: Lubicz, Łysomice, Zławieś Wielka, Wielka Nieszawka and in communes somewhat distant away from Toruń: Chełmża, Kowalewo and Golub-Dobrzyń. Some 40% of migration influx to Toruń comes from neighbouring provinces, 35% from former Toruń Province and 25% from other areas of Poland. In the years 1990--1997 the share of communes surrounding Toruń has reached 37,8% and in the total emigration as much as 43,8% (fig. 3,4). Summing things up, one should state, that in the migration turnover to and from large towns, the role of local (neighbouring communes) and regional turnover increase, while the share of national turnover decreases. It results from above, that within the limits of large towns and urban agglornera- tions of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province (Bydgoszcz, Toruń, Włocławek), in their direct zones, since the beginning of 90's one can observe the forming of suburbium. It mani- fests itself in through the intensification of processes of moving population from these towns to their peripheries, what can prove the sub-urbanization phenomenon and the development of their suburban zones. It is enough to mention that for example in Białe Błota commune, which directly borders on Bydgoszcz, from the end of 80's till now, one can observe the intensive influx, housing and industrial construction, as well as forming new economic entities, which offer new workplaces, not only for local population, but also for those coming from outside, in this number from Bydgoszcz and Inowrocław. The similar process can be seen from the beginning of 90's in communes situated in the vicinity of Toruń (Wielka Nieszawka, Lubicz, and so on). Tendency observed refers to Zelinsky's fourth phase of transformation of spatial mobility (Zelinsky, 1971, p. 230-231; Jerczyński, 1998, p. 36-38), which means an increased social mobility (both permanent and temporary migrations), intensive move- ments of population between towns and within individual urban agglomerations

    Cittaslow International Network: An Example of a Globalization Idea?

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    The strong dynamics of the development of the International Assembly of Cittaslow Association development (which now focuses not only on European cities, but also on centers located on other continents), has led to discussions about the place of the Cittaslow concept in the modern world and the relationship between the phenomenon of globalization and the Cittaslow development. Research conducted in the cities belonging to the Polish Assembly of Cittaslow Association provided an opportunity to examine the problem not only on the overall scale but gives also an opportunity to respond to this issue on the micro level - the level of individual consciousness of city dwellers. It appears that the original idea has taken on new meanings and serves as a response to the negative effects of globalization. It has acquired a transnational character and now is setting new global trends

    Lasy jako miejsca realizacji indywidualnych potrzeb aktywności i wypoczynku ludności

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    Obserwacja podmiejskich stref rekreacyjnych wskazuje na ich stały rozwój. Dzieje się tak pod wpływem coraz silniej uświadamianej roli i potrzeby rekreacji w życiu człowieka, co zbiega się ze wzrostem możliwości wypoczynku poza miastem (upowszechnienie transportu indywidualnego, inwestycje w infrastrukturę służącą rekreacji itp.). Jak wynika z badań jednym z chętniej odwiedzanych miejsc są podmiejskie kompleksy leśne. Zasadniczym celem analizy jest diagnoza zachowań rekreacyjnych ludności w specyficznej przestrzeni strefy podmiejskiej Torunia, jaką jest Szkoła Leśna na Barbarce. W drodze badań ankietowych uzyskano wiedzę na temat specyfiki społeczno-demograficznej respondentów, miejsca lasów w ogólnej strukturze preferowanych obszarów rekreacyjnych, wskazano także z jakim natężeniem badani odwiedzają lasy. Analiza posłużyła ustaleniu deklarowanego celu pobytu – dało to podstawę przyporządkowania sposobu wypoczynku do kategorii rekreacji czynnej lub biernej oraz wskazania stopnia wykorzystania infrastruktury rekreacyjnej

    Atrakcyjność turystyczna lasów w kontekście nowych tendencji i trendów w turystyce

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    Nowe tendencje i trendy w turystyce, wywierają i będą wywierały wpływ na wielkość ruchu turystycznego i jego strukturę. Są zatem cennym źródłem informacji niezbędnych w prognozowaniu zmian popytu turystycznego. Wiedza jaką możemy czerpać z obserwacji obecnych zachowań turystycznych i ich ewolucji w stosunku do wcześniejszych, uzupełniona umiejętnością poprawnego wyjaśniania owych zmian z pewnością pomoże wskazać jak będą kształtować się przyszłe społeczne potrzeby i oczekiwania względem lasów. The new tendencies and trends are influencing and will impact on the size of the tourist movement and its structure in the tourism. There are crucial and valuable sources of information necessary to the forecasting of the demand tourist changes. Knowledge, that we could gain from the observation of the current tourist behaviors and their evolution, supplemented of the proper explanation ability of those changes, helps to indicate how the demands and the public expectation will change regarding the forests


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    DOI: 10.2478 Available on-line at: http://www.bulletinofgeography.umk.pl http://versita.com/bgssThis article presents the spatial and population density changes in Polish towns in the years 1960–2003. The assumed time frame allowed identifying area changes for a complete set of towns in different socio-economic conditions: the period of intense industrialisation, the economic crisis of the 1980s, the period of economic transition and finally in the years of a market economy. The investigation revealed that the trend shown by changes and the size of a town as measured by the number of its population are distinctly interrelated. It also demonstrated a much stronger dynamics of changes in the first subperiod, i.e. years 1960–1985, followed by a phase of relative stabilization (compared with the previous period) after the year 1980 (mainly of the spatial changes). Moreover, change intensity and change trends observed for the urban areas and population densities vary considerably in terms of space

    Treatment of patients with Philadelphia positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Translokacja (9;22)(q34:q11.2), zwana chromosomem Filadelfia (Ph), jest najczęstszym zaburzeniem cytogenetycznym stwierdzanym u dorosłych chorych na ostrą białaczkę limfoblastyczną (ALL). Przed wprowadzeniem inhibitorów kinazy tyrozynowej (TKI) podtyp ALL Ph+ był obciążony szczególnie złym rokowaniem. Wprowadzenie imatynibu (IM), stosowanego w skojarzeniu z chemioterapią indukującą i konsolidującą, pozwoliło na zwiększenie odsetka całkowitych remisji do ponad 90% i zwiększenie szansy na allogeniczne przeszczepienie krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych. Pierwsze doniesienia dotyczące wyników odległych wskazują na poprawę prawdopodobieństwa przeżycia, które w perspektywie 5-letniej wynosi obecnie około 50%. Konieczne jest przeprowadzenie dalszych badań klinicznych zmierzających do ustalenia optymalnego sposobu stosowania IM oraz określenia ewentualnej roli TKI II generacji w leczeniu I linii. Hematologia 2011; 2, 1: 33–41Translocation (9;22)(q34:q11.2), called Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), is the most frequent cytogenetic aberration among adults with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Before the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI), ALL Ph+ was associated with particularly poor prognosis. Introduction of imatinib (IM) in combination with induction-consolidation chemotherapy increased complete remission rate to over 90% and allowed application of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to greater proportion of patients. First reports on long term results indicate that 5-year probability of the overall survival is now approximately 50%. Further improvement requires prospective clinical trials aimed to optimize the protocols of IM administration and evaluate potential role of 2nd generation TKI in the up-front therapy of adults with ALL Ph+. Hematologia 2011; 2, 1: 33–4

    Prophylaxis and treatment of the central nervous system involvement in lymphoid malignancies

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    W przebiegu nowotworów układu chłonnego może dojść do pierwotnego lub wtórnego zajęcia ośrodkowego układu nerwowego (OUN) z obecnością komórek chłoniaka w płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym i/lub ze zmianami o charakterze oponowym, miąższowym lub mieszanym. Ryzyko takiego umiejscowienia choroby jest duże, zwłaszcza w przebiegu ostrej białaczki limfoblastycznej (ALL)/chłoniaka limfoblastycznego (LBL), chłoniaka Burkitta (BL), u niektórych chorych na chłoniaka rozlanego z dużych komórek B (DLBCL) oraz w przebiegu chłoniaków nieklasyfikowalnych o cechach pośrednich między BL i DLBCL. Rozpoznanie zajęcia OUN implikuje konieczność intensywnej terapii obejmującej chemioterapię dokanałową, stosowanie dużych dawek cytostatyków przekraczających barierę krew–mózg, a w niektórych przypadkach - radioterapię. U chorych, u których doszło do nawrotu w obrębie OUN, rokowanie jest złe. Z tego względu u osób obciążonych wysokim ryzykiem niezbędna jest odpowiednia profilaktyka. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono zalecenia sformułowane przez Polską Grupę ds. Leczenia Białaczek u Dorosłych (PALG) oraz Polską Grupę Badawczą Chłoniaków (PLRG). Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 352-358Lymphoid malignancies may be accompanied by primary or secondary involvement of central nervous system (CNS). The risk is particularly high in course acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL), Burkitt lymphoma (BL), selected patients with diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and unclassifiable large B cell lymphoma with features between DLBCL and BL. The diagnosis of CNS involvement implicates the need for intensive treatment including intrathecal chemotherapy as well as intravenous infusion of high doses of cytostatics crossing the blood-brain barrier. As the prognosis of patients with CNS relapse is poor, appropriate prophylaxis is required. In this paper we present recommendations of the Polish Adult Leukemia Group (PALG) and the Polish Lymphoma Research Group (PLRG). Hematologia 2010; 1, 4: 352-35