13 research outputs found

    Morphometric parameters of Phragmites australis as indicators of soil salinity: habitat and remote sensing approach as exemplified by brine-supplied salt marshes in the Parsęta Valley (NW Poland)

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    The paper illustrates an application of morphometric parameters of common reed to locate saline patches in extensive rush complexes. The study evaluated the applicability of aerial photographs and explored effects of soil salinity on reed stem mean height (r = -0.72) and diameter (r = 0.52)

    Spatial analysis of plant species distribution among small water bodies in an agricultural landscape

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    Due to their small size (0.02-1.0 ha), distinct boundaries, and conditions highly contrasting with those in the surrounding area, midfield water bodies are regarded as the so-called habitat islands. Their effective conservation calls for knowledge on their inhabitants' dispersal potential. However, direct empirical data are available for very few species only, but dispersal potential of a species may be inferred indirectly, from its distribution. The study addressed the question whether there is spatial autocorrelation in the distribution of plant species in midfield water bodies, or if the distribution is random. Spatial distribution of the midfield water bodies surveyed was analysed using the CrimeStat software, while spatial autocorrelation in distribution of 29 species was explored with the joincount.test routine of R CRAN software. Explorative spatial data analysis (ESDA) involving join-count statistics showed the presence of positive spatial autocorrelation in the distribution of ten hydro- and helophytic species. In their case, ESDA made it possible to reject the random distribution hypothesis, which opens up an avenue for exploring spatial patterns. Activities promoting the occurrence of species with limited dispersal potential should take into account their preferences in terms of shorter distances between neighbouring sites. This should make it possible to plan conservation of midfield water bodies not only as refuges, but also as stepping stone habitats facilitating migrations of wild species growing in an agricultural landscape

    Distribution of Taraxacum microspecies along soil property gradients in salt and brackish meadows on the Polish Baltic coast

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    The vegetation of protected salt meadows along the Baltic coast is fairly well known; however, dandelions have been so far treated as a collective species. The aim of our study was to examine the microspecies diversity of the genus Taraxacum in Polish salt and brackish coastal meadows and to analyse soil property preferences of the dandelion microspecies identified. In addition, we analysed the relations between soil properties and vegetation patterns in dandelion-supporting coastal meadows (by canonical correspondence analysis). The salt and brackish meadows along the Polish Baltic coast we visited were found to support a total of 27 dandelion microspecies representing 5 sections. Analysis of vegetation patterns showed all the soil parameters (C:N ratio, organic matter content, pH, concentration of Mg, P, K, electrolytic conductivity of the saturated soil extract ECe) to explain 32.07% of the total variance in the species data. The maximum abundance of most dandelion microspecies was associated with the highest soil fertility, moderate pH values and organic matter content, and with the lowest magnesium content and soil salinity. The exceptions were T. latissimum, T. stenoglossum, T. pulchrifolium and T. lucidum the occurrence of which was related to the lowest soil fertility and the highest salinity. In addition, several microspecies (T. leptodon, T. gentile, T. haematicum, T. fusciflorum and T. balticum) were observed at moderate C:N ratios and ECe. Four other microspecies (T. infestum, T. cordatum, T. hamatum, T. sertatum) occurred at the lowest pH and organic matter content. The information obtained increases the still insufficient body of knowledge on ecological spectra of individual dandelion microspecies, hence their potential indicator properties

    Old and New Threats—Trace Metals and Fluoride Contamination in Soils at Defunct Smithy Sites

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    The aim of this study was to investigate soil contamination with trace elements and fluoride at sites in Szczecin (NW Poland) where economic activity was historically associated with the use of trace metals. As the Polish legislation does not recognize the lasting impact of historical pollution on soils, land developers are not obliged to determine soil pollution in the new residential areas, including parks and playgrounds for children. Therefore, in this study, at the locations of defunct metalwork enterprises (smithies, foundries, chemical plants, and small metal production plants), which were closed down after World War II, we determined lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and cobalt (Co) levels in the soil. In addition, we also determined fluoride (F) levels due to the contemporary fluoride pollution in the area generated by a large chemical plant with a post-production phosphogypsum waste landfill and a power plant complex. Our results show that soil at the sites of now-defunct smithies can still act as a significant source of trace metals. Pb concentration in the surface (0–20 cm) and subsurface (20–40 cm) layers exceeded concentration thresholds for soils with first-degree pollution. The concentrations of Zn and Cu also exceeded their natural background limits. Furthermore, our research indicates an increased concentration of fluoride in surface layers of the soil; however, not exceeding the fluoride content threshold. These observations have important consequences for public health and safety because, presently, the studied sites function as housing estates and other public facilities. Therefore, contaminated soil at these sites may pose a threat to the health of local residents and should be closely monitored for trace metal contamination levels