378 research outputs found

    Transverse Chromatic Aberrations in Virtual Reality Devices

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    We demonstrate a method for measuring the transverse chromatic aberration (TCA) in a virtual reality head-mounted display (VR HMD). This procedure was used to characterize the optical performance of the Oculus Go VR HMD. Results show a measurable TCA for angles larger than approximately 6◩ from the center of the field of view. TCA can be thought of as a wavelength dependent magnification, and as a result, the relative size of objects vary based on the rendering color. In addition, this leads to color changes in the image due to mixing with neighboring pixels, which impacts image quality. The test results for the Oculus Go show promise for characterizing TCA across different HMDs

    Ultracold collisions in tight harmonic traps: Quantum defect model and application to metastable helium atoms

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    We analyze a system of two colliding ultracold atoms under strong harmonic confinement from the viewpoint of quantum defect theory and formulate a generalized self-consistent method for determining the allowed energies. We also present two highly efficient computational methods for determining the bound state energies and eigenfunctions of such systems. The perturbed harmonic oscillator problem is characterized by a long asymptotic region beyond the effective range of the interatomic potential. The first method, which is based on quantum defect theory and is an adaptation of a technique developed by one of the authors (GP) for highly excited states in a modified Coulomb potential, is very efficient for integrating through this outer region. The second method is a direct numerical solution of the radial Schr\"{o}dinger equation using a discrete variable representation of the kinetic energy operator and a scaled radial coordinate grid. The methods are applied to the case of trapped spin-polarized metastable helium atoms. The calculated eigenvalues agree very closely for the two methods, and with those computed self-consistently using the generalized self-consistent method.Comment: 11 pages,REVTEX, text substantially revised, title modifie

    Clone flow analysis for a theory inspired Neutrino Experiment planning

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    The presence of several clone solutions in the simultaneous measurement of (ξ13,ή\theta_{13},\delta) has been widely discussed in literature. In this letter we write the analytical formulae of the clones location in the (ξ13,ή\theta_{13},\delta) plane as a function of the physical input pair (ξˉ13,ήˉ\bar\theta_{13},\bar\delta). We show how the clones move with changing ξˉ13\bar\theta_{13}. The "clone flow" can be significantly different if computed (naively) from the oscillation probabilities or (exactly) from the probabilities integrated over the neutrino flux and cross-section. Using our complete computation we compare the clone flow of a set of possible future neutrino experiments: the CERN SuperBeam, BetaBeam and Neutrino Factory proposals. We show that the combination of these specific BetaBeam and SuperBeam does not help in solving the degeneracies. On the contrary, the combination of one of them with the Neutrino Factory Golden and Silver channel can be used, from a theoretical point of view, to solve completely the eightfold degeneracy.Comment: 23 pages, using epsfi

    Spatial variations in lead isotopes, Tasman Element, eastern Australia

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    Lead isotope data from ore deposits and mineral occurrences in the Tasman Element of eastern Australia have been used to construct isotopic maps of this region. These maps exhibit systematic patterns in parameters derived from isotope ratios. The parameters include ÎŒ (238U/204Pb), as calculated using the Cumming and Richards (1975) lead evolution model, and the difference between true age of mineralisation and the Cumming and Richards lead isotope model age of mineralisation (Δt). Variations in ÎŒ coincide with boundaries at the orogen, subprovince and zone scales. The boundary between the Lachlan and New England orogens is accompanied by a decrease in ÎŒ, and within the Lachlan Orogen, the Central Subprovince is characterised by ÎŒ that is significantly higher than in the adjacent Eastern and Western subprovinces. Within the Eastern Subprovince, the Cu-Au-rich Macquarie Arc is characterised by significantly lower ÎŒ relative to adjacent rocks. The Macquarie Arc is also characterised by very high Δt (generally above 200 Myr). Other regions characterised by very high Δt include western Tasmania, the southeastern New England Orogen, and the Hodgkinson Province in northern Queensland. These anomalies are within a broad pattern of decreasing Δt from east to west, with Paleozoic deposits within or adjacent to Proterozoic crust characterised by Δt values of 50 Myr or below. The patterns in Δt are interpreted to reflect the presence of the two major tectonic components involved in the Paleozoic Tasman margin in Australia (cf., MĂŒnker, 2000): subducting proto-Pacific crust (Δt >150 Myr), and Proterozoic Australia crust (Δt < 50 Myr) on the over-riding plate. Proterozoic Australia crustal sources are interpreted to dominate the western parts of the Tasman Element and Proterozoic crust further to the west, whereas Pacific crustal sources are inferred to characterise western Tasmania and much of the eastern part of the Tasman Element. Contrasts in Δt between the Cambrian Mount Read Volcanics in western Tasmania and similar aged rocks in western Victoria and New South Wales make direct tectonic correlation between these rocks problematic

    Unity of CP and T Violation in Neutrino Oscillations

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    In a previous work a simultaneous P- CP[P] and P- T[P] bi-probability plot was proposed as a useful tool for unified graphical description of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillation. The ``baseball diamond'' structure of the plot is understood as a consequence of the approximate CP-CP and the T-CP relations obeyed by the oscillation probabilities. In this paper, we make a step forward toward deeper understanding of the unified graphical representation by showing that these two relations are identical in its content, suggesting a truly unifying view of CP and T violation in neutrino oscillations. We suspect that the unity reflects the underlying CPT theorem. We also present calculation of corrections to the CP-CP and the T-CP relations to leading order in Delta m^2_{21} / Delta m^2_{31} and s^2_{13}.Comment: 20 references added, version to appear in "Focus Issue on Neutrino Physics" of New Journal of Physic

    Observation of the nonlinear Hall effect under time reversal symmetric conditions

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    The electrical Hall effect is the production of a transverse voltage under an out-of-plane magnetic field. Historically, studies of the Hall effect have led to major breakthroughs including the discoveries of Berry curvature and the topological Chern invariants. In magnets, the internal magnetization allows Hall conductivity in the absence of external magnetic field. This anomalous Hall effect (AHE) has become an important tool to study quantum magnets. In nonmagnetic materials without external magnetic fields, the electrical Hall effect is rarely explored because of the constraint by time-reversal symmetry. However, strictly speaking, only the Hall effect in the linear response regime, i.e., the Hall voltage linearly proportional to the external electric field, identically vanishes due to time-reversal symmetry. The Hall effect in the nonlinear response regime, on the other hand, may not be subject to such symmetry constraints. Here, we report the observation of the nonlinear Hall effect (NLHE) in the electrical transport of the nonmagnetic 2D quantum material, bilayer WTe2. Specifically, flowing an electrical current in bilayer WTe2 leads to a nonlinear Hall voltage in the absence of magnetic field. The NLHE exhibits unusual properties sharply distinct from the AHE in metals: The NLHE shows a quadratic I-V characteristic; It strongly dominates the nonlinear longitudinal response, leading to a Hall angle of about 90 degree. We further show that the NLHE directly measures the "dipole moment" of the Berry curvature, which arises from layer-polarized Dirac fermions in bilayer WTe2. Our results demonstrate a new Hall effect and provide a powerful methodology to detect Berry curvature in a wide range of nonmagnetic quantum materials in an energy-resolved way

    Graphene plasmonics: A platform for strong light-matter interaction

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    Graphene plasmons provide a suitable alternative to noble-metal plasmons because they exhibit much larger confinement and relatively long propagation distances, with the advantage of being highly tunable via electrostatic gating. We report strong light- matter interaction assisted by graphene plasmons, and in particular, we predict unprecedented high decay rates of quantum emitters in the proximity of a carbon sheet, large vacuum Rabi splitting and Purcell factors, and extinction cross sections exceeding the geometrical area in graphene ribbons and nanometer-sized disks. Our results provide the basis for the emerging and potentially far-reaching field of graphene plasmonics, offering an ideal platform for cavity quantum electrodynamics and supporting the possibility of single-molecule, single-plasmon devices.Comment: 39 pages, 15 figure

    Neutral currents and tests of three-neutrino unitarity in long-baseline experiments

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    We examine a strategy for using neutral current measurements in long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments to put limits on the existence of more than three light, active neutrinos. We determine the relative contributions of statistics, cross section uncertainties, event misidentification and other systematic errors to the overall uncertainty of these measurements. As specific case studies, we make simulations of beams and detectors that are like the K2K, T2K, and MINOS experiments. We find that the neutral current cross section uncertainty and contamination of the neutral current signal by charge current events allow a sensitivity for determining the presence of sterile neutinos at the 0.10--0.15 level in probablility.Comment: 24 pages, Latex2e, uses graphicx.sty, 2 postscript figures. Submitted to the Neutrino Focus Issue of New Journal Physics at http://www.njp.or


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    Abstracts of papers about Giuseppe Verdi and his works, presented at joint meetings of the AIVS and Greater NY Chapter of the American Musicological Society, 1979-81 (Hepokoski, Lawton, Chusid, Hornick, NĂĄdas, Tomlinson, Garrison, Powers), at the 1982 national meeting of the American Musicological Society (Harwood), and at an NEH-sponsored summer seminar at NYU in 1980 (Beams, Cole, Cordell, Davis, Fry, King, Mason, McCauley, Town)

    Coordinated strategy for a model-based decision support tool for coronavirus disease, Utah, USA

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    The coronavirus disease pandemic has highlighted the key role epidemiologic models play in supporting public health decision-making. In particular, these models provide estimates of outbreak potential when data are scarce and decision-making is critical and urgent. We document the integrated modeling response used in the US state of Utah early in the coronavirus disease pandemic, which brought together a diverse set of technical experts and public health and healthcare officials and led to an evidence-based response to the pandemic. We describe how we adapted a standard epidemiologic model; harmonized the outputs across modeling groups; and maintained a constant dialogue with policymakers at multiple levels of government to produce timely, evidence-based, and coordinated public health recommendations and interventions during the first wave of the pandemic. This framework continues to support the state's response to ongoing outbreaks and can be applied in other settings to address unique public health challenges
