123 research outputs found

    A focus on getting along: respect, caring and diversity

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    Drawing inspiration om Joseph T. O’Connell’s work on socio‐cultural integration, this pa‐ per connects the notion of ‘deep equality’ with two broad lessons that can be taken om O’Connell’s approach that pertain to the study of religious diversity in contemporary life. The rst is the recognition of the amorphous nature of religious identity, and the second is the necessity to search for models of socio‐cultural integration in the face of di erence. These lessons are valuable in providing an alternative discourse of diversity that moves away om problematisation to collaboration. SƂowa kluczowe: ; ; ; ; ; ; ;;

    Do household definitions matter in survey design?

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    Household definitions used in multi-topic household surveys vary between surveys but have potentially significant implications for household composition, production, and poverty statistics. Standard definitions of the household usually include some intersection of keywords relating to residency requirements, common food consumption, and intermingling of income or production decisions. Despite best practices intending to standardize the definition of the household, it is unclear which types of definitions or which intersections of keywords in a definition result in different household compositions. This paper conducts a randomized survey experiment of four different household definitions in Mali to examine the implications for household-level statistics. This approach permits analysis of the trade-offs between alternative definition types. We find that additional keywords in definitions increase rather than decrease household size and significantly alter household composition. Definitions emphasizing common consumption or joint production increase estimates of the levels of household assets and consumption statistics, but not on per adult equivalency asset and consumption statistics, relative to open-ended definitions of the household. In contrast, definition type did not affect production statistics in levels, although we observe significant differences in per adult equivalency terms. Our findings suggest that variations in household definition have implications for measuring household welfare and production over time and across countries, as well as evaluation studies where the correct measure of spillover effects within and across households is necessary for measuring the benefits of an intervention.assets, Consumption, household definition, randomized experiment,

    The Paths Between Resistance and Collaboration: Evangelical Women in Atlantic Canada

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    Exploring the relationship between the New Right and Evangelical Christian women in Atlantic Canada, this paper presents evidence that there is some strong support for feminist ideas among Evangelical women, and argues it is wrong to summarily categorize conservative Protestants as supporters of the New Right agenda, thus creating barriers which alienate them from the feminist movement.En explorant le lien entre la Nouvelle Droite et les femmes ChrĂ©tiennes ÉvangĂ©liques au Canada Atlantique, cet article dĂ©montre qu’il existe un assez grand support pour les idĂ©es fĂ©ministes parmis les femmes Ă©vangĂ©liques, et soutient qu’on a tort de catĂ©goriser sommairement les Protestantes conservatrices comme des partisanes de l’ordre du jour de la Nouvelle Droite, crĂ©ant ainsi des barriĂšres et les aliĂ©nant du mouvement fĂ©ministe

    Can Network Theory-based Targeting Increase Technology Adoption?

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    In order to induce farmers to adopt a productive new agricultural technology, we apply simple and complex contagion diffusion models on rich social network data from 200 villages in Malawi to identify seed farmers to target and train on the new technology. A randomized controlled trial compares these theory-driven network targeting approaches to simpler strategies that either rely on a government extension worker or an easily measurable proxy for the social network (geographic distance between households) to identify seed farmers. Our results indicate that technology diffusion is characterized by a complex contagion learning environment in which most farmers need to learn from multiple people before they adopt themselves. Network theory based targeting can out-perform traditional approaches to extension, and we identify methods to realize these gains at low cost to policymakers. Keywords: Social Learning, Agricultural Technology Adoption, Complex Contagion, Malawi JEL Classification Codes: O16, O13Comment: 61 page

    Saving for a (not so) Rainy Day: A Randomized Evaluation of Savings Groups in Mali

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    Saving for a (not so) Rainy Day: A Randomized Evaluation of Savings Groups in Mali

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    Probability of Fertilizer: Experimental Evidence from Female Rice Farmers in Mali

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    Notes: Center discussion papers are preliminary materials circulated to stimulate discussion and critical comments

    Self-Selection into Credit Markets: Evidence from Agriculture in Mali

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    Can Network Theory-based Targeting Increase Technology Adoption?

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