9 research outputs found

    Creating the model for the implementation of marketing attributes which determine domestic enterprises competitiveness

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    Global market and establishing new competitive relations require a new approach to business organization management, both in the conceptional and organizational sense. Modern organizations that are actively and continually applying modern management methods and techniques have significantly better chances to strenghten their competitive ability on the global market and to take a stable market position with the perspective for further market growth. Therefore, it is necessary for domestic enterprises to implement those management techniques which emphasize long-lasting orientation towards competitiveness - relationship marketing, business quality standardization, as well as other management techniques based on knowledge. Implementation of modern management techniques is an essential precondition for a successful business performance of domestic enterprises. Misunderstanding of marketing is typical for transition economies. Domestic business organizations have to use foreign business experiences in the process of business internationalization, which means that they have to apply actively the concept of integrated marketing. This paper provides an overview of reserch results regarding the managers' attitudes of domestic companies about the need of improving the marketing practice. Also, the overview of the model for applying the marketing attributes which determine the competitiveness of domestic companies has been provided


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja stavova rukovodilaca domaćih preduzeća u odnosu na kreiranje modela za unapređenje marketinga u domaćim preduzećima. Kreiran je teorijski model za  implementaciju atributa marketinga koji determinišu konkurentnost domaćih preduzeća, koji u sebi integriše zahteve i potrebe savremenih poslovnih organizacija u funkciji postizanja konkurentske sposobnosti domaćih preduzeća i poslovne izvrsnosti, uzimajući u obzir promene konkurentskih odnosa na globalnom tržištu i specifičnosti tranzicione ekonomije u uslovima globalne ekonomske krize. Model za implementaciju atributa marketinga koji determinišu konkurentnost domaćih preduzeća podrazumeva sledeće elemente: analizu zahteva tržišta, najznačajniji faktori za unapređenje poslovanja domaćih preduzeća, glavne prepreke u razvoju konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća, najznačajnije karakteristike savremene organizacije, proces upravljanja marketingom, ciljeve marketinga, implementacija  metoda i tehnika upravljanja marketingom, smernice za unapređenje poslovanja, analizu zadovoljstva interesnih grupa, stalno unapređenje poslovanja. Kao najznačajniji faktori za unapređenje poslovanja domaćih preduzeća ističu se: unapređenje kvaliteta poslovanja (20,49%), usavršavanje zaposlenih (20,22%), povećanje produktivnosti poslovanja (13,11%), usavršavanje tehničko-tehnološke osnove poslovanja (11,61%), razvoj i primena informacionih tehnologija (11,48%). Kao glavne prepreke u razvoju konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća mogu se uočiti: nedostatak finansijskog kapitala (27,34%), nedostatak resursa (20,05%),  nedostatak znanja (17,72%), zastarela oprema i tehnologija (17,31%) i neadekvatna upotreba savremenih metoda i tehnika menadžmenta (6,87%). Analizirani rukovodioci su definisali i glavne karakteristike koje treba da poseduje moderna organizacija i to su: efikasnost (20,08%), inovativnost (19,39%),  produktivnost (14,37%), kreativnost (11,99%) i fleksibilnost (9,9%). Kao najznačajniji ciljevi marketinga, analizirani rukovodioci ističu: unapređenje kvaliteta poslovanja (38%), postizanje vrednosti za korisnika (22%), razvoj konkurentske sposobnosti (18%), postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti (13%), izlazak na globalno tržište (7%). Analizirani rukovodioci ističu sledeće metode i tehnike marketinga koje se koriste u funkciji uspostavlja konkurentnosti: analiza zadovoljstva korisnika (16,83%), unapređenje prodaje (16,40%), odnosi s javnošću (11,08%), direktni marketing (10,93%), brendiranje (10,07%). Takođe, model polazi od strategijskog fokusa ka potrošačima i odnosima i vezama koji proističu iz zahteva potrošača u odnosu na organizaciju, a završava se analizom zadovoljstva interesnih grupa. Glave smernice za unapređenje, u odnosu na rezultate predstavljenog modela su razvoj marketing odnosa koji treba da bude u korelaciji sa stalnim unapređenjem kvaliteta poslovanja i  permanentnim usavršavanjem znanja domaćih rukovodioca. Kao glavni pravci unapređenja marketinga u domaćih preduzeća mogu se izdvojiti sledeći: primena integralnog marketing koncepta, adekvatnije formiranje organizacione celine za marketing u domaćim preduzećima, planski pristup planiranju marketinga u funkciji uspešnog upravljanja marketing funkcijom, adekvatnija i brža primena savremenih metoda i tehnika marketinga.The paper presents the research results of attitudes of managers of domestic enterprises in relation to creation of models for improving marketing in domestic enterprises. A theoretical model for the implementation of marketing attributes, which determine the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, has been created. It integrates the requirements and needs of modern business organizations in the function of achieving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and business excellence, while taking into account the changes in competitive relations in the global market and the specificities of the transition economy in the conditions of global economic crisis. The model for the implementation of marketing attributes that determine the competitiveness of domestic enterprises implies the following elements: the analysis of market demands, the most important factors for improving the performance of domestic enterprises, the main obstacles in the development of competitiveness of domestic enterprises, the most significant characteristics of modern organization, the marketing management process, marketing objectives, the implementation of methods and techniques of marketing management, guidelines for business improvement, stakeholder satisfaction analysis and continuous improvement of business. The most important factors for improving the performance of domestic enterprises are improvement of business quality (20.49%), improvement of employees (20.22%), increase of productivity of business (13.11%), improvement of technical and technological basis of business (11.61 %), as well as development and application of information technologies (11.48%). The lack of financial capital (27.34%), the lack of resources (20.05%), the lack of knowledge (17.72%), outdated equipment and technology (17.31%) and inadequate use of modern methods and techniques of management (6.87%) are seen as major obstacles in the development of competitiveness of domestic enterprises. The respondents also defined the main characteristics that should be possessed by a modern organization: efficiency (20.08%), innovation (19.39%), productivity (14.37%), creativity (11.99%) and flexibility (9.9%). According to the respondents, the most important marketing goals are improving the quality of business (38%), achieving value for the user (22%), developing competitiveness (18%), achieving business excellence (13%) and entering the global market (7%) . The respomdents also emphasize the following methods and techniques of marketing that are used in the function of establishing competitiveness: customer satisfaction analysis (16.83%), sales promotion (16.40%), public relations (11.08%), direct marketing (10, 93%), branding (10.07%). Also, the model starts from a strategic focus on consumers and relationships and relationships that arise from consumers' demands towards the organization, and ends with an analysis of stakeholder satisfaction. The headlines for improvement, compared to the results of the presented model, are the development of marketing relations that should be in correlation with the continuous improvement of business quality and permanent knowledge improvement of domestic managers. The main directions of marketing promotion in domestic companies are the following: application of an integral marketing concept, more adequate formation of an organizational unit for marketing in domestic enterprises, planned approach to marketing planning in the function of successful marketing function management, more adequate and faster application of modern methods and marketing techniques


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja stavova rukovodilaca domaćih preduzeća u odnosu na kreiranje modela za unapređenje marketinga u domaćim preduzećima. Kreiran je teorijski model za  implementaciju atributa marketinga koji determinišu konkurentnost domaćih preduzeća, koji u sebi integriše zahteve i potrebe savremenih poslovnih organizacija u funkciji postizanja konkurentske sposobnosti domaćih preduzeća i poslovne izvrsnosti, uzimajući u obzir promene konkurentskih odnosa na globalnom tržištu i specifičnosti tranzicione ekonomije u uslovima globalne ekonomske krize. Model za implementaciju atributa marketinga koji determinišu konkurentnost domaćih preduzeća podrazumeva sledeće elemente: analizu zahteva tržišta, najznačajniji faktori za unapređenje poslovanja domaćih preduzeća, glavne prepreke u razvoju konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća, najznačajnije karakteristike savremene organizacije, proces upravljanja marketingom, ciljeve marketinga, implementacija  metoda i tehnika upravljanja marketingom, smernice za unapređenje poslovanja, analizu zadovoljstva interesnih grupa, stalno unapređenje poslovanja. Kao najznačajniji faktori za unapređenje poslovanja domaćih preduzeća ističu se: unapređenje kvaliteta poslovanja (20,49%), usavršavanje zaposlenih (20,22%), povećanje produktivnosti poslovanja (13,11%), usavršavanje tehničko-tehnološke osnove poslovanja (11,61%), razvoj i primena informacionih tehnologija (11,48%). Kao glavne prepreke u razvoju konkurentnosti domaćih preduzeća mogu se uočiti: nedostatak finansijskog kapitala (27,34%), nedostatak resursa (20,05%),  nedostatak znanja (17,72%), zastarela oprema i tehnologija (17,31%) i neadekvatna upotreba savremenih metoda i tehnika menadžmenta (6,87%). Analizirani rukovodioci su definisali i glavne karakteristike koje treba da poseduje moderna organizacija i to su: efikasnost (20,08%), inovativnost (19,39%),  produktivnost (14,37%), kreativnost (11,99%) i fleksibilnost (9,9%). Kao najznačajniji ciljevi marketinga, analizirani rukovodioci ističu: unapređenje kvaliteta poslovanja (38%), postizanje vrednosti za korisnika (22%), razvoj konkurentske sposobnosti (18%), postizanje poslovne izvrsnosti (13%), izlazak na globalno tržište (7%). Analizirani rukovodioci ističu sledeće metode i tehnike marketinga koje se koriste u funkciji uspostavlja konkurentnosti: analiza zadovoljstva korisnika (16,83%), unapređenje prodaje (16,40%), odnosi s javnošću (11,08%), direktni marketing (10,93%), brendiranje (10,07%). Takođe, model polazi od strategijskog fokusa ka potrošačima i odnosima i vezama koji proističu iz zahteva potrošača u odnosu na organizaciju, a završava se analizom zadovoljstva interesnih grupa. Glave smernice za unapređenje, u odnosu na rezultate predstavljenog modela su razvoj marketing odnosa koji treba da bude u korelaciji sa stalnim unapređenjem kvaliteta poslovanja i  permanentnim usavršavanjem znanja domaćih rukovodioca. Kao glavni pravci unapređenja marketinga u domaćih preduzeća mogu se izdvojiti sledeći: primena integralnog marketing koncepta, adekvatnije formiranje organizacione celine za marketing u domaćim preduzećima, planski pristup planiranju marketinga u funkciji uspešnog upravljanja marketing funkcijom, adekvatnija i brža primena savremenih metoda i tehnika marketinga.The paper presents the research results of attitudes of managers of domestic enterprises in relation to creation of models for improving marketing in domestic enterprises. A theoretical model for the implementation of marketing attributes, which determine the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, has been created. It integrates the requirements and needs of modern business organizations in the function of achieving the competitiveness of domestic enterprises and business excellence, while taking into account the changes in competitive relations in the global market and the specificities of the transition economy in the conditions of global economic crisis. The model for the implementation of marketing attributes that determine the competitiveness of domestic enterprises implies the following elements: the analysis of market demands, the most important factors for improving the performance of domestic enterprises, the main obstacles in the development of competitiveness of domestic enterprises, the most significant characteristics of modern organization, the marketing management process, marketing objectives, the implementation of methods and techniques of marketing management, guidelines for business improvement, stakeholder satisfaction analysis and continuous improvement of business. The most important factors for improving the performance of domestic enterprises are improvement of business quality (20.49%), improvement of employees (20.22%), increase of productivity of business (13.11%), improvement of technical and technological basis of business (11.61 %), as well as development and application of information technologies (11.48%). The lack of financial capital (27.34%), the lack of resources (20.05%), the lack of knowledge (17.72%), outdated equipment and technology (17.31%) and inadequate use of modern methods and techniques of management (6.87%) are seen as major obstacles in the development of competitiveness of domestic enterprises. The respondents also defined the main characteristics that should be possessed by a modern organization: efficiency (20.08%), innovation (19.39%), productivity (14.37%), creativity (11.99%) and flexibility (9.9%). According to the respondents, the most important marketing goals are improving the quality of business (38%), achieving value for the user (22%), developing competitiveness (18%), achieving business excellence (13%) and entering the global market (7%) . The respomdents also emphasize the following methods and techniques of marketing that are used in the function of establishing competitiveness: customer satisfaction analysis (16.83%), sales promotion (16.40%), public relations (11.08%), direct marketing (10, 93%), branding (10.07%). Also, the model starts from a strategic focus on consumers and relationships and relationships that arise from consumers' demands towards the organization, and ends with an analysis of stakeholder satisfaction. The headlines for improvement, compared to the results of the presented model, are the development of marketing relations that should be in correlation with the continuous improvement of business quality and permanent knowledge improvement of domestic managers. The main directions of marketing promotion in domestic companies are the following: application of an integral marketing concept, more adequate formation of an organizational unit for marketing in domestic enterprises, planned approach to marketing planning in the function of successful marketing function management, more adequate and faster application of modern methods and marketing techniques

    The Application of Contemporary Marketing Concept in the Sense of the Improvement of Business Subject Competitiveness

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    Modern business conditions and global markets require all business organizations to integrate modern management techniques into their organizational structure. Successful business cannot be based on obsolete techniques and management principles. Management of an organization must be in line with the users’ needs and environment requirements. Due to the intensification of global competition, special attention should be paid to the application of modern marketing methods and techniques. This paper presents an overview of the research results related to the application of modern marketing methods and techniques with the aim of improving the competitiveness of a company