269 research outputs found

    Immunologic aspects of acute viral hepatitis B in children

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    Last year (2007) the tendency of the growth of morbidity by acute viral hepatites persists. Morbidity in Ukraine is in 5-20 times higher in the USA and in the countries of the Western Europe. The prognosis and clinical course of a HBV-infection, were due to the state of immune system, the degree of infection and the virus virulence. According to statistics for each third inhabitant of Ukraine there are a secondary immunodeficiency. Its development is influenced by radiation pollution (Chernobyl), psychoemotional stresses, inadequate treatment, an irrational feed

    Clinical and psychopathological features of the course and outcome of the first psychotic episode.

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    Recently it has been established that cytokines are involved in the regulation of the body’s defense reactions in response to a pathogen and form an independent system  for regulating homeostasis.  The aim of this work is to study the relationship of the polymorphic marker TNFα (rs1800620) with its quantitative content and the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with various chronic hepatitis (VHC, VHB, VHB+C). The 82 patients with chronic hepatitis B, 62 patients with hepatitis B+C, and 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C were examined. GGTNFα (rs1800620) genotype is protective for patients with various viral hepatitis, and the GATNFα (rs1800620)and AATNFα (rs1800620)genotypes are profibrogenic for patients with chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis B+C and chronic hepatitis C, respectively, since a high degree of fibrosis than in carriers of the homozygous GGTNFα (rs1800620)genotype. It is possible that the rate of fibrosis progression is influenced not only by the qualitative content of TNFα, but also by a certain genotype

    Features of the hemostasis system state in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis detected by the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography

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    Objective: to estimate the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis by the method of LPHC. Methods: the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tuberculosis was evaluated with the aid of the analyzer of the blood rheological properties ARP - 01 “Mednord” as well as by the use of a standard complex of laboratory coagulation tests. The indices characterizing the initial stages of the blood coagulation, the intensity of thrombin formation and fibrin polymerization was evaluated by the LPHC method as well as the indices, which characterize the intensity of the clot retraction and fibrinolytic activity. Results: the comparative analysis of the state of the hemostasis system with the use of a standard coagulogram and LPHC express method in patients with tuberculosis revealed the presence of the processes of the moderate hyper-coagulation shift and suppression of fibrinolysis in them. Conclusion: the comparative estimation of the state of the hemostasis system in patients with tubercular infection with the aid of the method of low-frequency vibration piezoelectric hemocoagulography and standard coagulation tests revealed unidirectionality of the processes. The determination of changes in the components of the regulation of aggregation of the blood condition (RABC) system by the LPHC method allows to diagnose the development of complications in the blood coagulation system in patients with tuberculosis without manifestations of the corresponding clinical symptoms

    The research of the exhaled breath condensate to evaluate the local homeostasis in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    The research of the exhaled breath condensate (EBC) is important in the study of a number of indicators that characterize the local homeostasis of the respiratory system. The aim of the research was to study the direction and the degree of the changes in the EBC LC-spectra of the patients with tuberculosis according to the clinical nature of the tuberculous process established certain patterns of metabolic changes of a local nature. The noninvasiveness of the laser correlation spectroscopy (LCS) method, the high sensitivity and speed of the native material research opens up the possibility of using it in phthisiology

    Molecular epidemiology and prevalence of mutations conferring rifampicin and isoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from the southern Ukraine

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    Understanding the molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis (TB) and mutations in genes associated with drug resistance may contribute to the development of appropriate interventions to improve tuberculosis control. A structured questionnaire was used to collect basic epidemiological data from 589 patients with radiologically confirmed TB in the Odessa and Nikolaev regions of the Ukraine in 2003–2004. A non-commercial reverse hybridisation assay and DNA sequencing were used to detect mutations associated with rifampicin and isoniazid resistance. Genotyping was performed using multilocus variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) typing and spoligotyping. Mutations conferring rifampicin and isoniazid resistance were detected in 32.9% and 44.0%, respectively, of 225 Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from individual consecutive patients. Mutations in codon 531 and codon 315 of the rpoB and katG genes, respectively, were predominant among drug-resistant isolates. Multidrug (MDR) resistance rates were significantly higher among former prison inmates compared with non-prisoners (54.8% vs. 27.3%; RR 2.01; 95% CI 1.35–2.97) and the prevalence of mutations was higher in Beijing strains sharing the VNTR signature 223325173533424 than in other Beijing strains (71.4% vs. 45.7%; RR 1.74; 95% CI 1.17–2.57), suggesting that this group may be responsible for rapid transmission of MDR TB in the southern Ukraine

    Clinical and psychopathological features of the course and outcome of the first psychotic episode.

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    Recently it has been established that cytokines are involved in the regulation of the body’s defense reactions in response to a pathogen and form an independent system  for regulating homeostasis.  The aim of this work is to study the relationship of the polymorphic marker TNFα (rs1800620) with its quantitative content and the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with various chronic hepatitis (VHC, VHB, VHB+C). The 82 patients with chronic hepatitis B, 62 patients with hepatitis B+C, and 100 patients with chronic hepatitis C were examined. GGTNFα (rs1800620) genotype is protective for patients with various viral hepatitis, and the GATNFα (rs1800620)and AATNFα (rs1800620)genotypes are profibrogenic for patients with chronic hepatitis B, chronic hepatitis B+C and chronic hepatitis C, respectively, since a high degree of fibrosis than in carriers of the homozygous GGTNFα (rs1800620)genotype. It is possible that the rate of fibrosis progression is influenced not only by the qualitative content of TNFα, but also by a certain genotype

    Influence of pharmaceuticals on the development of obesity

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    Ukraine has been at war for almost a year. This cannot but affect the mental health of the nation. Anxiety-depressive disorders (ADD) and other manifestations of psychological health disorders are increasingly registered among our citizens. At the same time, it is well known that certain groups of antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs have an impact on body weight (BW). Material and methods: By design, the study involved 154 patients aged 18 to 55 years who were not diagnosed with obesity prior to the war. The study was conducted at the Department of Family Medicine and Polyclinic Therapy of the Odesa National Medical University. By design, patients were divided into three groups: 1 group - patients who received antipsychotics for the treatment of ADD; 2 group - patients who received antidepressants and group 3 - patients who did not receive pharmacological treatment of ADD

    Detection of rifampicin and izoniazid resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains from Samara Region (Central Russia)

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    Recently high rates of tuberculosis incidence and prevalence are observed in civilian and prisons sectors in Russia. One of the main reasons for high morbidity levels and ineffectiveness of treatment is wide spreading of drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains, but accurate and comprehensive information on levels of drug resistance among strains circulating in Central Russia is unavailable. Rifampicin and izoniazid resistance detection in TB isolates from Samara (Central Russia) civilian and prison TB hospitals and dispensaries in 2000–2002 by revealing mutations in rpoB, katG and inhA genes using Macroarray technique. Methods: A total of 342 M. tuberculosis isolates were tested using Macroarray method. It is based on multiplex amplification of rpoB, katG and inhA genes fragments (with three pairs of biotin labeled primers) following by dothybridization with normal and mutant oligonucleotide probes (fragments of rpoB, katG and inhA genes in which mutations occur) immobilized on nylon membrane strips. Mycobacterial DNA was extracted by heating of cell suspensions following by chloroform extraction. Streptavidin-alkaline phosphatase color development system was used for visualization of results

    The influence of genetic factors on clinical course and outcomes of сhronic hepatitis c and B

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    В огляді вітчизняної та іноземної літератури за останні 5 років представлені результати останніх досліджень процесів міжклітинної взаємодії імунокомпетентних клітин при хронічних гепатитах В та С, опосередкованих цитокінами. Розглянуті дані про функціональний поліморфізм генів цитокінів та їх рецепторів при різних соматичних захворюваннях, можливість звязку алельного поліморфізму генів цитокінів та тяжкості й наслідками вірусних гепатитів.The review of the national and foreign literature over the past 5 years describe the results of researches of processes intercellular interactions of immune cells in chronic hepatitis B and C, mediated by cytokines. There are data on functional polymorphism of cytokine genes and their receptors in various somatic diseases and the possibility of connection allelic polymorphism of cytokine genes and the severity and outcomes of viral hepatitis

    Sad epochs of the national genetics

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    У статті простежується складний шлях вітчизняної генетичної науки протягом XX сторіччя. Детально викладені післявоєнні події у 40-х роках минулого століття, пов’язані з намаганнями зупинити розвиток генетики.The article deals with the difficult path of national genetics in the XX century. The 40-th years last century postwar events connected with genetics progress stop were considered in details