6 research outputs found

    Transport and distributions of naturally and anthropogenically sourced trace metals and arsenic in submarine canyons

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    Continental margins play a key role in the cycling of natural and anthropogenic trace metals (TMs) as pathways at the interface between landmasses and deep ocean basins but also as sinks. Knowledge of how short-lived forcings alter the export dynamics of TMs is essential for our understanding of their fate in that setting. Here we report time series of particulate metal fluxes in three submarine canyons —namely Escombreras, Almeria and the Garrucha-Almanzora system— of the South-Western Mediterranean Sea. Our research focuses on combining multi-elemental TMs (Al, Fe, Ti, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) and As (a metalloid) contents of settling particles collected near the bottom by automated particle traps during one year, and seafloor sediment samples from below the traps. We assess the role of storms and bottom trawling in the off-shelf transport of particulate TMs and As, and the natural and anthropogenic contributions of TMs by using enrichment factors (EFs). The TM export fluxes and composition changed over the study period, from March 2015 to March 2016. TM fluxes increase in early spring 2015 in association with short-lived storm events and during calm months in the Garrucha-Almanzora Canyon system, likely due to sediment resuspension triggered by bottom trawling. In terms of composition, TMs in the sinking fluxes appear to be closely associated with lithogenic (Al, Fe and Ti) and authigenic (Mn) particles’ proxies. During storm events, the mass of settling particles in Escombreras and Almeria canyons was impoverished in Al, Fe, As, Co, Cu, Mn and Ni compared to other periods. The Garrucha-Almanzora Canyon system behaves differently as the above-described differences, are not observed there. Moreover, the TM composition of the sediments —with higher contents of Fe, Ti and several other TMs— in this canyon is barely tied to the composition of the settling particles. Finally, Cu and Zn contents, together with Pb in the northernmost Escombreras Canyon, are best explained by referring to anthropogenic sources. This work provides insights into the profound influence of the natural and anthropogenic forcings controlling the distributions and seasonal dynamics of particulate TMs and As in submarine canyons

    As and S speciation in a submarine sulfide mine tailings deposit and its environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

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    The dumping of an estimated amount of 57 million tons of hazardous sulfide mine waste from 1957 to 1990 into Portmán's Bay (SE Spain) caused one of the most severe cases of persistent anthropogenic impact in Europe's costal and marine environments. The resulting mine tailings deposit completely infilled Portmán's Bay and extended seawards on the continental shelf, bearing high levels of metals and As. The present work, where Synchrotron XAS, XRF core scanner and other data are combined, reveals the simultaneous presence of arsenopyrite (FeAsS), scorodite (FeAsO₄·2H₂O), orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (AsS) in the submarine extension of the mine tailings deposit. In addition to arsenopyrite weathering and scorodite formation, the, the presence of realgar and orpiment is discussed, considering both potential sourcing from the exploited ores and in situ precipitation from a combination of inorganic and biologically mediated geochemical processes. Whereas the formation of scorodite relates to the oxidation of arsenopyrite, we hypothesize that the presence of orpiment and realgar is associated to scorodite dissolution and subsequent precipitation of these two minerals within the mine tailings deposit under moderately reducing conditions. The occurrence of organic debris and reduced organic sulfur compounds evidences the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and provides a plausible explanation to the reactions leading to the formation of authigenic realgar and orpiment. The precipitation of these two minerals in the mine tailings, according to our hypothesis, has important consequences for As mobility since this process would reduce the release of As into the surrounding environment. Our work provides for the first time valuable hints on As speciation in a massive submarine sulfide mine tailings deposit, which is highly relevant for similar situations worldwide

    Estudio petrológico y mineralógico de la mineralización de Cu-(Ag) de tipo manto del prospecto Shaft 40 (Proyecto Minero Picachos, Chile)

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    El Proyecto Minero de Picachos es una mineralización de Cu-(Ag) de tipo manto localizada en la Franja Cretácica de los Andes Centrales, y constituye un proyecto de exploración minera desarrollado por la empresa Herencia Resources (www.herenciaresources.com). Cubre una superficie de unas 410 Ha y hasta la fecha se han definido 5 prospectos de Cu-(Ag) (Panca, 2015), donde la mineralización de sulfuros (calcopirita, bornita y calcosina) aparece como cuerpos diseminados y vetas, asociados a fallas orientadas NW-SE. El prospecto Shaft 40 es el más interesante por las altas leyes obtenidas hasta la fecha (3.388 kt a 1.12% Cu y 9.62 g/t Ag). Actualmente las reservas del Proyecto alcanzan los 4 Mt con una ley media de 1.07% Cu y sus recursos superan los 10 Mt (Panca, 2015). A excepción del informe realizado por la empresa Herencia Resources (Panca, 2015), no hay ningún estudio específico desarrollado en el área del Proyecto, por lo que este Trabajo de Fin de Máster (TFM) es el primer estudio científico-académico sobre la mineralización de Picachos. El objetivo principal de este TFM es realizar una caracterización de las unidades encajantes y de la mineralización de Cu-(Ag) del prospecto Shaft 40 a partir de muestras de sondeo.Beca de Colaboración del departamento de Cristalografía y Mineralogía de la Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas (UCM), asociada al Grupo de Investigación 910197 (Procesos Metalogénicos en Sistemas Magmáticos e Hidrotermales)Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEsubmitte

    Aplicación de tecnologías avanzadas para la caracterización del depósito de vertidos mineros de la bahía de Portmán, Murcia (España)

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    [spa] La afectación de ambientes costeros por vertidos mineros con altos contenidos metálicos procedentes de la explotación de sulfuros constituye un problema de alcance mundial. Aunque la mayoría de residuos mineros son almacenados y gestionados en tierra, en determinadas localidades buena parte de los mismos acaba llegando a las costas y al lecho marino, tanto directa —es decir, a propósito, puesto que representa una opción de vertido rápida y barata— como indirectamente. Esta Tesis Doctoral contribuye al conocimiento de los depósitos de vertidos mineros costeros y submarinos, más inaccesibles y mucho menos conocidos que los depósitos acumulados en tierra. Nos hemos centrado en el depósito de vertidos mineros de la bahía de Portmán en La Unión, Murcia, formado por la acumulación de unos 57 millones de toneladas de residuos vertidos a lo largo de 33 años (1957-1990) de actividad minera. En primer lugar, hemos abordado la caracterización multiparamétrica de los depósitos, mediante el análisis de testigos recuperados en la plataforma continental interna. Se han medido sistemáticamente las propiedades físicas (densidad, susceptibilidad magnética y velocidad de las ondas P) y geoquímicas (composición elemental) de los materiales, con el fin de determinar su variabilidad interna y documentar la evolución del área submarina afectada, así como las consecuencias medioambientales asociadas como, por ejemplo, la extinción local por enterramiento de las praderas de la fanerógama Posidonia oceanica, endémica del mar Mediterráneo. En segundo lugar, se examina el estado de oxidación de dos elementos químicos clave: el arsénico (As) y el azufre (S), valiéndonos para ello de un útil tan potente como el Sincrotrón ALBA. El primero, especialmente, tiene una gran relevancia ecotoxicológica. Sin descartar del todo la hipótesis clásica de que algunos minerales sulfurados del As poco estables presentes en el depósito de residuos, como el oropimente (As2S3) y el realgar (AsS), procediesen de las menas explotadas —para lo que sería también necesario que hubiesen sobrevivido al tratamiento por flotación ácida—, postulamos la hipótesis de la formación postdeposicional in situ, avalada por los datos proporcionados por el sincrotrón y por la presencia de compuestos orgánicos sulfurados en el mismo depósito, debidos a la actividad de bacterias sulfatoreductoras. La presencia de estos minerales en el depósito tiene importantes consecuencias en relación con la movilidad y la biodisponibilidad del As, puesto que su formación reduce la liberación de este elemento al medio circundante. Las contribuciones de esta Tesis Doctoral deberían ser tenidas en cuenta en la toma de decisiones por parte de los organismos competentes acerca de las posibles acciones de remediación ambiental. Algunas acciones ya fueron puestas en práctica desde la finalización de la actividad y de la acumulación de los vertidos mineros asociados (en tierra), pero fueron paralizadas debido a la gran controversia generada. Además, deberían incluirse también como posibles acciones la no actuación o una actuación blanda de remediación. Esta Tesis Doctoral aporta una nueva visión que suma posibilidades de actuación para la remediación ambiental de la zona. Al respecto, durante la elaboración de la Tesis Doctoral ha habido un intercambio fluido con la Demarcación de Costas de Murcia, del MITECO, la cual ha apoyado y facilitado en todo momento las investigaciones realizadas, incluso en lugares de acceso restringido. El caso de estudio de Portmán podría servir de referente para otros lugares del mundo —que no son pocos— afectados por problemáticas semejantes.[cat] L’afectació d’ambients costaners per abocaments miners amb alts continguts metàl·lics procedents de l’explotació de sulfurs constitueix un problema d’abast mundial. Tot i que la majoria de residus miners són dipositats i gestionats a terra, en certs llocs bona part acaba arribant a les costes i al fons marí, tant directament —és a dir, expressament, donat que representa una opció d’abocament ràpida i barata— com indirecta. Aquesta tesi doctoral contribueix al coneixement dels dipòsits d’abocaments miners costaners i submarins, més inaccessibles i molt menys coneguts que els dipòsits acumulats a terra ferma. Ens hem centrat en el dipòsit de residus miners de la badia de Portmán a La Unión, Múrcia, format per l’acumulació d’uns 57 milions de tones de residus abocats al llarg de 33 anys (1957-1990) d’activitat minera. En primer lloc, hem abordat la caracterització multiparamètrica dels dipòsits, mitjançant l’análisi de testimonis recuperats a la plataforma continental interna. S’han mesurat sistemàticament les propietats físiques (densitat, susceptibilitat magnètica i velocitat de les ones P) i geoquímiques (composició elemental) dels materials, al fi de determinar llur variabilitat interna i documentar l’evolució de l’àrea submarina afectada, així com les conseqüències mediambientals associades com, per exemple, l’extinció local per enterrament de les prades de la fanerògama Posidonia oceanica, endèmica de la mar Mediterrània. En segon lloc, s’examina l’estat d’oxidació de dos elements químics clau: l’arsènic (As) i el sofre (S), emprant una eina tan potent com el Sincrotró ALBA. El primer, especialment, té una gran rellevància ecotoxicològica. Sense descartar del tot la hipòtesi clàssica de que alguns minerals sulfurats de l’As poc estables presents al dipòsit de residus, com l’orpiment (As2S3) i el realgar (AsS), provinguessin de les menes explotades —per la qual cosa seria també necessari que haguessin sobreviscut al tractament per flotació àcida—, postulem la hipòtesi de la formació postdeposicional in situ, avalada per les dades proporcionades pel sincrotró i per la presència de compostos orgànics sulfurats en el mateix dipòsit, deguts a l’activitat de bactèries sulfatoreductores. La presència d‘aquests minerals en el dipòsit té importants conseqüències en relació amb la mobilitat i la biodisponibilitat de l’As, atès que la seva formació redueix l’alliberament d’aquest element cap al medi circumdant. Les contribucions d’aquesta Tesi Doctoral haurien de ser tingudes en compte en la presa de decisions per part dels organismes competents en relació amb possibles actuacions de remediació ambiental. Algunes accions ja es van posar en pràctica desde la finalització de l’activitat i de l’acumulació de l’abocament miner associat, però van ser paralitzades degut a la gran controversia generada. A més, caldria considerar també com a posibles accions la no actuació o una actuació tova per la remediació.. Al respecte, durant l’elaboració de la tesi hi ha hagut un intercanvi fluid amb la Demarcació de Costes de Múrcia, del MITECO, la qual ha recolzat i facilitat en tot moment les investigacions realitzades, fins i tot en llocs d’accés restringit. El cas d’estudi de Portmán podria servir de referent per altres indrets del món —que no són pocs— afectats per problemàtiques semblants.[eng] Impacts on coastal environments by discharges of heavy metal rich mining waste from the exploitation of sulphide ores constitute a global concern. Although most mining wastes are stored and managed on land, in some places a large part of them ends up in coastal regions and on the seabed, either directly —i.e. on purpose, as this represents a fast and cheap dumping option— or indirectly. This PhD thesis contributes to the knowledge of coastal and submarine deposits resulting from mining waste disposal, which are less accessible and unknown than the ones on land. We focused our research in the mine waste deposit of Portmán Bay, in La Unión, Murcia, which formed by the accumulation of about 57 million tons of waste dumped over 33 years (1957-1990) of mining activity. Firstly, we have addressed the multiproxy characterization of the deposit by means of the analysis of cores recovered from the inner continental shelf. The physical (density, magnetic susceptibility and P-wave velocity) and geochemical properties (elemental composition) of the materials have been measured systematically, thus allowing determining their internal variability and documenting the evolution of the impacted seafloor area, together with the associated environmental consequences such as, for instance, the local extinction because of burial of Posidonia oceanica meadows, a seagrass species endemic of the Mediterranean Sea. Secondly, we have examined the oxidation state of two key chemical elements: arsenic (As) and sulphur (S), using to that end a so powerful tool like the ALBA Synchrotron. The first of these elements, in particular, is of high ecotoxicological relevance Without completely excluding the classical hypothesis considering that poorly stable As sulphide minerals, such as orpiment (As2S3) and realgar (AsS) could come from the exploited ores —which would imply they survived acid floatation treatment—, we postulate the hypothesis of post-depositional in situ formation, as supported by synchrotron data and the occurrence of organic sulphur compounds within the deposit itself due to the activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria. The presence of these minerals within the deposit has important implications with respect to the mobility and bioavailability of As, as their formation reduces de release of As to the surrounding environment. The contributions in this thesis should be taken into account for decision making by the relevant administrations, as related to potential environmental remediation plans, which have been discussed many times, have started only once (on land) and then stopped, and are permanently pending. Actually, no action or soft action should be included amongst the various options to consider. In that respect, during our works for the thesis, we have maintained a fluent exchange with Demarcación de Costas de Murcia (the coastal authority), from MITECO (the relevant Ministry in Spain), which has supported and facilitated at all time our research on Portmán Bay, including sites with restricted access. Eventually, the Portmán’s study case may become a benchmark for the many places in the world facing similar issues

    Multiproxy characterization of sedimentary facies in a submarine sulphide mine tailings dumping site and their environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

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    Mining activities are essential to our society, but ore extraction and treatment produce waste that must be stored in safe places without harm to the environment. For a long time, seafloor disposal has been viewed as a cheap option with barely visible impacts. In Portmán Bay, SE of Spain, large amounts of tailings from open pit sulphide mining were discharged directly into the coastal sea over 33 years, thus forming a massive deposit that completely infilled the bay and expanded seawards over the inner continental shelf. Here we present the first multiproxy physicochemical characterization of the submarine tailings in Portmán Bay, mostly by using non-destructive techniques, also including pre-dumping and post-dumping sediments. Eight distinct sedimentary facies, grouped in four stratigraphic units, have been thus identified in a set of up to 4.3 m long gravity cores totalling more than 60 m. Geogenic and anthropogenic geochemical proxies consistently allow differentiating pre-dumping sediments from tailings. Potentially toxic metals if made bioavailable can reach high concentrations in units including or formed exclusively by tailings (i.e. up to 3455, 2755 and 1007 mg kg-1 for Pb, As, and Zn, respectively). Some physical properties, such as magnetic susceptibility, are particularly useful as the tailings are rich in Fe-bearing minerals (>30% Fe in some layers). Estimated sedimentation rates show a strong gradient from proximal to distal locations, with rates in excess of 50 cm yr-1 to less than 1 cm yr-1. We ultimately document the history of the transformation of Portmán Bay from an almost natural state to a new condition after a long period of massive dumping of mine tailings. Our study provides guidance to further assessments in a context where the diversity of marine environments impacted by the disposal of mine waste is expected to grow in the near future.This research has been carried out as part of NUREIEVA project (ref. CTM2016-75953-C2-1-R) funded by the Spanish Government, and a Catalan Government Grups de Recerca Consolidats (excellence research groups) grant to GRC Geociències Marines (ref. 2017 SGR 315). A.B.V. acknowledges financial support from APIF PhD fellowship, from University of Barcelona, and J.F. from Serra Húnter Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya through a tenure-eligible lecturer contract. We would like to thank the crew of R/V Ángeles Alvariño and all scientific and technical staff involved in the NUREIEVA-MAR1 research cruise.Peer reviewe

    Multiproxy characterization of sedimentary facies in a submarine sulphide mine tailings dumping site and their environmental significance: The study case of Portmán Bay (SE Spain)

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    Mining activities are essential to our society, but ore extraction and treatment produce waste that must be stored in safe places without harm to the environment. For a long time, seafloor disposal has been viewed as a cheap option with barely visible impacts. In Portmán Bay, SE of Spain, large amounts of tailings from open pit sulphide mining were discharged directly into the coastal sea over 33 years, thus forming a massive deposit that completely infilled the bay and expanded seawards over the inner continental shelf. Here we present the first multiproxy physicochemical characterization of the submarine tailings in Portmán Bay, mostly by using nondestructive techniques, also including pre-dumping and post-dumping sediments. Eight distinct sedimentary facies, grouped in four stratigraphic units, have been thus identified in a set of up to 4.3 m long gravity cores totalling more than 60 m. Geogenic and anthropogenic geochemical proxies consistently allow differentiating pre-dumping sediments from tailings. Potentially toxic metals if made bioavailable can reach high concentrations in units including or formed exclusively by tailings (i.e. up to 3455, 2755 and 1007 mg kg−1 for Pb, As, and Zn, respectively). Some physical properties, such as magnetic susceptibility, are particularly useful as the tailings are rich in Fe-bearing minerals (>30% Fe in some layers). Estimated sedimentation rates show a strong gradient from proximal to distal locations, with rates in excess of 50 cm yr−1 to less than 1 cm yr−1 . We ultimately document the history of the transformation of Portmán Bay from an almost natural state to a new conditio