2,693 research outputs found

    Conformal Properties of Charges in Scalar-Tensor Gravities

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    We study the behavior under conformal transformations of energy and other charges in generic scalar-tensor models. This enables us to conclude that the ADM/AD masses are invariant under field redefinitions mixing metric and scalar despite the permitted slow asymptotic falloff of massless scalars.Comment: 4 page

    New Energy Definition for Higher Curvature Gravities

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    We propose a novel but natural definition of conserved quantities for gravity models quadratic and higher in curvature. Based on the spatial asymptotics of curvature rather than of metric, it avoids the GR energy machinery's more egregious problems--such as zero energy "theorems" and failure in flat backgrounds -- in this fourth-derivative realm. In D>4, the present expression indeed correctly discriminates between second derivative Gauss-Bonnet and generic, fourth derivative, actions.Comment: 3 pages, Typos fixe

    Massive, Topologically Massive, Models

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    In three dimensions, there are two distinct mass-generating mechanisms for gauge fields: adding the usual Proca/Pauli-Fierz, or the more esoteric Chern-Simons (CS), terms. Here we analyze the three-term models where both types are present, and their various limits. Surprisingly, in the tensor case, these seemingly innocuous systems are physically unacceptable. If the sign of the Einstein term is ``wrong'' as is in fact required in the CS case, then the excitation masses are always complex; with the usual sign, there is a (known) region of the two mass parameters where reality is restored, but instead we show that a ghost problem arises, while, for the ``pure mass'' two-term system without an Einstein action, complex masses are unavoidable. This contrasts with the smooth behavior of the corresponding vector models. Separately, we show that the ``partial masslessness'' exhibited by (plain) massive spin-2 models in de Sitter backgrounds is formally shared by the three-term system: it also enjoys a reduced local gauge invariance when this mass parameter is tuned to the cosmological constant.Comment: 7 pages, typos corrected, reference adde

    Systematics on ground-state energies of nuclei within the neural networks

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    One of the fundamental ground-state properties of nuclei is binding energy. In this study, we have employed artificial neural networks (ANNs) to obtain binding energies based on the data calculated from Hartree-Fock-Bogolibov (HFB) method with the two SLy4 and SKP Skyrme forces. Also, ANNs have been employed to obtain two-neutron and two-proton separation energies of nuclei. Statistical modeling of nuclear data using ANNs has been seen as to be successful in this study. Such a statistical model can be possible tool for searching in systematics of nuclei beyond existing experimental nuclear data.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    An artificial neural network application on nuclear charge radii

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    The artificial neural networks (ANNs) have emerged with successful applications in nuclear physics as well as in many fields of science in recent years. In this paper, by using (ANNs), we have constructed a formula for the nuclear charge radii. Statistical modeling of nuclear charge radii by using ANNs has been seen as to be successful. Also, the charge radii, binding energies and two-neutron separation energies of Sn isotopes have been calculated by implementing of the new formula in Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) calculations. The results of the study shows that the new formula is useful for describing nuclear charge radii.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Weyl-gauging of Topologically Massive Gravity

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    We construct a Weyl-invariant extension of topologically massive gravity which, remarkably, turns out to include topologically massive electrodynamics, with a Proca mass term, conformally coupled to a scalar field. The action has no dimensionful parameters, therefore, the masses are generated via symmetry breaking either radiatively in flat backgrounds or spontaneously in constant curvature backgrounds. The broken phase of the theory, generically, has a single massive spin-2 and a massive spin-1 excitation. Chiral gravity in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes does not arise as a low energy theory, while chiral gravity in de Sitter spacetime is not ruled out.Comment: 10 pages, minor changes made, version to appear in Phys. Rev.