124 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to find out and analyze the effect of compensation and work discipline on employees’ performance, with work motivation as the intervening variable at CV Konsep Global Media. The independent variables were compensation and work discipline. While the dependent variable was employees’ performance. Moreover, work motivation was the intervening variable. The research was quantitative. The population was employees at CV Konsep Global Media consisting of 45 people. Furthermore, the data collection technique used saturated sampling, in which the sample was all members of the population. The data analysis technique used PLS (Partial Least Square) with SmartPLS 3.0. The result concluded that compensation had a positive and significant effect on employees’ performance. Work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employees’ performance. Additionally, compensation had a positive and significant effect on work motivation. Work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employees’ performance. In addition, work motivation as the intervening variable could not mediate the effect of compensation positively but was insignificant to employees’ performance. Likewise, work motivation as the intervening variable could not mediate the effect of work discipline positively but was insignificant to employees’ performance


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    AbstrakPentingnya pendidikan dini pada anak telah menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Anggapan bahwa pendidikan baru bisa dimulai setelah usia sekolah dasar, ternyata tidak benar, bahkan pendidikan yang dimulai usia taman kanak2 pun sebenarnya sudah terlambat. Menurut hasil penelitian di bidang neurologi seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Benyamin S. Bloom, seorang ahli pendidikan dari universitas Chicago, Amerika Serikat, mengemukakan bahwa pertumbuhan sel jaringan otak pada anak usia 0-4 tahun mencapai 50%. Artinya bila pada usia tersebut otak anak tidak mendapatkan rangsangan yang maksimal maka segala tumbuh kembang anak baik fisik maupun mental tidak akan berkembang secara optimal. Peran yang sangat strategis dalam optimalisasi pendidikan usia dini adalah peran orang tua. Pembiasaan yang disertai dengan teladan dan diperkuat dengan penanaman nilai-nilai yang mendasari secara bertahap akan membentuk budaya serta mengembangkan hubungan dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Dengan cara ini lingkungan keluarga dapat menjadi pola penting dalam pembudayaan karakter bangsa bagi anak dan generasi muda. Atas dasar itu, pendidikan karakter bukan sekedar mengajarkan mana yang baik dan mana yang sala tetapi lingkuan keluarga juga memiliki peran dalam mengajarkan keterampilan seorang anak agar anak memiliki keterampilan di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Orang Tua, Karakter, Anak Usia Dini AbstractThe importance of early childhood education in children is a concern of the government. Assuming that new education can begin after primary school age, that's not true, even education that starts kindergarten age is actually too late. According to the results of research in the field of neurology as conducted by Dr. Benyamin S. Bloom, an education expert from the University of Chicago, USA, shows that the growth of brain tissue cells in children aged 0-4 years reached 50%. This means that if at that age the child's brain does not get maximum stimulation then all child development both physically and mentally will not develop optimally. A very strategic role in optimizing early childhood education is the role of parents. Habituation that is accompanied by example and strengthened by the planting of the underlying values will gradually form a culture and develop a relationship with The One True God. In this way, the family environment can be an important pattern in the culture of the nation's character for children and young people. On that basis, character education not only teaches which ones are good and which are sala but the family environment also has a role in teaching children skills so that the child has skills in the future.Keywords: Parents, Characters, Early Childhoo

    Nicotine inhibits cardiac apoptosis induced by lipopolysaccharide in rats

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    AbstractObjectivesApoptosis develops in several heart diseases, but the therapeutic options are limited. It was hypothesized that nicotine, which inhibits apoptosis in several cells, inhibits cardiac apoptosis induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS).BackgroundOver-the-counter nicotine produces sustained levels (10 to 25 ng/ml) that may be antiapoptotic. Low levels of LPS induce apoptosis by activating tissue renin-angiotensin to stimulate angiotensin II, type 1 (AT1) receptors in cardiac myocytes.MethodsAdult Sprague Dawley rats were pretreated with nicotine (6 mg/kg/day) or saline for seven to ten days (miniosmotic pumps). The LPS (1 mg/kg) was injected intravenously. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) and angiotensinogen messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) were measured in the heart after 0, 4, 8, 16, and 24 h. Cardiac apoptosis was measured by terminal deoxy-nucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP nick end-labeling (TUNEL) staining after 24 h. In vitro effects of LPS (10 ng/ml, 24 h) were studied in cardiac myocytes isolated from rats pretreated with nicotine for 7 to 10 days, or after pre-exposing myocytes to nicotine (15 ng/ml) for 1, 4, 16, or 24 h.ResultsNeither nicotine nor LPS affected systolic blood pressure. The LPS increased cardiac apoptosis after 24 h in saline-treated, but not nicotine-treated rats, despite similar increases in cardiac TLR4 and angiotensinogen mRNA over 8 to 16 h. The LPS-induced apoptosis was blocked by pre-exposing myocytes to nicotine for 4 to 24 h (partial inhibition after 1 h). Nicotine did not inhibit apoptosis induced by angiotensin II (100 nM, 24 h).ConclusionsTherapeutic levels of nicotine inhibit LPS-induced cardiac apoptosis. This occurs after LPS increases TLR4 and angiotensinogen mRNA, but proximal to AT1receptor activation. Nicotine may be a novel inhibitor of cardiac apoptosis in conditions associated with circulating LPS (e.g., decompensated heart failure, acute and chronic infections)

    CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins in normal mammary development and breast cancer

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    CCAAT/enhancer binding proteins (C/EBPs) are a family of leucine zipper, transcription factors that bind to DNA as homodimers and heterodimers. They regulate cellular proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in the mammary gland. Multiple protein isoforms, including truncated, dominant negatives, are generated by translation of the C/EBPβ transcript or via proteolytic cleavage of the full-length C/EBPβ protein. Gene deletion of individual C/EBP family members has demonstrated an essential role for C/EBPβ in normal mammary development, while transgenic and overexpression studies provide evidence that the dominant-negative C/EBPβ-liver-enriched inhibitory protein isoform induces proliferation in mammary epithelial cells. Mounting evidence suggests that alterations in the ratio of the C/EBPβ-liver-enriched inhibitory protein isoform and the C/EBPβ-liver-enriched activating protein isoform may play a role in the development of breast cancer. This review will consequently focus on C/EBP actions in normal mammary development and on the emerging data that supports a role in breast cancer


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    AbstrakPentingnya pendidikan dini pada anak telah menjadi perhatian pemerintah. Anggapan bahwa pendidikan baru bisa dimulai setelah usia sekolah dasar, ternyata tidak benar, bahkan pendidikan yang dimulai usia taman kanak2 pun sebenarnya sudah terlambat. Menurut hasil penelitian di bidang neurologi seperti yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Benyamin S. Bloom, seorang ahli pendidikan dari universitas Chicago, Amerika Serikat, mengemukakan bahwa pertumbuhan sel jaringan otak pada anak usia 0-4 tahun mencapai 50%. Artinya bila pada usia tersebut otak anak tidak mendapatkan rangsangan yang maksimal maka segala tumbuh kembang anak baik fisik maupun mental tidak akan berkembang secara optimal. Peran yang sangat strategis dalam optimalisasi pendidikan usia dini adalah peran orang tua. Pembiasaan yang disertai dengan teladan dan diperkuat dengan penanaman nilai-nilai yang mendasari secara bertahap akan membentuk budaya serta mengembangkan hubungan dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Dengan cara ini lingkungan keluarga dapat menjadi pola penting dalam pembudayaan karakter bangsa bagi anak dan generasi muda. Atas dasar itu, pendidikan karakter bukan sekedar mengajarkan mana yang baik dan mana yang sala tetapi lingkuan keluarga juga memiliki peran dalam mengajarkan keterampilan seorang anak agar anak memiliki keterampilan di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Orang Tua, Karakter, Anak Usia Dini AbstractThe importance of early childhood education in children is a concern of the government. Assuming that new education can begin after primary school age, that's not true, even education that starts kindergarten age is actually too late. According to the results of research in the field of neurology as conducted by Dr. Benyamin S. Bloom, an education expert from the University of Chicago, USA, shows that the growth of brain tissue cells in children aged 0-4 years reached 50%. This means that if at that age the child's brain does not get maximum stimulation then all child development both physically and mentally will not develop optimally. A very strategic role in optimizing early childhood education is the role of parents. Habituation that is accompanied by example and strengthened by the planting of the underlying values will gradually form a culture and develop a relationship with The One True God. In this way, the family environment can be an important pattern in the culture of the nation's character for children and young people. On that basis, character education not only teaches which ones are good and which are sala but the family environment also has a role in teaching children skills so that the child has skills in the future.Keywords: Parents, Characters, Early Childhoo

    Laporan Mbkm By Design Fkm Unair Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Cabang Surabaya Tanjung Perak Pengelolaan Data Perusahaan PK/Bu Pada Bpjs Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Tanjung Perak Surabaya

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    Mahasiswa/i mendapatkan pengalaman kerja yang berharga untuk bekal mahasiswa/i dalam dunia kerja di masa mendatang. Dimana sesuai dengan tujuan dari MBKM by Design FKM UNAIR ini untuk mempersiapkan mahasiswa/i dalam menghadapi dunia kerja yang nyata. Berikut adalah kesimpulan yang dapat Praktikan ambil selama melaksanakan MBKM by Design FKM UNAIR di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Kantor Cabang Surabaya Tanjung Perak antara lain, Mahasiswa/i telah dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang telah diajarkan di bangku perkuliahan pada dunia kerja di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Perak. Mahasiswa/i telah mempelajari penyelenggaraan tugas, tanggung jawab, dan budaya kerja di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Perak. Mahasiswa/i telah mengetahui dan ikut berpartisipasi dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan operasional di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Perak

    Tissue-specific, high level expression of the rat whey acidic protein gene in transgenic mice.

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    The importance of intragenic and 3' flanking sequences in the control of the temporal, hormonal and tissue-specific expression of milk whey acidic protein (WAP) has been demonstrated in transgenic mice. Mouse lines carrying a 4.3 kb genomic clone containing the entire rat WAP gene minus 200 bp of the first intron with 0.949 kb of 5' and 1.4 kb of 3' flanking DNA were generated. In eight of nine independent lines of mice analyzed, WAP transgene expression was detected at levels ranging from 1% to 95% (average, 27%) of the endogenous gene. The transgene was expressed preferentially in the mammary gland. Although developmentally regulated during pregnancy and lactation, the temporal pattern of WAP transgene expression differed from the endogenous gene. A precocious increase in expression of the transgene was detected at 7 days of pregnancy, several days earlier in pregnancy than the major increase observed in endogenous mouse WAP mRNA. The rat WAP transgene was translated and secreted into the milk of transgenic mice at levels comparable to the endogenous mouse WAP. This is the first report of a gene that is negatively regulated in dissociated cell cultures as well as in transfected cells, yet is expressed efficiently in the correct multicellular environment of the transgenic mouse
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