117 research outputs found

    A differential method of maximum entropy

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    We consider a differential method of maximum entropy that is based on the linearity of Fourier transform and involves reconstruction of images from the differences of the visibility function. The efficiency of the method is demonstrated with respect to the recovery of source images with bright components against the background of a sufficiently weak extended base. The simulation results are given along with the maps of an extragalactic radio source 0059+581, which were obtained using the standard and differential methods of maximum entropy for three observation dates and show that the principle of differential mapping allows us to increase considerably the dynamic interval of images.Comment: Latex, 6 pages with 4 Postscript figure

    Learning digitalization with customers – a multiple case study in Finnish manufacturing companies

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    The objective of the research was to understand the factors that affect the presence of customers in digitalization-related organizational learning of manufacturing companies. Three large Finnish manufacturing companies and their digitalization efforts constituted the research context for the comparative case study. The research followed abductive qualitative methodology, combining inductive qualitative analysis of the interview data with the findings from academic literature. The theoretical framework was a combination of organizational learning theory and lead user innovation theory. My findings suggest that the presence of customers in digitalization-related organizational learning of manufacturing companies is affected by the manufacturers’ learning orientation towards digitalization and by the criticality of their equipment in customer operations. On one side, learning orientation supports organizational learning through shared vision on the role of digitalization in the company strategy, commitment to learning about digitalization, open-mindedness to challenge their traditional ways of doing things to enable digitalization, and intra-organizational knowledge sharing needed for digitalization projects that are cross-functional by nature. Learning orientation in the context of digitalization supports customer orientation of the company through ensuring that 1) customer value drives digitalization-related development projects in the company, 2) customers are involved into the development projects, 3) customer equipment data can be accessed. On the other side, the criticality of the manufacturer’ equipment in the customer’s operations define customer’s eagerness to be involved into digitalization efforts of the company. “Process-critical” customers, as the lead users who are more likely to benefit from digitally enhanced solutions and who are more eager to provide access to their equipment data and collaborate in solution development, are a valuable source of knowledge for manufacturing companies and facilitate their learning and competence development. While manufacturing companies are able to take actions to enhance their learning orientation, the differences in the criticality of their equipment in customer operations can unequally position them to go through organizational learning and develop digital competences. In this way, manufacturing companies can be unequally positioned to create the essential foundation for innovating and grasping the potential benefits of digitalization

    Features of the manifestation of sports emotions in adolescents in the process of training exercises

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    Рассматриваются эмоциональная насыщенность спортивной деятельности, мотивационная агрессия как прямое проявление присущих личности деструктивных тенденций. Показано, что эмоциональное состояние личности подростков, систематически занимающихся физической культурой и спортом, более развито, а занятия спортом способствуют формированию у подростков положительных эмоций. Отражена значимость работы тренера-преподавателяIn article, emotional saturation of sports activities, motivational aggression as a direct manifestation of the realization of inherent personality destructive tendencies; The characteristics of young athletes are given. The article presents the results of a study of the activity of young athletes who are systematically engaged in physical culture and sports. In the article it is proved that the emotional state of the personality of adolescents who are systematically engaged in physical culture and sports is more developed, and sports activities contribute to the formation of positive emotions in adolescents. The importance of the work of the trainer-teacher is reflecte

    Контуры интонации в стихийной речи русских немцев: экспериментальное исследование немецких островных диалектов

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    Today, there are a few German language islands still existing in the Kirov region. The dialects spoken in these linguistic communities represent unique varieties of the German language as they are functioning in the context of intralingual and interlingual interaction. The research on the German language islands of the Kirov region is not only focused on studying the segment structure of the dialects, but it also looks into the features on the suprasegmental level.This paper describes an experimental technique used to determine complete and incomplete intonation phrases, identify intonation patterns, and describe the nuclear contours. This new experimental technique is based on the analysis of non-intonation criteria, such as semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic factors. The findings of the research suggest that the intonation contours identified in speech of Russian Germans are characteristic of speakers of both High German and Low German dialects. The study has shown no distinctions in this parameter between the dia lects, which indicates the mixed nature of the dialects spoken in the region. We believe the suggested technique may become an effective tool in the study of the suprasegmental features of the German language islands. It may be of interest to researchers of suprasegmental properties of spontaneous speech.Hoy en día, todavía existen algunas islas de lengua alemana en la región de Kirov. Los dialectos que se hablan en estas comunidades lingüísticas representan variedades únicas del idioma alemán, ya que funcionan en el contexto de la interacción intralingual e interlingual. La investigación en las islas de lengua alemana de la región de Kirov no solo se centra en estudiar la estructura de segmentos de los dialectos, sino que también analiza las características en el nivel suprasegmental.Este artículo describe una técnica experimental utilizada para determinar frases de entonación completas e incompletas, identificar patrones de entonación y describir los contornos nucleares. Esta nueva técnica experimental se basa en el análisis de criterios de no entonación, como factores semánticos, sintácticos y pragmáticos. Los resultados de la investigación sugieren que los contornos de entonación identificados en el habla de los alemanes rusos son característicos de los hablantes de dialectos de alto alemán y bajo alemán. El estudio no ha mostrado distinciones en este parámetro entre los dialectos, lo que indica la naturaleza mixta de los dialectos que se hablan en la región.Creemos que la técnica sugerida puede convertirse en una herramienta eficaz en el estudio de las características suprasegmentales de las islas de lengua alemana. Puede ser de interés para los investigadores las propiedades suprasegmentales del habla espontánea.Как известно, до настоящего времени в Кировской области сохранились отдельные замкнутые языковые острова, в которых проживают носители различных немецких диалектов, представляющих собой уникальную форму языка, функционирующую в рамках внутриязыкового и межъязыкового взаимодействия. В сферу исследования немецких островных диалектов Кировской области вовлекается не только изучение сегментного состава, но и явлений супрасегментного уровня, так как без учета последних невозможно получить полную картину реального функционирования данных диалектов.В данной работе представлена методика определения завершенных и незавершенных интонационных фраз, выявления тонологической структуры интонационных контуров выбранных интонационных фраз и определение их ядерных контуров. Результаты исследования показывают, что интонационные контуры, представленные в речи российских немцев, характерны для говорящих как на верхненемецких, так и на нижненемецких диалектах. Исследование не показало существенных различий в этом параметре, что указывает на смешанный характер исследуемых немецких диалектов рассматриваемого региона. Мы полагаем, что представленная методика может стать эффективным инструментом в изучении супрасегментных особенностей немецких островных диалектов. Данная работа может представлять интерес для исследователей в области супрасегментной организации спонтанной речи

    Социально-демографические параметры и речевое поведение российских немцев в иноязычной среде (на примере немецкого этнического меньшинства Кировской области)

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    Over the past 20 years, academic interest in the relationship between language and environment has significantly increased due to mounting concern about national minorities living in the territory of Russia and the CIS. As a result, numerous studies have been conducted on their history, culture and language. Linguistic diversity and extinction of some languages became the research subject of numerous scientific works at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The fate of languages, their current state and future is top priority for humankind since language is a system of knowledge about the world that embodies the global philosophy in its linguistic structure and grammatical rules. In this sense, language is the world itself and its extinction will cause irreparable damage to people and their surrounding environment. The article aims to present the results of studying the speech behavior of the German ethnic minority living in the Kirov Region. The conducted research reflects the specific features manifested in foreign-language environment under the influence of social and demographic factors. The authors of the article use the following methods: field methods for collecting linguistic materials; the method of continuous recording of dialect materials with the subsequent transcription of texts; the method of sociolinguistic questionnaire and interviewing, etc. While using these methods for analyzing the above-mentioned materials, the authors ensured a high degree of objectivity and reliability. According to their studies, the distribution of German and Russian among ethnic Germans living in the Kirov Region, as well as the choice of their native language, is determined by various extralinguistic factors, in particular, social and demographic: age, education, marital status and gender. The authors believe that this article will be of interest to scholars studying island German dialects.En los últimos 20 años, el interés académico en la relación entre el idioma y el medio ambiente ha aumentado significativamente debido a la creciente preocupación por las minorías nacionales que viven en el territorio de Rusia y la CEI. Como resultado, se han realizado numerosos estudios sobre su historia, cultura e idioma. La diversidad lingüística y la extinción de algunos idiomas se convirtieron en el tema de investigación de numerosos trabajos científicos a finales de los siglos XX y XXI. El destino de los idiomas, su estado actual y futuro es la máxima prioridad para la humanidad, ya que el lenguaje es un sistema de conocimiento sobre el mundo que incorpora la filosofía global en su estructura lingüística y sus reglas gramaticales. En este sentido, el lenguaje es el mundo mismo y su extinción causará daños irreparables a las personas y a su entorno. El artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados del estudio del comportamiento del habla de la minoría étnica alemana que vive en la región de Kirov. La investigación realizada refleja las características específicas manifestadas en el entorno de lenguas extranjeras bajo la influencia de factores sociales y demográficos. Los autores del artículo utilizan los siguientes métodos: métodos de campo para recopilar materiales lingüísticos; el método de grabación continua de materiales de dialecto con la posterior transcripción de textos; el método de cuestionario sociolingüístico y entrevistas, etc. Al usar estos métodos para analizar los materiales mencionados anteriormente, los autores aseguraron un alto grado de objetividad y confiabilidad. Según sus estudios, la distribución del alemán y el ruso entre los alemanes étnicos que viven en la región de Kirov, así como la elección de su idioma nativo, está determinada por varios factores extralingüísticos, en particular, sociales y demográficos: edad, educación, estado civil. y género. Los autores creen que este artículo será de interés para los estudiosos que estudian los dialectos alemanes de la isla.За последние 20 лет, произошел всплеск академического интереса к проблеме взаимосвязи языка и окружающей среды, вызванный большой озабоченностью ученых судьбой национальных меньшинств в России и СНГ. Это вызвало рост количества исследований их истории, культуры, языка. Изучение взаимоотношений между лингвистическим многообразием, отмиранием и исчезновением языков становится темой многочисленных работ на рубеже XX–XXI вв. Судьба языков, их сегодняшнее бытование и будущее – вот первоочередная задача для человечества, так как язык – это философия мира, это запечатленная в его лингвистической структуре, в его правилах система знаний о мире. В этом смысле язык – это и есть сам мир, гибель которого будет невосполнимой утратой как для самого человека, так и для окружающего его мира. Целью данной статьи является представление результатов исследования речевого поведения немецкого этнического меньшинства Кировской области, в котором отражаются особенности, проявляющиеся под влиянием социально-демографических факторов в условиях иноязычного окружения. В работе используются следующие методы: полевые методы при сборе лингвистического материала; метод сплошной фиксации диалектологического материала с последующим транскрибированием текстов; метод социолингвистического анкетирования и интервьюирования анкетируемых и др. Привлечение данных методов к анализу материала позволяет рассмотреть обнаруженные явления с большой степенью объективности и достоверности.  Как показывают наши исследования, распределение сфер употребления немецкого и русского языков среди этнических немцев Кировской области, а также выбор языка в качестве родного определяется различными экстралингвистическими факторами, в частности, социально-демографическими: возрастом, образованием, семейным положением, гендерной принадлежностью информантов. Считаем, что данная статья будет интересна ученым, занимающимся проблемами немецкой островной диалектологии

    Means of Language Objectification of the German Knight Image in the Artistic Picture of World in Middle Ages

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    The analysis of historical, culturally motivated ideas about the German knight, which are objectified in the language not only in conventional, unified standards, but primarily in socio-ethnocultural assessments and stereotypes, is presented. The material of the study was German knightly novels: “Tristan” (“Tristan”) by Gottfried of Strasbourg, “Poor Heinrich” (“Der arme Heinrich”) by Hartmann von Aue, “Eneasroman” by Heinrich von Veldeke. Particular attention is paid to the study of indicators of the national specificity of the image of the German knight. It is proved in the work that the actualization of lexical units that serve to represent the image of a knight is largely specific and due to the genre specificity of Western European literature texts of the Middle Ages. It is stated that the knowledge of medieval German culture bearers about the surrounding reality, objectified by the semantics and pragmatics of linguistic and speech units, structures, compositions, united as a whole by the characteristics of the surrounding world are accumulated in the artistic picture of the world in the Middle Ages. It is concluded that the image of a knight embodies the complex of worldview coordinates and values of the knightly estate, which are recorded in a verbal (artistic) text in the form of a specially organized system of knowledge and ideas about the world

    Web Forum as a Means of Development of Sociocultural Skills of University Students Specializing in Translation and Interpreting

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    Modern information and communication technologies which seemed to be a distant future just a few years ago became a reality quite quickly. In this regard, the issue of using the web forum in development of socio-cultural knowledge and skills of students has become relevant. The learning process can undoubtedly be intensified by means of targeted expansion of the scope of application of Internet technologies. The article aims to represent an educational system of development of sociocultural skills of students majoring in Translation and Interpreting by means of the web forum and to offer an algorithm for its implementation in the course of experimental training involving web forums. The article defines the set of sociocultural skills of students in Translation and Interpreting, which is formed on the basis of the web-forum. The author's educational program and methodical conditions for development of socio-cultural skills by means of web forums, as well as an algorithm for development of sociocultural skills of students on the basis of the described Internet technology are described

    Adaptive Impact Factor Research Concerning Effectiveness of the Introduction and use of Digital Twins for Oil and Gas Deposits

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    In recent years, there have been significant changes in the conditions of oil production leading to an increase in its cost and wasteful use of resources. This necessitates the search for a system of adaptive factors that can adapt to environmental changes, affect the cost reduction and increase in the efficiency of oil and gas fields. Studies show that this problem needs to be solved on the basis of the creation of digital oil or gas fields being digital counterparts of existing enterprises, which allow preserving nature and use resources economically due to the existing field development at a new qualitative level. However, the transformation of existing fields through their transformation into digital oil or gas fields requires serious justification, and above all, from a financial and economic points of view. At the same time, one should in no case ignore the natural factor contributing to saving, restoring the used oil and gas resources and preserving the external space being the human environment. The purpose of this study is to develop recommendations for assessing the economic efficiency of the implementation of the project concerning a digital oil or gas field being a digital twin of oil or gas enterprise, and their use in practice. Such an assessment will be carried out based on the analysis of the ratio between capital investments and operating costs necessary to create a digital oil or gas field, as well as by comparing the expected costs and benefits derived from its use