78 research outputs found

    Artifacts related to tip asymmetry in high-resolution atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy measurements of graphitic surfaces

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The effect of tip asymmetry on atomic-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy measurements of graphitic surfaces has been investigated via numerical simulations. Employing a three-dimensional, crystalline, metallic tip apex and a two-layer thick graphene sample as a model system, basic calculations of the tip-sample interaction have revealed a significant effect of tip asymmetry on obtained results, including artificial modulation of site-specific chemical interaction forces and spatial distortion of observed features. Related artifacts are shown to be enhanced for tips with low lateral stiffness values. Our results emphasize that potentially erroneous interpretations of atomic-scale surface properties via imaging and spectroscopy measurements can be caused or enhanced by tip asymmetry. (C) 2015 American Vacuum Society

    Effect of lateral tip stiffness on atomic-resolution force field spectroscopy

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Atomic force microscopy is being increasingly used to measure atomic-resolution force fields on sample surfaces, making correct interpretation of resulting data critically important. In addition to asymmetry, elastic deformations undergone by the microscope tip are thought to affect measurements. In this study, simple analytical potentials and a model tip apex were used to theoretically analyze how lateral tip stiffness affects force spectroscopy on the surface of NaCl(001). The results suggest that lateral deformations experienced by the tip lead to certain distortions in measured force spectra, the degree of which depends on lateral tip stiffness. (C) 2013 American Vacuum Society

    Analysis of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy in aqueous salt solutions

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We present a numerical analysis of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy in aqueous salt solutions, by considering the interaction of the microscope tip with a model sample surface consisting of a hard substrate and soft biological material through Hertz and electrostatic double layer forces. Despite the significant improvements reported in the literature concerning contact-mode atomic force microscopy measurements of biological material due to electrostatic interactions in aqueous solutions, our results reveal that only modest gains of similar to 15% in imaging contrast at high amplitude setpoints are expected under typical experimental conditions for amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy, together with relatively unaffected sample indentation and maximum tip-sample interaction values. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.We present a numerical analysis of amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy in aqueous salt solutions, by considering the interaction of the microscope tip with a model sample surface consisting of a hard substrate and soft biological materialthrough Hertz and electrostatic double layer forces. Despite the significant improvements reported in the literature concerning contact-mode atomic force microscopy measurements of biological material due to electrostatic interactions in aqueous solutions, our results reveal that only modest gains of ∼15% in imaging contrast at high amplitude setpoints are expected under typical experimental conditions for amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy, together with relatively unaffected sample indentation and maximum tip–sample interaction value

    Noncontact atomic force microscopy II

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Background: Highly ordered three-dimensional colloidal crystals (supracrystals) comprised of 7.4 nm diameter Au nanocrystals (with a 5% size dispersion) have been imaged and analysed using a combination of scanning tunnelling microscopy and dynamic force microscopy. Results: By exploring the evolution of both the force and tunnel current with respect to tip-sample separation, we arrive at the surprising finding that single nanocrystal resolution is readily obtained in tunnelling microscopy images acquired more than 1 nm into the repulsive (i.e., positive force) regime of the probe-nanocrystal interaction potential. Constant height force microscopy has been used to map tip-sample interactions in this regime, revealing inhomogeneities which arise from the convolution of the tip structure with the ligand distribution at the nanocrystal surface. Conclusion: Our combined STM-AFM measurements show that the contrast mechanism underpinning high resolution imaging of nanoparticle supracrystals involves a form of nanoscale contact imaging, rather than the through-vacuum tunnelling which underpins traditional tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy. © 2015 Sweetman et al; licensee Beilstein-Institut

    Tribological interaction between polytetrafluoroethylene and silicon oxide surfaces

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We investigated the tribological interaction between polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and silicon oxide surfaces. A simple rig was designed to bring about a friction between the surfaces via sliding a piece of PTFE on a thermally oxidized silicon wafer specimen. A very mild inclination (similar to 0.5 degrees) along the sliding motion was also employed in order to monitor the tribological interaction in a gradual manner as a function of increasing contact force. Additionally, some patterns were sketched on the silicon oxide surface using the PTFE tip to investigate changes produced in the hydrophobicity of the surface, where the approximate water contact angle was 45 degrees before the transfer. The nature of the transferred materials was characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XPS results revealed that PTFE was faithfully transferred onto the silicon oxide surface upon even at the slightest contact and SEM images demonstrated that stable morphological changes could be imparted onto the surface. The minimum apparent contact pressure to realize the PTFE transfer is estimated as 5 kPa, much lower than reported previously. Stability of the patterns imparted towards many chemical washing processes lead us to postulate that the interaction is most likely to be chemical. Contact angle measurements, which were carried out to characterize and monitor the hydrophobicity of the silicon oxide surface, showed that upon PTFE transfer the hydrophobicity of the SiO2 surface could be significantly enhanced, which might also depend upon the pattern sketched onto the surface. Contact angle values above 100 degrees were obtained. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Nonuniform friction-area dependency for antimony oxide surfaces sliding on graphite

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We present frictional measurements involving controlled lateral manipulation of antimony nanoparticles on graphite featuring atomically smooth particle-substrate interfaces via tapping- and contact-mode atomic force microscopy. As expected from earlier studies, the power required for lateral manipulation as well as the frictional forces recorded during the manipulation events exhibit a linear dependence on the contact area over a wide size range from 2000 nm2 to 120 000 nm2. However, we observe a significant and abrupt increase in frictional force and dissipated power per contact area at a value of about 20 000 nm2, coinciding with a phase transition from amorphous to crystalline within the antimony particles. Our results suggest that variations in the structural arrangement and stoichiometry of antimony oxide at the interface between the particles and the substrate may be responsible for the observed effect. © 2013 American Physical Society

    Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Although its conceptual approach is as simple as the technique used in record players already introduced in the 19th century, the invention of the atomic force microscope (AFM) in 1986 by Binnig, Quate, and Gerber was a milestone for nanotechnology. The scanning tunneling microscope (STM), introduced some years earlier, had already achieved atomic resolution, but is limited to conductive surfaces. Since its operational principle is based on the detection of the forces acting between tip and sample, this restriction does not exist for the AFM. Consequently, atomic force microscopy quickly became the standard tool for nanometer-scale imaging of all types of surfaces in all environments. True atomic resolution was first achieved in the 1990s. The most convincing results, however, were restricted to the so-called noncontact mode in vacuum for a long time, but recent technical developments overcame this limitation, and atomic-resolution imaging is now also a standard in liquids. Beyond pushing the resolution limit to the picometer range, the invention of the AFM triggered the development of a growing number of new scanning probe methods and approaches, ranging from an expansion of the properties that can be mapped to the active manipulation of surfaces and small particles. Practically every month, reports on the growing capabilities of AFMs appear. Nearly every physical effect that influences the tip–sample interaction has been used to improve existing modes and to develop new ones. For example, many recently presented techniques include the excitation of higher cantilever oscillation modes; it is amazing in how many ways the shaking of a simple cantilever can improve our knowledge about the tip–sample interaction. Another direction is high-speed atomic force microscopy, which is one of the eminent challenges that need to be solved in order to allow the in situ observation of biological processes. Data acquisition times have already reached the millisecond range, enabling the visualization of the dynamic behavior of biological molecules and cells. Other recent accomplishments include imaging of organic molecules with unprecedented resolution, full three-dimensional mapping of surface force fields, and the imaging and discrimination of individual chemical bonds. The development of advanced techniques is the focus of this Thematic Series, following the Thematic Series “Scanning probe microscopy and related techniques” edited by Ernst Meyer and the Thematic Series “Noncontact atomic force microscopy” edited by Udo Schwarz. The articles that are part of the series demonstrate that, despite its 25 years of history, the AFM is still far from reaching its limits, and today’s developments are far-reaching. As the number of research groups utilizing advanced atomic force microscopy techniques increases with each passing year, the technical improvements, data-acquisition approaches, analysis procedures, user friendliness, and application areas of the technique further diversify. With this Thematic Series, it is our intention to stimulate these improvements. We thank all authors for contributing their excellent work to this series. Furthermore, we acknowledge all referees for their promptly provided reports keeping the publication times short and attractive for contributors. Finally, we are grateful to the open access policy of the Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology providing the ground for unrestricted discussions on advanced atomic force microscopy techniques. Thilo Glatzel, Hendrik Hölscher, Thomas Schimmel, Mehmet Z. Baykara, Udo D. Schwarz and Ricardo Garcia December 201

    Probing three-dimensional surfaces force fields with atomic resolution: Measurement strategies, limitations, and artifact reduction

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) is being increasingly used to measure the interaction force between an atomically sharp probe tip and surfaces of interest, as a function of the three spatial dimensions, with picometer and piconewton accuracy. Since the results of such measurements may be affected by piezo nonlinearities, thermal and electronic drift, tip asymmetries, and elastic deformation of the tip apex, these effects need to be considered during image interpretation. In this paper, we analyze their impact on the acquired data, compare different methods to record atomic-resolution surface force fields, and determine the approaches that suffer the least from the associated artifacts. The related discussion underscores the idea that since force fields recorded by using NC-AFM always reflect the properties of both the sample and the probe tip, efforts to reduce unwanted effects of the tip on recorded data are indispensable for the extraction of detailed information about the atomic-scale properties of the surface

    Simultaneous measurement of multiple independent atomic-scale Interactions using scanning probe microscopy: data interpretation and the effect of cross-talk

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In high-resolution scanning probe microscopy, it is becoming increasingly common to simultaneously record multiple channels representing different tip-sample interactions to collect complementary information about the sample surface. A popular choice involves simultaneous scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) measurements, which are thought to reflect the chemical and electronic properties of the sample surface. With surface-oxidized Cu(100) as an example, we investigate whether atomic-scale information on chemical interactions can be reliably extracted from frequency shift maps obtained while using the tunneling current as the feedback parameter. Ab initio calculations of interaction forces between specific tip apexes and the surface are utilized to compare experiments with theoretical expectations. The examination reveals that constant-current operation may induce a noticeable influence of topography-feedback-induced cross-talk on the frequency shift data, resulting in misleading interpretations of local chemical interactions on the surface. Consequently, the need to apply methods such as 3D-AFM is emphasized when accurate conclusions about both the local charge density near the Fermi level, as provided by the STM channel, and the site-specific strength of tip-sample interactions (NC-AFM channel) are desired. We conclude by generalizing to the case where multiple atomic-scale interactions are being probed while only one of them is kept constant