175 research outputs found

    Effect of differently treated recycled concrete aggregates on Marshall properties and cost-benefit of asphalt mixtures

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    Marshall properties are one of the major requirements for designing hot asphalt mixtures. These properties need to be evaluated to make sure that asphalt pavement performs well over its service life. The evaluation of the Marshall properties of asphalt mixtures containing coarse recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) was the study's main target. RCA properties differ from virgin aggregate in the presence of cement mortar. To improve RCA properties, two methods were adopted. The first, termed pre-soak treatment, consisted of soaking RCA in acetic acid for 24 hours at a concentration of 0.1 M. The second one, termed mechanical treatment, involved placing RCA inside the Los Angeles machine with balls and running it for 500 cycles. RCA was incorporated into asphalt mixtures at percentages 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of coarse virgin aggregate. The results of the study showed that replacing virgin aggregate with RCA led to economic feasibility. Despite the amount of asphalt binder increasing as coarse RCA content increased, the characteristics of HMA were not significantly altered except for Marshall stability. The maximum increase in Marshall stability happened in the mixture containing 60% untreated RCA; it was 14.78% greater than the control mixture

    Synthesis new fused and non-fused chromene [I] derivatives derived from 2-amino-4-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-5-oxo-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-3-carbonitrile

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    A new series of pyrano-chromene and pyrimido pyrano-chromene derivatives were synthesized starting from 2-amino-4-[4-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-5-oxo-4H,5H-pyrano[3,2-c]chromene-3-carbonitrile (5). The structures of the synthesized compounds were elucidated by spectral data. Key words: Chromenes, Pyrano-chromene

    UC-158 Portable, To-Go, Security System

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    Security is an element that every person on earth strives to attain. Having security of your home, family, and self is a challenge amongst the dynamic and unpredictable world. Security systems these days have done wonders in being able to secure a persons home and allow them to manage and react in case of an incident, however are rigid as they only secure your home, and once you leave, it\u27s as if you\u27re on your own again. Our device aims to bring the peace of mind and security of a home system with a person where ever they go. In the event of parking your car in a suspicious area? Set up the device and monitor your car via a livestream. Traveling and have to leave you bags unattended for a moment? Prop up the device and monitor on your phone. Our device allows for anybody to bring an extra set of eyes with them to be able to monitor their person or possessions, and even loved ones, all while using their phone with capabilities to react properly

    A previously cryptic diguanylate cyclase can be active and allows Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus to become a selective predator on human pathogens

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    Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus is a small deltaproteobacterium which invades, grows and replicates rapidly inside the periplasm of other Gram-negative bacteria including human pathogens in a Host-dependent (HD) manner. Cyclic-di-GMP is a second bacterial messenger that controls complex processes in bacteria. Pioneering previous work deduced that Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus have four diguanylyl cyclases (Dgcs) responsible for c-di-GMP synthesis and certain diguanylyl cyclases have discrete roles in Bdellovibrio lifestyles. In Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus HD100, predation ability is controlled by Bd0742 (DgcB) and its deletion led to Bdellovibrio growing as a Host-Independent (HI) strain that had lost predation ability. During prolonged co-incubation of this mutant with E. coli S17-1, Δ bd0742 suppressor strains arose that could lyse the prey cells. My project built on this work by co-culturing and screening the predation ability of the HI B. bacteriovorus Δ bd0742 mutant strain on a wide range of Gram- negative bacteria including human pathogens. Genomic changes were identified in Δ bd0742 suppressor strains, arising on E. coli prey, detecting in which gene the suppressor mutation lies, and the effect of these suppressor point mutations on levels of c-di-GMP production was also assayed. Co-culture of HI B. bacteriovorus Δbd0742 mutant strain in liquid with different human pathogens and non-pathogenic prey cells showed that this strain was originally unable to lyse all different types of prey cells but that suppressors could arise on some types of prey: E. coli S17-1 and A. baumannii but not on others including Salmonella typhimurium, Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas putida. Studying the genome sequences of the all Δ bd0742 suppressor strains revealed that there were point mutations in bd3766 (dgcD) which encodes another, previously cryptic, diguanylyl cyclase gene. Furthermore, in some strains there was separate point mutation in bd0134 (askα), and in all strains mutations in bd0467 transposase homology gene which were later found to be due to natural variation. The point mutations in bd3766 occur in bases coding for the coiled coil region and transmembrane domain leading to the proposal that these caused constitutive dimerization of Bd3766 and enhanced Bd3766 activity in the absence of any other regulator protein activity. This was backed up by E.coli swimming assays which indicated a higher level of c-di-GMP inhibiting swimming when the bd3766 suppressor gene alleles were expressed in E.coli on swim plates versus wild type bd3766. Gene transfer and predation ability tests of Δ bd0742 mutant strains showed that the point mutation in bd3766 was the real cause of suppression of the “non- predatory in liquid culture” phenotype of the HI B. bacteriovorus Δ bd0742 mutant strain. Additional to that, despite the suppressor point mutations in Bd3766 producing more c-di-GMP than wild type Bd3766 but, they still could not restore plaque formation on plates, only in liquid predation, on E. coli S17-1 and A. baumannii prey. Finally testing function of some point mutations, found in suppressor mutant genomes, in the DAP synthesis pathway gene, (bd0134), led to the finding that over expression of bd0134 restored plaque formation on agar plates to the suppressor strains. My thesis project (leading from testing bd0134 suppressor studies) also investigated predatory roles of some further genes involved in cell wall synthesis such as m-DAP/Lysine synthesis pathway genes. This study also found that CpoB, a protein that has an important role in cell wall synthesis regulation, during division, in non-predatory bacteria; is also expressed upon prey during the predatory lifecycle. Concordant with this, deletion studies of cpoB suggested that is essential for both HD and HI lifestyles

    Estimation of optimal lifting capacity in annulus

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    The optimum drilling of oil and gas wells are achieved by reduce costs and time, which will be accomplished with an optimal hydraulic cleaning program. Drilling fluid characteristics, drilling parameters, and well geometrics are regarded as major categories for achieving an optimal hydraulic program based on depth, penetration rate, and flow rate. This study was used a set of equations that related directly and indirectly to estimate the optimal cleaning efficiency in annulus. The procedure is applied here using actual data from an Iraqi oil field to determine the limitation of all parameters that affect the lifting capacity. Cutting transform was regarded as a major element of the well cleaning program as a result of constraints such as avoiding high surge pressure during lifting pipes, high swab pressure when downloading pipes, and fluid loss during rotation. An increase in annular space indicates a decrease in the capacity of drilling fluid to lift cuttings to the surface and an increase in dynamic shear stress. Also an increase in cutting size, which has a direct relationship with penetration rate that can be effect for cleaning efficacy in annulus

    Synthesis and Characterization of New 2-Quinolone Sulfonamide Derivatives

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    A series of new 2-quinolone derivatives linked to benzene sulphonyl moieties were performed by many steps: the first step involved preparation of different coumarins (A1,A2) by condensation of different substituted phenols with ethyl acetoacetate. The compound A1 was treated with nitric acid to afford two isomers of nitrocoumarin derivatives (A3) and (A4). The prepared compounds (A2, A3) were treated with hydrazine hydrate to synthesize different 2-quinolone compounds (A5,A6) while the coumarin treated with different amines gave compounds (A7,A8). Then the synthesized 2-quinolone compounds (A5-A8) treated with benzene sulphonyl chloride to afford new sulfonamide derivatives (A9-A12). The synthesized compounds were characterized by FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR spectra and by measurement some of their physical properties

    Agro- Industrial Integration from an Accounting Perspective Study in General Company for Leather Industries/Baghdad

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    تعد الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية وحدة انتاجية اقتصادية تساهم في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني في مجال تصنيع الجلود الطبيعية واستغلالها بإنتاج الملابس والاحذية والحقائب اعتمادا على مبدا الحساب الاقتصادي وكفاءة استثمار الاموال العامة وفاعليتها في تحقيق اهداف الدولة ورفع مستويات الاداء للاقتصاد الوطني بما يحقق اهداف خطط التنمية  لذا هدف البحث الى تحديد المعوقات التي تواجه الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية /بغداد (عينة البحث) والتي تحول دون التكامل الزراعي الصناعي بفرعه الحيواني والتوجه نحو الجلود المستوردة لتحقيق اهدافها على الرغم من  وجود معامل دباغة في الشركة ذاتها وذلك من خلال اجراء مقارنة كلفوية للمنتج في حالة اعتمادها على الجلود المحلية وتطبيق التكامل الزراعي الصناعي  من جانب وفي حالة اذا كانت جلود مستوردة من جانب اخر ولأربعة موديلات من الاحذية الرجالية (7566,7639, ٦٧٣٠,7545) الواردة في سجلات الشركة في شهر تشرين الاول للعام 2014  ، ومن اهم ما توصل اليه البحث ان هنالك كثيرا من المعوقات التي تحول دون التكامل الزراعي الصناعي والتي تحتاج الى حلول حقيقية من الدولة وان تطبيقه لا يحقق اهداف الشركة من الارباح المخطط لها حتى وان كان على حساب الجودة .  The General Company for Leather Industries is an economic production unit that contributes to supporting the national economy in the field of manufacturing natural leather and exploiting it by producing clothes, shoes and bags based on the principle of economic account and efficiency of investing public funds and its effectiveness in achieving the objectives of the state and raising the performance levels of the national economy in order to achieve the goals of development plans, so the goal of the research is to identify the obstacles facing the General Company for Leather Industries / Baghdad (research sample) which transforms Without agricultural industrial integration with its animal branch and orientation towards imported leather to achieve its objectives despite the existence of tanning factories in the same company through a cost comparison of the product in case of dependence on local leather and application of agricultural industrial integration on the one hand and in case if the skins imported by another and four models of men's shoes (7566,7639, 6730,7545) contained in the company's records in October 2014, and one of the most important findings of the research is that there are many obstacles to agricultural industrial integration that need real solutions from the state and that its application does not achieve The company's objectives o

    Testing The Effective Performance Of Ofdm On Digital Video Broadcasting

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    One of the most exciting areas in telecommunications and networking is wireless technology. The rapid growth of mobile telephone uses various satellite services. So, the present work deals with high data stream applications of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), which takes an important place in the studies and development researches due to its direct contacts on the human daily life. In this design the focusing is on the modern types of DVB where modified module of the Terrestrial DVB for Handheld terminals (DVB-H) is used and it was simulated to perform the physical layer of the designed system. Different modes of DVB-H with high bit rate of Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM) and high number of sub-carriers are considered to show the effect of Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (COFDM) on the system SNR using the convolutional encoding. The modes are tested to show the characteristics of each type involving BER calculation. The obtained results show the effect of OFDM in the designed system by evaluating it using AWGN and mobile multipath channels. These demonstrate the effective of OFDM over single carrier systems where the complexity and cost of implementation are both increaseed by increasing number of carrier. The elimination of ISI is achieved using efficient coding techniques with small guard time. The 4k mode shows good performance in mobile reception, providing satisfactory and reasonable receiver cost/complexity. The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) measurement of the reconstructed received image pixels provides more mentality and good comparing method than the BER measuring. The obtained results are compared between the PSNR of each reconstructed images for different modes with the corresponding transmitting SN