90 research outputs found

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    Cytosolic calcium imaging by confocal laser scanning microscopy: Applications in medicine

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    Singapore Medical Journal374344-347SIMJ

    Effect of Genistein on ATP-induced Cell Retraction and Rounding in Human Chang Liver Cells

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    Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica74133-38OFAJ

    Extracellular ATP induces cytosolic calcium oscillations associated with an increase in intracellular pH in human Chang liver cells.

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    Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France)434521-52

    Keloids - The sebum hypothesis revisited

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    10.1054/mehy.2001.1426Medical Hypotheses584264-269MEHY

    Teaching of Anatomy in the new millennium

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    Singapore Medical Journal483182-18

    Subacute administration of zinc induces lipid droplet accumulation in the mouse liver

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    Medical Science Research2510671-672MSCR

    Cell shape changes induced by sulphate in the cloudman mouse melanoma cell line

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    Journal of Comparative Pathology1082209-213JCVP

    Effect of intraperitoneal administration of zinc in C67/6J mice

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    Singapore Medical Journal34158-59SIMJ