6,275 research outputs found
Bethe Ansatz Equations for the Broken -Symmetric Model
We obtain the Bethe Ansatz equations for the broken -symmetric
model by constructing a functional relation of the transfer matrix of
-operators. This model is an elliptic off-critical extension of the
Fateev-Zamolodchikov model. We calculate the free energy of this model on the
basis of the string hypothesis.Comment: 43 pages, latex, 11 figure
Auxiliary matrices on both sides of the equator
The spectra of previously constructed auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex
model at roots of unity are investigated for spin-chains of even and odd
length. The two cases show remarkable differences. In particular, it is shown
that for even roots of unity and an odd number of sites the eigenvalues contain
two linear independent solutions to Baxter's TQ-equation corresponding to the
Bethe ansatz equations above and below the equator. In contrast, one finds for
even spin-chains only one linear independent solution and complete strings. The
other main result is the proof of a previous conjecture on the degeneracies of
the six-vertex model at roots of unity. The proof rests on the derivation of a
functional equation for the auxiliary matrices which is closely related to a
functional equation for the eight-vertex model conjectured by Fabricius and
McCoy.Comment: 22 pages; 2nd version: one paragraph added in the conclusion and some
typos correcte
A Generalized Q-operator for U_q(\hat(sl_2)) Vertex Models
In this paper, we construct a Q-operator as a trace of a representation of
the universal R-matrix of over an infinite-dimensional
auxiliary space. This auxiliary space is a four-parameter generalization of the
q-oscillator representations used previously. We derive generalized T-Q
relations in which 3 of these parameters shift. After a suitable restriction of
parameters, we give an explicit expression for the Q-operator of the 6-vertex
model and show the connection with Baxter's expression for the central block of
his corresponding operator.Comment: 22 pages, Latex2e. This replacement is a revised version that
includes a simple explicit expression for the Q matrix for the 6-vertex mode
On kernel engineering via Paley–Wiener
A radial basis function approximation takes the form
where the coefficients a 1,…,a n are real numbers, the centres b 1,…,b n are distinct points in ℝ d , and the function φ:ℝ d →ℝ is radially symmetric. Such functions are highly useful in practice and enjoy many beautiful theoretical properties. In particular, much work has been devoted to the polyharmonic radial basis functions, for which φ is the fundamental solution of some iterate of the Laplacian. In this note, we consider the construction of a rotation-invariant signed (Borel) measure μ for which the convolution ψ=μ φ is a function of compact support, and when φ is polyharmonic. The novelty of this construction is its use of the Paley–Wiener theorem to identify compact support via analysis of the Fourier transform of the new kernel ψ, so providing a new form of kernel engineering
Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at roots of 1 and a geometric interpretation of its symmetries
The construction of auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model at a root of
unity is investigated from a quantum group theoretic point of view. Employing
the concept of intertwiners associated with the quantum loop algebra
at a three parameter family of auxiliary matrices
is constructed. The elements of this family satisfy a functional relation with
the transfer matrix allowing one to solve the eigenvalue problem of the model
and to derive the Bethe ansatz equations. This functional relation is obtained
from the decomposition of a tensor product of evaluation representations and
involves auxiliary matrices with different parameters. Because of this
dependence on additional parameters the auxiliary matrices break in general the
finite symmetries of the six-vertex model, such as spin-reversal or spin
conservation. More importantly, they also lift the extra degeneracies of the
transfer matrix due to the loop symmetry present at rational coupling values.
The extra parameters in the auxiliary matrices are shown to be directly related
to the elements in the enlarged center of the quantum loop algebra
at . This connection provides a geometric
interpretation of the enhanced symmetry of the six-vertex model at rational
coupling. The parameters labelling the auxiliary matrices can be interpreted as
coordinates on a three-dimensional complex hypersurface which remains invariant
under the action of an infinite-dimensional group of analytic transformations,
called the quantum coadjoint action.Comment: 52 pages, TCI LaTex, v2: equation (167) corrected, two references
Auxiliary matrices for the six-vertex model and the algebraic Bethe ansatz
We connect two alternative concepts of solving integrable models, Baxter's
method of auxiliary matrices (or Q-operators) and the algebraic Bethe ansatz.
The main steps of the calculation are performed in a general setting and a
formula for the Bethe eigenvalues of the Q-operator is derived. A proof is
given for states which contain up to three Bethe roots. Further evidence is
provided by relating the findings to the six-vertex fusion hierarchy. For the
XXZ spin-chain we analyze the cases when the deformation parameter of the
underlying quantum group is evaluated both at and away from a root of unity.Comment: 32 page
Ground State of the Quantum Symmetric Finite Size XXZ Spin Chain with Anisotropy Parameter
We find an analytic solution of the Bethe Ansatz equations (BAE) for the
special case of a finite XXZ spin chain with free boundary conditions and with
a complex surface field which provides for symmetry of the
Hamiltonian. More precisely, we find one nontrivial solution, corresponding to
the ground state of the system with anisotropy parameter
corresponding to .Comment: 6 page
XXZ Bethe states as highest weight vectors of the loop algebra at roots of unity
We show that every regular Bethe ansatz eigenvector of the XXZ spin chain at
roots of unity is a highest weight vector of the loop algebra, for some
restricted sectors with respect to eigenvalues of the total spin operator
, and evaluate explicitly the highest weight in terms of the Bethe roots.
We also discuss whether a given regular Bethe state in the sectors generates an
irreducible representation or not. In fact, we present such a regular Bethe
state in the inhomogeneous case that generates a reducible Weyl module. Here,
we call a solution of the Bethe ansatz equations which is given by a set of
distinct and finite rapidities {\it regular Bethe roots}. We call a nonzero
Bethe ansatz eigenvector with regular Bethe roots a {\it regular Bethe state}.Comment: 40pages; revised versio
On the thermodynamic limit of form factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg chain
We consider the problem of computing form factors of the massless XXZ
Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field in the (thermodynamic) limit
where the size M of the chain becomes large. For that purpose, we take the
particular example of the matrix element of the third component of spin between
the ground state and an excited state with one particle and one hole located at
the opposite ends of the Fermi interval (umklapp-type term). We exhibit its
power-law decrease in terms of the size of the chain M, and compute the
corresponding exponent and amplitude. As a consequence, we show that this form
factor is directly related to the amplitude of the leading oscillating term in
the long-distance asymptotic expansion of the two-point correlation function of
the third component of spin.Comment: 28 page
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