7 research outputs found

    Children's consumption of rabbit meat

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    [EN] The nutritional and dietary properties of rabbit meat make it an ideal food for children, recommended by the World Health Organisation. However, the presence of children under 18 in the home has been found to decrease the frequency of rabbit meat consumption. If we focus on households with children under 18, 52.5% of minors do not consume rabbit meat. The main reason why children (intended as people under 18 yr old) do not consume rabbit meat is the fact that they do not like it (40.9%) and because it is not bought/eaten at home (30.9%). Faced with this situation, there is a pressing need to seek appropriate strategies to adapt rabbit meat for consumption by the youngest family members. In light of the results, the following strategies are proposed. First, the development of functional foods for babies and children, such as rabbit meat enriched with ω3 and docosahexaenoic acid. Secondly, improving meat tenderness. Third, adapting rabbit meat presentations for children (burgers, nuggets, sausages, marinades 
), converting them into convenience products for parents and extending their shelf life. Fourth, adapting the labelling/packaging for children to attract attention of both parents and offspring. Finally, developing communication strategies on the nutritional value of rabbit meat aimed at both children and parents. It is observed that if minors consume rabbit meat, they also eat other types of meat such as lamb and beef more often. Therefore, in this type of households a varied and complete diet is consumed in terms of meat consumption, so it would be necessary to rethink joint communication strategies among the three meat sectors. Promoting rabbit meat consumption among the under 18s has several consequences, as in the future they will be in charge of household purchases or share this responsibility.EscribĂĄ-PĂ©rez, C.; Baviera-Puig, A.; Montero-Vicente, L.; Buitrago-Vera, J. (2019). Children's consumption of rabbit meat. World Rabbit Science. 27(3):113-122. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2019.11991SWORD113122273Baviera-Puig A., Buitrago-Vera J., EscribĂĄ-PĂ©rez C., Montero-Vicente L. 2017. Rabbit meat sector value chain. World Rabbit Sci., 25: 95-108. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2017.6565BernuĂ©s A., Olaizola A., Corcoran K. 2003. Labelling information demanded by European consumers and relationships with purchasing motives, quality and safety of meat. Meat Sci., 65: 1095-1106. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0309-1740(02)00327-3Buitrago-Vera J., EscribĂĄ-PĂ©rez C., Baviera-Puig A., Montero-Vicente L. 2016. Consumer segmentation based on food-related lifestyles and analysis of rabbit meat consumption. World Rabbit Sci., 24: 169-182. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2016.4229Cea M.A. 2010. MĂ©todos de encuesta. TeorĂ­a y prĂĄctica, errores y mejora. SĂ­ntesis, S.A., Madrid, Spain.Clayton E.H., Hanstock T.L., Watson J.F. 2009. 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    Business opportunities analysis using GIS: the retail distribution sector

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    [EN] The retail distribution sector is facing a difficult time as the current landscape is characterized by ever-increasing competition. In these conditions, the search for an appropriate location strategy has the potential to become a differentiating and competitive factor. Although, in theory, an increasing level of importance is placed on geography because of its key role in understanding the success of a business, this is not the case in practice. For this reason, the process outlined in this paper has been specifically developed to detect new business locations. The methodology consists of a range of analyzes with Geographical Information Systems (GISs) from a marketing point of view. This new approach is called geomarketing. First, geodemand and geocompetition are located on two separate digital maps using spatial and non-spatial databases. Second, a third map is obtained by matching this information with the demand not dealt with properly by the current commercial offer. Third, the Kernel density allows users to visualize results, thus facilitating decision-making by managers, regardless of their professional background. The advantage of this methodology is the capacity of GIS to handle large amounts of information, both spatial and non-spatial. A practical application is performed in Murcia (Spain) with 100 supermarkets and data at a city block level, which is the highest possible level of detail. This detection process can be used in any commercial distribution company, so it can be generalized and considered a global solution for retailers.Roig Tierno, H.; Baviera-Puig, A.; Buitrago Vera, JM. (2013). Business opportunities analysis using GIS: the retail distribution sector. Global Business Perspectives. 1(3):226-238. doi:10.1007/s40196-013-0015-6S22623813AlarcĂłn, S. (2011). The trade credit in the Spanish agrofood industry. Mediterranean Journal of Economics, Agriculture and Environment (New Medit), 10(2), 51–57.Alcaide, J. 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    Proyecto PIME para la certificaciĂłn de competencias digitales en hoja de cĂĄlculo y software estadĂ­stico en la titulaciĂłn de Grado en ADE

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    [ES] El proyecto institucional de la Facultad de AdministraciĂłn y DirecciĂłn de Empresas denominado ÂżCertificaciĂłn de competencias digitales en hoja de cĂĄlculo y software estadĂ­stico en la titulaciĂłn Grado en ADEÂż tiene como objetivo evaluar el nivel de adquisiciĂłn de competencias relacionadas con los programas informĂĄticos mĂĄs utilizados en el Grado en ADE. Para ello se ha realizado una rĂșbrica para determinar el nivel adquirido y el grado de manejo de los programas que utilizan durante sus estudios.[EN] The institutional project of the Faculty of Business Administration and Management called "Certification of digital skills in spreadsheets and statistical software in the Degree in Business Administration" aims to assess the level of acquisition of skills related to the most used computer programs in this degree. For this purpose, a rubric has been designed. It measures the acquired skills and studuentsÂż proficiency in the use of the mentioned software programs.Nos gustarĂ­a agradecer a todo el profesorado de la FADE que ha colaborado cumplimentando las rĂșbricas de los programas informĂĄticos evaluados. Este trabajo ha sido realizado gracias a la financiaciĂłn del Proyecto de InnovaciĂłn y Mejora Educativa (PIME/21-22/272) de la convocatoria Aprendizaje + Docencia de la Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia de tĂ­tulo CertificaciĂłn de competencias digitales en hoja de cĂĄlculo y software estadĂ­stico en la titulaciĂłn Grado en ADE.Vallada Regalado, E.; DebĂłn, A.; Ribal, J.; Chirivella GonzĂĄlez, V.; CervellĂł Royo, RE.; Calafat Marzal, C.; Marin-Sanchez, MDM.... (2022). Proyecto PIME para la certificaciĂłn de competencias digitales en hoja de cĂĄlculo y software estadĂ­stico en la titulaciĂłn de Grado en ADE. EscuelaTĂ©cnica Superior de IngenierĂ­a del Diseño. Universitat PolitĂšcnica de ValĂšncia. 445-450. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19176244545

    Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019

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