19 research outputs found

    Occupational risk factors for shoulder chronic tendinous pathology in the Spanish automotive manufacturing sector: a casecontrol study

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    Background Musculoskeletal Diseases (MSDs) are among the most prevalent health problems encountered in the workforce in Europe. Multiple risk factors contribute to their onset. In the present study, different individual risk factors for chronic tendinous pathology affecting the shoulder were analysed in a sample of workers from the automotive manufacturing sector. Methods An observational retrospective study was conducted with 73 cases of officially recognised and compensated occupational diseases and 94 aleatory cases of healthy workers from the same car assembly company. The experimental group comprised individuals with tendinous chronic pathology of the rotator cuff. Multiple variables that identified the risks present in the job were assessed along with participants clinical evaluation. Furthermore, two standardised guidelines for risk factors assessment were also used: the Spanish National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and the American Occupational Information Network (O*Net). Both descriptive statistical analysis and Odds ratios calculations considering the occupational disease as a dependent variable were performed. Results The use of hand tools, exposure to mechanical pressure in the upper limbs and awkward postures were the most prevalent risk factors. Pressure on the palm of the hand and the hand tool impacting the hand were also important risk factors. Some psychosocial factors such as lack of autonomy and mental workload were also associated shoulder tendinous diseases. The association of age, load handling, and awkward postures were the core risk factors responsible for most of the tendinous chronic injuries of the shoulder in this sample of car assembly workers. Conclusions Both ergonomic and psychosocial factors were present and increased the risk of developing occupational chronic tendinopathies at the shoulder in this sample of workers. Aging, load handling, and awkward postures showed the strongest predictive values. Greater knowledge of how risk factors interact would facilitate the design of better preventive workplace strategies.Medicin

    The effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint performance and eccentric knee flexor strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies among team sport players

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    The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise (NH E ) on sprint performance (i.e., 5, 10 and 20 m) and explore associations between study characteristics and sprint outcomes in team sport players. Secondary aims were to (1) investigate the effects of the NH E on eccentric strength of the knee flexors (ES KF ) with categorical subgroup analysis to determine differences between recreationally, well-trained individuals and young athletes, (2) determine the relation between ES KF and sprint performance in team sport players, and (3) explore the effect of study characteristics (i.e., weekly volume, time duration and body mass) on ES KF .Medicin

    Relación entre la potencia y velocidad en press de banca y la velocidad de lanzamiento de balón en jugadores profesionales de balonmano = Relationship between barbell power and velocity in bench press exercise and ball throwing velocity in professional handball players

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    p. 53-59Los objetivos de este estudio fueron (a) analizar la relación existente entre la una repetición máxima (1-RM) en press de banca y la velocidad de lanzamiento en jugadores de balonmano U18 de nivel internacional y, (b) analizar qué variables del ejercicio del press de banca son más relevantes en el rendimiento específico (velocidad de lanzamiento del balón) durante el test de velocidad de lanzamiento (T3-Step). Dieciséis jugadores de la Selección Española de Balonmano Juvenil participaron en la presente investigación. Todos los sujetos realizaron un protocolo incremental en el ejercicio del press de banca, además delT3-Step de velocidad de lanzamiento del balón. Por un lado, se analizó la relación existente entre la velocidad media (Velmedia), velocidad media de la fase propulsiva (VelMFP), velocidad pico (Velpico), potencia media (Potmedia), potencia media de la fase propulsiva (PotMFP), y potencia pico (Potpico)en todo el espectro de cargas en relación con la velocidad de lanzamiento. También se realizaron los mismos análisis con la carga en donde se obtuvo la máxima potencia media (CargaMP). Los resultados mostraron, por un lado que el rango de correlación de la CargaMP, PotmediaMP, PotMFPMP y PotpicoMP y la velocidad de lanzamiento fueron de .61 (p= .012), .702 (p< .01), .734 (p< .01) y .63 (p< .01), respectivamente. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre la 1-RMy la velocidad de lanzamiento fue de r = .61 (p < .01). En conclusión, las variables relevantes a nivel de rendimiento específico con la velocidad de lanzamiento fueron la 1RM, la CargaMP, la PotMFPMP y la VelMFPMP. Todas estas analizadas en función del 60% de la 1-RM.S

    Effects of ankle position during the Nordic Hamstring exercise on range of motion, heel contact force and hamstring muscle activation

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    One of the main benefits of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is that it can be performed without the need of any extra material. However, numerous technical execution variables such as the ankle and pelvis position can influence the performance. The primary aims of this study were to investigate the effects of ankle position (i.e., plantar or dorsal flexion) on Nordic Hamstring Break Point (NHBP), repetition time and heel contact force. A secondary aim was to investigate differences in biceps femoris long head and semitendinosus muscle activation. Male professional field hockey players (n = 12) volunteered for the study. Paired t-tests were used to analyse the effect of ankle position on muscle NHBP, eccentric peak torque and repetition time. Ankle dorsal flexion resulted in a higher NHBP (p = 0.002, effect size [ES] = 1.48 [0.57 to 2.38]), repetition time (p = 0.004, ES = 0.98 [0.24 to 1.72]) and both absolute and relative heel contact force (p = 0.028, ES = 0.67 [0.01 to 1.34], p = 0.017, ES = 0.76 [0.07 to 1.44], respectively) compared to plantar flexion. Muscle activation was not significant different. This study showed a higher NHBP, absolute and relative heel contact force and repetition time with a dorsal flexed ankle vs. a plantar flexed ankle in the NHE, without changes in hamstrings muscle activation.Medicin

    Mechanomyographic Measures of Muscle Contractile Properties are Infuenced by Electrode Size and Stimulation Pulse Duration

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    The aim was to determine the efects of changing pulse duration and electrode size on muscle contractile properties. Thirty-six healthy young male participated in the study (age 24.8±5.8 years; height 178.2±0.6cm; body mass 71.8±7.3kg; self-reported weekly moderate intensity activity 3.5±1.2h·week−1). Tensiomyography was used to assess rectus femoris (RF) and vastus medialis (VM) muscles neuromuscular properties of the dominant leg according to the electrode size (3.2–5cm) and the stimulus length (0.2, 0.5, and 1ms). Maximal radial displacement (Dm); Contraction time (Tc); Delay time (Td); Sustained time (Ts) and Half relaxation time (Tr) were measured. Relative and absolute reliability was quantifed. To analyze the efects of the electrode and the stimulus length, a repeated-measures analysis of variance was used. Dm and Tc parameters showed for both muscles an excellent relative (0.95–0.99) and absolute reliability (1.6–4.2%). However, Ts and Tr showed low values of absolute reliability (4.4–40.9%). The duration of the stimulus length applied to the RF and VM and electrode size signifcantly infuences muscle’s contractile properties (p<0.05; η2 p=0.09–0.60). The Dm increases substantially as the duration of the stimulus increases and with the use of the larger electrode in both muscles. However, Tc and Td are less afected by both conditions and not entirely clear. Practically, our study suggests that a stimulus pulse duration of 1ms together with a 5 × 5cm electrode is necessary to reach a reliable and reproducible assessment of both RF and VM muscles contractile properties.Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deport

    Localization of Muscle Edema and Changes on Muscle Contractility After Dry Needling of Latent Trigger Points in the Gastrocnemius Muscle

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    Background. Myofascial trigger points (TrPs) are hyperirritable spots within taut bands of skeletal muscles that elicit local and referred pain when stimulated. Among the variety of techniques used for treating TrPs, dry needling (DN) is the most commonly applied intervention. The physiological mechanisms underlying the effects of DN remain to be elucidated. Objective. To examine changes in skeletal muscle after DN in the area where the TrP is located. Methods. We measured in vivo changes that occur in human skeletal muscle one hour after DN over a TrP with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and tensiomyography. The study included 18 asymptomatic subjects with a latent TrP in one medial gastrocnemius muscle, and the contralateral leg was used as control. Results. The results showed that MRI signal intensity significantly increased one hour after the DN intervention, suggesting the presence of intramuscular edema. Tensiomyographic parameters showed higher muscle stiffness with an improvement in contraction time after DN. Conclusions. This is the first study showing intramuscular edema after TrP DN in human skeletal muscle. Future research should focus on using DN therapy in patients with active TrPs and on monitoring changes occurring at longer follow-up with imaging techniques.Fisioterapi

    Validação e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 na medição da velocidade e da amplitude isocinética

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    Cuando se realizan valoraciones de cualquier protocolo de evaluación uno de los aspectos fundamentales es conocer la validez y fiabilidad de los dispositivos utilizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la validez y fiabilidad de la variable de velocidad en el rango isocinético (VRI) en el dispositivo Haefni Health (HHe 1.0). Un total de dos protocolo se diseñaron para el análisis de la validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados mostraron altos Índices de Correlación Intraclase (ICC 2,1) para las medidas de validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo (0,998 y 0,99, respectivamente). Cuando se analizó la fiabilidad de las medidas por cada una de las condiciones de evaluación altos ICC 2,1, además de bajos CV y SEM fueron encontraros (rango 0,71–0,99, rango 0,19–3,73 y rango 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Los resultados obtenidos avalan la validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0 para la medición de la variable de VRI tanto para la fase concéntrica como para la fase excéntrica del movimiento.When rating any assessment protocol one of the key issues is to determine the validity and reliability of the devices used. The aim of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of the variable velocity isokinetic range (VRI) in Haefni Health System (HHe 1.0). Two assessment protocols were design to test bot, validity and reliability. The results showed high Index of Intraclass Correlation (ICC2,1) for measures of validity and reliability of the VRI (0,998 and 0,99, respectively). Moreover, when the reliability was assessed at each criterion velocity high values of ICC2,1, range 0,71–0,99 and low CV and SEM, range 0,19–3,73% and range 0.001– 0.004 m·s-1, were found respectively. The results obtained confirm the validity and reliability of HHe1.0 device for measuring VRI variable.Quando se realizam apreciações de qualquer protocolo de avaliação um dos aspectos fundamentais é conhecer a validade e fidelidade dos dispositivos utilizados. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi analisar a validade e fidelidade da variável de velocidade na amplitude isocinética (VRI) no dispositivo Haefni Health HHe 1.0. Um total de dois protocolos foram delineados para a análise da validade e fidelidade. Os resultados mostraram elevados Índices de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC2,1) para as medidas de validade e fidelidade do dispositivo (0,998 e 0,99, respectivamente). Adicionalmente, quando se analisou a fidelidade das medidas por critério de altos ICC2,1 e baixos CV e SEM foram identificados (amplitude 0,71–0,99, amplitude 0,19–3,73 e amplitude 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente). Os resultados obtidos confirmam a validade e fidelidade do dispositivo Haefni Health HHe1.0 para a medição da variável de VRI, tanto para a fase concêntrica, como para a fase excêntrica do movimento

    Impact of Pain Neuroscience Education Program in Community Physiotherapy Context on Pain Perception and Psychosocial Variables Associated with It in Elderly Persons: A Ranzomized Controlled Trial

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    This study investigated the long-term effect (six-months) of a Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) program on pain perception, quality of life, kinesiophobia and catastrophism in older adults with multimorbidity and chronic pain. Fifty participants (n = 50) were randomly assigned to the pain education therapy group (PET; n = 24) and control group (CG; n = 26). The PET group received six sessions (i.e., once a week, 50 min) about neurophysiology of pain while the CG carried on with their usual life. Perception of pain through the visual analogue scale (VAS), quality of life (EQ-5D questionnaire), kinesiophobia (TSK-11) and catastrophism (PCS) were assessed after six months since the last PNE session. Statistically significant differences on VAS (t(48) = 44, p = 0.01, ES = 0.42 [0.13, 0.65]) was found in favor to PET group. No other statistically significant differences were found. This study found that the application of a PNE intervention in an isolated form was able to significantly reduce pain perception with low effect size in the long-term (six months after intervention) in elderly people with chronic pain.Medicin

    Force production and electromyographic activity during different flywheel deadlift exercises

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    This study aimed to characterize and compare force production and muscle activity during four flywheel deadlift exercises (bilateral [Bi] vs. unilateral [Uni]) with different loading conditions (vertical [Ver] vs. horizontal [Hor]). Twenty-three team-sport athletes underwent assessments for exercise kinetics (hand-grip force), along with surface electromyography (sEMG) of the proximal (BFProx) and medial biceps femoris (BFMed), semitendinosus (ST), and gluteus medius (GM). Mean and peak force were highest (p < 0.001) in Bi + Ver compared with Bi + Hor, Uni + Ver, and Uni + Hor. Although no significant differences were observed between Bi + Hor and Uni + Ver, both variants showed higher (p < 0.001) average force and peak eccentric force when compared with Uni + Hor. The presence of eccentric overload was only observed in the vertically loaded variants. Bi + Ver and Uni + Ver showed higher (p < 0.05) sEMG levels in BFProx and BFMed compared with the Uni + Hor variant. In addition, Uni + Ver registered the largest GM and ST sEMG values. In conclusion, the vertical variants of the flywheel deadlift exercise led to higher muscle force production and sEMG compared with their horizontal counterparts. Both Bi + Ver and Uni + Ver may be effective in promoting an increase in hamstring muscles activity and muscle force at long muscle length, while the Uni + Ver variant may be more effective in promoting GM and ST involvement

    Validación y fiabilidad del dispositivo Haefni Health System 1.0 en la medición de la velocidad en el rango isocinético

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    Cuando se realizan valoraciones de cualquier protocolo de evaluaciónuno de los aspectos fundamentales es conocer la validez y fiabilidadde los dispositivos utilizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar lavalidez y fiabilidad de la variable de velocidad en el rango isocinético (VRI)en el dispositivo Haefni Health (HHe 1.0). Un total de dos protocolo se diseñaronpara el análisis de la validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados mostraronaltos Índices de Correlación Intraclase (ICC2,1) para las medidas de validezy fiabilidad del dispositivo (0,998 y 0,99, respectivamente). Cuando se analizóla fiabilidad de las medidas por cada una de las condiciones de evaluaciónaltos ICC2,1, además de bajos CV y SEM fueron encontraros (rango0,71–0,99, rango 0,19–3,73 y rango 0,001–0,004 m·s-1, respectivamente).Los resultados obtenidos avalan la validez y fiabilidad del dispositivo HaefniHealth HHe1.0 para la medición de la variable de VRI tanto para la faseconcéntrica como para la fase excéntrica del movimiento