259 research outputs found

    Ultraperipheral Collisions at RHIC and LHC

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    A brief introduction to the physics of ultraperipheral collisions at collider energies is given. Photon-hadron (proton/ nucleus) and photon-photon interactions can be studied in a hitherto unexplored energy regime.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of PHOTON 2007, Paris 9-13 July 2007, to be published in Nucl. Phys. B (Proceedings Supplements

    A Realistic Solvable Model for the Coulomb Dissociation of Neutron Halo Nuclei

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    As a model of a neutron halo nucleus we consider a neutron bound to an inert core by a zero range force. We study the breakup of this simple nucleus in the Coulomb field of a target nucleus. In the post-form DWBA (or, in our simple model CWBA (``Coulomb Wave Born Approximation'')) an analytic solution for the T-matrix is known. We study limiting cases of this T-matrix. As it should be, we recover the Born approximation for weak Coulomb fields (i.e., for the relevant Coulomb parameters much smaller than 1). For strong Coulomb fields, high beam energies, and scattering to the forward region we find a result which is very similar to the Born result. It is only modified by a relative phase (close to 0) between the two terms and a prefactor (close to 1). A similar situation exists for bremsstrahlung emission. This formula can be related to the first order semiclassical treatment of the electromagnetic dissociation. Since our CWBA model contains the electromagnetic interaction between the core and the target nucleus to all orders, this means that higher order effects (including postacceleration effects) are small in the case of high beam energies and forward scattering. Our model also predicts a scaling behavior of the differential cross section, that is, different systems (with different binding energies, beam energies and scattering angles) show the same dependence on two variables x and y.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings of ENAM2001, 3rd Internation Conference on Exotic Nuclei and Atomic Masse

    Single-Photon Switch based on Rydberg Blockade

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    All-optical switching is a technique in which a gate light pulse changes the transmission of a target light pulse without the detour via electronic signal processing. We take this to the quantum regime, where the incoming gate light pulse contains only one photon on average. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold atomic gas using electromagnetically induced transparency. Rydberg blockade suppresses the transmission of the subsequent target pulse. Finally, the stored gate photon can be retrieved. A retrieved photon heralds successful storage. The corresponding postselected subensemble shows an extinction of 0.05. The single-photon switch offers many interesting perspectives ranging from quantum communication to quantum information processing

    Ultraperipheral Collisions

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    Ultraperipheral collisions at heavy ion colliders use the strong Coulomb fields surrounding the ions to study photon-photon and photon-hadron processes at high energy. A number of processes of interest are discussed here.Comment: 12 pages, Talk presented at "Physics at LHC", Vienna, Austria, July 13-17, 2004. To be published in Czechoslovak Journal of Physic

    Transverse momentum distribution of vector mesons produced in ultraperipheral relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    We study the transverse momentum distribution of vector mesons produced in ultraperipheral relativistic heavy ion collisions (UPCs). In UPCs there is no strong interaction between the nuclei and the vector mesons are produced in photon-nucleus collisions where the (quasireal) photon is emitted from the other nucleus. Exchanging the role of both ions leads to interference effects. A detailed study of the transverse momentum distribution which is determined by the transverse momentum of the emitted photon, the production process on the target and the interference effect is done. We study the total unrestricted cross section and those, where an additional electromagnetic excitation of one or both of the ions takes place in addition to the vector meson production, in the latter case small impact parameters are emphasized.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX manuscrip

    Production of Low Mass Electron Pairs Due to the Photon-Photon Mechanism in Central Collisions

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    We calculate the probability for dilepton production in central relativistic heavy ion collisions due to the gamma-gamma mechanism. This is a potential background to more interesting mechanisms. We find that this mechanism is negligible in the CERES experiments. Generally, the contribution due to this mechanism is small in the central region, while it can be large for small invariant masses and forward or backward rapidities. A simple formula based on the equivalent photon approximation and applications to a possible scenario at RHIC are also given.Comment: 10 pages REVTeX, 5 Figures, for related work see http://quasar.physik.unibas.ch/~hencken

    Single-Photon Transistor Using a F\"orster Resonance

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    An all-optical transistor is a device in which a gate light pulse switches the transmission of a target light pulse with a gain above unity. The gain quantifies the change of the transmitted target photon number per incoming gate photon. We study the quantum limit of one incoming gate photon and observe a gain of 20. The gate pulse is stored as a Rydberg excitation in an ultracold gas. The transmission of the subsequent target pulse is suppressed by Rydberg blockade which is enhanced by a F\"orster resonance. The detected target photons reveal in a single shot with a fidelity above 0.86 whether a Rydberg excitation was created during the gate pulse. The gain offers the possibility to distribute the transistor output to the inputs of many transistors, thus making complex computational tasks possible