40 research outputs found

    Back to the Archives: Elias Bickerman in the Fonds Louis Robert

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    This paper examines the letters of Elias Bickerman (1897-1981) to Louis Robert (1904-1985) found in the Fonds Louis Robert in Paris. It also considers comments by Henri Seyrig (1895-1973) writing to Robert concerning Bickerman in letters in that same collection. It argues that Bickerman’s agenda in Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er was a matter of intense personal belief, in which history confirmed theology. This was opposed to the open attitude, in which conclusions were subject to revision, in Institutions des SĂ©leucides. The paper utilizes that dogmatic setting to help explain why Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er, while acknowledged as brilliant and original, convinced few other scholars. This conclusion is confirmed by comments concerning Bickerman in Seyrig’s letters to Robert. In the end, the article argues that while Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er may have been a «  failure  » it should be compared to the failure of Columbus in reaching India, as a result of which Columbus discovered a new world. Few scholars ever achieve such important and creative failures as Bickerman did in Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er.Cet article Ă©tudie les letters d’Elias Bickerman (1897-1981) Ă  Louis Robert (1904-1985), dĂ©couvertes dans le Fonds Louis Robert, Ă  Paris. On y prend aussi en considĂ©rations les commentaires faits par Henri Seyrig (1895-1973) lorsqu’il Ă©crit Ă  Louis Robert concernant Elias Bickerman dans les lettres du mĂȘme fonds. On y dĂ©fend la position que, pour Bickerman, la rĂ©daction de Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er Ă©tait une question de croyance personnelle intense, dans laquelle l’histoire confirmait la thĂ©ologie. Une telle posture se situait aux antipodes de l’attitude ouverte qu’il manifestait dans les Institutions des SĂ©leucides, avec des conclusions susceptibles d’ĂȘtre rĂ©visĂ©es. On analyse ce positionnement dogmatique pour expliquer pourquoi Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er, bien que saluĂ© comme un livre brillant et original, finit par convaincre un petit nombre de spĂ©cialistes. Une telle conclusion est confirmĂ©e par les commentaires que fait Seyrig au sujet de Bickerman dans ses lettres Ă  Robert. Au final, le prĂ©sent article suggĂšre que, si Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er a pu ĂȘtre un «  échec  », il faut le comparer Ă  celui de Christophe Colomb atteignant l’Inde, un rĂ©sultat qui lui valut de dĂ©couvrir le nouveau monde. Rares sont les savants qui ont Ă  leur actif des «  échecs  » aussi importants et crĂ©atifs que Bickerman dans Der Gott der MakkabĂ€er

    Elias Bickerman and Hans (Yohanan) Lewy : The Story of a Friendship

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    Cet article Ă©tudie l’amitiĂ© entre Elias Bickerman (1897-1981) et Hans (Yohanan) Lewy (1901-1945), replacĂ©s dans le contexte de leurs Ă©tudes auprĂšs d’Eduard Norden (1868-1941), Ă  Berlin. L’accent est mis sur les diffĂ©rentes voies selon lesquelles Norden, Bickerman et Lewy affrontĂšrent les dĂ©fis relatifs aux Ă©tudes classiques Ă  l’époque de Weimar, en particulier ceux qui Ă©taient abordĂ©s par Stefan George et ses disciples.This paper examines the friendship of Elias Bickerman (1897-1981) and Hans (Yohanan) Lewy (1901-1945), setting them in context as students of Eduard Norden (1868-1941) in Berlin. It focuses on the different ways in which Norden, Bickerman and Lewy met the challenges to Classical Studies in the Weimar era, in particular those that were dealt with by Stephan George and his disciples

    Experimental traumatic brain injury

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    Traumatic brain injury, a leading cause of death and disability, is a result of an outside force causing mechanical disruption of brain tissue and delayed pathogenic events which collectively exacerbate the injury. These pathogenic injury processes are poorly understood and accordingly no effective neuroprotective treatment is available so far. Experimental models are essential for further clarification of the highly complex pathology of traumatic brain injury towards the development of novel treatments. Among the rodent models of traumatic brain injury the most commonly used are the weight-drop, the fluid percussion, and the cortical contusion injury models. As the entire spectrum of events that might occur in traumatic brain injury cannot be covered by one single rodent model, the design and choice of a specific model represents a major challenge for neuroscientists. This review summarizes and evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the currently available rodent models for traumatic brain injury

    The Paradox of the Red Heifer1

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    Hanan Eshel as a Historian of the Jews 1

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    Rabbi Judah i aNnd His Opponents *)

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    The Hellenization of the East and the Orientalization of the West: The Paradox of Philo of Byblos

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