194 research outputs found

    Theatre Quality Frame : das Qualitätsmanagement-System für Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser

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    Das Zentrum für Kulturmanagement der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) und die TQU GROUP Winterthur entwickelte mit dem Theater Winterthur als Pilotorganisation ein ganzheitliches Prozess- und Performancemodell für Veranstaltungshäuser, Gastspieltheater und produzierende Theaterhäuser (Theatre Quality Frame). Das Theatre Quality Frame ist ein wirkungsorientiertes Qualitätsmanagementsystem für Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser, welches mit der ISO 9001 kompatibel ist. Das generalisierte und daher für alle Theater und Veranstaltungshäuser anwendbare Modell enthält zwei miteinander verknüpfte Elemente: eine Prozesslandkarte, die vor allem die drei Kernprozesse Produktion, Veranstaltungsmanagement sowie Programmentwicklung und -vermittlung darstellt, und einen Performance-Monitor als Messinstrument der Organisationsziele. Das Theatre Quality Frame ist kompatibel mit den internationalen Qualitätsmanagementstandards nach ISO 9001. Bei der Entwicklung wurden besonders die künstlerisch-kreativen Produkte und Prozesse und die Anforderungen unterschiedlicher Stakeholder berücksichtigt. Das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt wurde von der Kommission für Technologie und Innovation (KTI) unterstützt

    Análise da imagem projectada e percebida do destino Lisboa através da fotografia digital. A rede Instagram como nova resposta para a recolha de dados.

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    O Turismo e a Fotografia têm uma relação muito estreita, sendo, para muitos turistas, a prática fotográfica um elemento essencial na experiência turística. Esta relação é, desde há muito, explorada pelas Organizações de Gestão do Destino (OGD) na vertente de promoção do destino e da sua imagem projectada, uma vez que as fotografias são uma forma de materializar uma ideia/imagem em relação a um determinado local, de aproximar o turista da experiência real, motivando-o à compra. No entanto é menos comum que as organizações do destino partam da fotografia para compreender o turista. Actualmente e com a rápida e abrangente disseminação de informação típica da era digital, os utilizadores/consumidores/visitantes têm um papel tão ou mais importante que as OGD’s na construção da imagem de um destino. É fundamental que as organizações não só percebam qual o tipo de informação que está a ser gerada entre os utilizadores, como que monitorizem preferências que surgem no seio das redes sociais, podendo deste modo antever tendências e, consequentemente criar novas estratégias, não só em termos de marketing e promoção, como de planeamento de negócio, especialmente no que respeita ao posicionamento e diferenciação perante a concorrência. Para ser possível monitorizar esta informação é necessário medir os seus indicadores, sendo importante criar estratégias e ferramentas de recolha. O que se pretende, a partir deste estudo, é defender a viabilidade da fotografia digital enquanto objecto de estudo, uma vez que é uma aliada na compreensão da imagem projectada pela OGD’s, mas também, e a cada vez mais, da imagem percebida e projectada pelos visitantes, a partir do conteúdo gerado pelos turistas. Tomamos como caso de estudo a cidade de Lisboa, a qual conhece nos últimos anos um grande impulso na sua atractividade turística. Tendo como base estudos similares relacionados com outros destinos construímos um sistema metodológico apoiado em estudos análogos, e no desenvolvimento de software de recolha de dados a partir de uma rede social de partilha de imagens – o Instagram. Foi possível recolher uma amostragem de imagens de Lisboa criadas por turistas, bem como o lote de imagens usadas por uma OGD para promoção de Lisboa. Após o nosso processamento de dados, foi possível efectuar uma análise de conteúdo dessas imagens chegando ao conjunto de atributos que caracteriza o seu conteúdo. Esse conteúdo foi então comparado, de modo a concluirmos sobre a semelhança ou disparidade entre as imagens usadas para promover Lisboa e aquelas que parecem transmitir aquilo que em Lisboa realmente impressiona. As principais conclusões apontam para uma concordância entre os atributos mais frequentes das fotografias tiradas por OGD e Turistas. Porém existe discordância entre os atributos menos importantes, isto é, menos presentes. A metodologia utilizada abre novos caminhos na utilização de fotos de redes sociais para estudo do comportamento do turista e da imagem do destino

    The consistency condition for the three-point function in dissipative single-clock inflation

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    We generalize the consistency condition for the three-point function in single field inflation to the case of dissipative, multi-field, single-clock models. We use the recently introduced extension of the effective field theory of inflation that accounts for dissipative effects, to provide an explicit proof to leading (non-trivial) order in the generalized slow roll parameters and mixing with gravity scales. Our results illustrate the conditions necessary for the validity of the consistency relation in situations with many degrees of freedom relevant during inflation, namely that there is a preferred clock. Departures from this condition in forthcoming experiments would rule out not only single field but also a large class of multi-field models.Comment: 26+11 page

    A Family of GFP-like Proteins with Different Spectral Properties in Lancelet Branchiostoma Floridae

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    Background: Members of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family share sequence similarity and the 11-stranded β-barrel fold. Fluorescence or bright coloration, observed in many members of this family, is enabled by the intrinsic properties of the polypeptide chain itself, without the requirement for cofactors. Amino acid sequence of fluorescent proteins can be altered by genetic engineering to produce variants with different spectral properties, suitable for direct visualization of molecular and cellular processes. Naturally occurring GFP-like proteins include fluorescent proteins from cnidarians of the Hydrozoa and Anthozoa classes, and from copepods of the Pontellidae family, as well as non-fluorescent proteins from Anthozoa. Recently, an mRNA encoding a fluorescent GFP-like protein AmphiGFP, related to GFP from Pontellidae, has been isolated from the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae, a cephalochordate (Deheyn et al., Biol Bull, 2007 213:95). Results: We report that the nearly-completely sequenced genome of Branchiostoma floridae encodes at least 12 GFP-like proteins. The evidence for expression of six of these genes can be found in the EST databases. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that a gene encoding a GFP-like protein was present in the common ancestor of Cnidaria and Bilateria. We synthesized and expressed two of the lancelet GFP-like proteins in mammalian cells and in bacteria. One protein, which we called LanFP1, exhibits bright green fluorescence in both systems. The other protein, LanFP2, is identical to AmphiGFP in amino acid sequence and is moderately fluorescent. Live imaging of the adult animals revealed bright green fluorescence at the anterior end and in the basal region of the oral cirri, as well as weaker green signals throughout the body of the animal. In addition, red fluorescence was observed in oral cirri, extending to the tips. Conclusion GFP-like proteins may have been present in the primitive Metazoa. Their evolutionary history includes losses in several metazoan lineages and expansion in cephalochordates that resulted in the largest repertoire of GFP-like proteins known thus far in a single organism. Lancelet expresses several of its GFP-like proteins, which appear to have distinct spectral properties and perhaps diverse functions. Reviewers: This article was reviewed by Shamil Sunyaev, Mikhail Matz (nominated by I. King Jordan) and L. Aravind

    How to update a living systematic review and keep it alive during a pandemic: a practical guide.

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    BACKGROUND The covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the role of living systematic reviews. The speed of evidence generated during the covid-19 pandemic accentuated the challenges of managing high volumes of research literature. METHODS In this article, we summarise the characteristics of ongoing living systematic reviews on covid-19, and we follow a life cycle approach to describe key steps in a living systematic review. RESULTS We identified 97 living systematic reviews on covid-19, published up to 7th November 2022, which focused mostly on the effects of pharmacological interventions (n = 46, 47%) or the prevalence of associated conditions or risk factors (n = 30, 31%). The scopes of several reviews overlapped considerably. Most living systematic reviews included both observational and randomised study designs (n = 45, 46%). Only one-third of the reviews has been updated at least once (n = 34, 35%). We address practical aspects of living systematic reviews including how to judge whether to start a living systematic review, methods for study identification and selection, data extraction and evaluation, and give recommendations at each step, drawing from our own experience. We also discuss when it is time to stop and how to publish updates. CONCLUSIONS Methods to improve the efficiency of searching, study selection, and data extraction using machine learning technologies are being developed, their performance and applicability, particularly for reviews based on observational study designs should improve, and ways of publishing living systematic reviews and their updates will continue to evolve. Finally, knowing when to end a living systematic review is as important as knowing when to start

    The nursing contribution to ethical decision making

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    Background: In the neonatal care units of the University Hospitals of Zurich and Bern, the nurse´s role in ethical decision-making is well established. However, nurses often reported uncertainty with regard to introducing the premature infant’s situation from the nursing perspective in ethics rounds. Aims: To empower neonatal nurses in fulfilling their role in the multiprofessional decision-making process, we performed a practice development project. On the basis of the Iowa model we developed a checklist for presenting the nursing history of premature infants in an ethically competent and responsible way. Conclusions: The ‘checklist for nursing assessment in the context of ethical decision-making’, equips nurses for their professional contribution to ethics rounds, making them better prepared to present the nursing perspective in a structured and thorough manner. Implications for practice: * The Iowa model supports practice development even with limited data availability * The instrument invigorates the neonatal nurse´s role in the multiprofessional ethical decision-making process * It is crucial to involve peers in practice developmen

    A family of GFP-like proteins with different spectral properties in lancelet Branchiostoma floridae

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    BACKGROUND:Members of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) family share sequence similarity and the 11-stranded ß-barrel fold. Fluorescence or bright coloration, observed in many members of this family, is enabled by the intrinsic properties of the polypeptide chain itself, without the requirement for cofactors. Amino acid sequence of fluorescent proteins can be altered by genetic engineering to produce variants with different spectral properties, suitable for direct visualization of molecular and cellular processes. Naturally occurring GFP-like proteins include fluorescent proteins from cnidarians of the Hydrozoa and Anthozoa classes, and from copepods of the Pontellidae family, as well as non-fluorescent proteins from Anthozoa. Recently, an mRNA encoding a fluorescent GFP-like protein AmphiGFP, related to GFP from Pontellidae, has been isolated from the lancelet Branchiostoma floridae, a cephalochordate (Deheyn et al., Biol Bull, 2007 213:95).RESULTS:We report that the nearly-completely sequenced genome of Branchiostoma floridae encodes at least 12 GFP-like proteins. The evidence for expression of six of these genes can be found in the EST databases. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that a gene encoding a GFP-like protein was present in the common ancestor of Cnidaria and Bilateria. We synthesized and expressed two of the lancelet GFP-like proteins in mammalian cells and in bacteria. One protein, which we called LanFP1, exhibits bright green fluorescence in both systems. The other protein, LanFP2, is identical to AmphiGFP in amino acid sequence and is moderately fluorescent. Live imaging of the adult animals revealed bright green fluorescence at the anterior end and in the basal region of the oral cirri, as well as weaker green signals throughout the body of the animal. In addition, red fluorescence was observed in oral cirri, extending to the tips.CONCLUSION:GFP-like proteins may have been present in the primitive Metazoa. Their evolutionary history includes losses in several metazoan lineages and expansion in cephalochordates that resulted in the largest repertoire of GFP-like proteins known thus far in a single organism. Lancelet expresses several of its GFP-like proteins, which appear to have distinct spectral properties and perhaps diverse functions.REVIEWERS:This article was reviewed by Shamil Sunyaev, Mikhail Matz (nominated by I. King Jordan) and L. Aravind

    A Terminal Velocity on the Landscape: Particle Production near Extra Species Loci in Higher Dimensions

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    We investigate particle production near extra species loci (ESL) in a higher dimensional field space and derive a speed limit in moduli space at weak coupling. This terminal velocity is set by the characteristic ESL-separation and the coupling of the extra degrees of freedom to the moduli, but it is independent of the moduli's potential if the dimensionality of the field space is considerably larger than the dimensionality of the loci, D >> d. Once the terminal velocity is approached, particles are produced at a plethora of nearby ESLs, preventing a further increase in speed via their backreaction. It is possible to drive inflation at the terminal velocity, providing a generalization of trapped inflation with attractive features: we find that more than sixty e-folds of inflation for sub-Planckian excursions in field space are possible if ESLs are ubiquitous, without fine tuning of initial conditions and less tuned potentials. We construct a simple, observationally viable model with a slightly red scalar power-spectrum and suppressed gravitational waves; we comment on the presence of additional observational signatures originating from IR-cascading and individual massive particles. We also show that moduli-trapping at an ESL is suppressed for D >> d, hindering dynamical selection of high-symmetry vacua on the landscape based on this mechanism.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figures. V3: typos corrected compared to JHEP version, conclusions unchange

    Pandemie: Lebensschutz und Lebensqualitt in der Langzeitpflege

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    Die Coronapandemie hat die hohe Verletzlichkeit von Menschen in Pflegeeinrichtungen gezeigt. Medizinethikerinnen und Medizinethiker anerkennen die grosse Verantwortung von Behörden und Institutionen im Anordnen und Umsetzen von Schutzmassnahmen für diese Menschen. Sie heben gleichzeitig hervor, dass bei ihrer Umsetzung der Schutz des Lebens mit dem Schutz der Persönlichkeit und der Lebensqualität einhergehen muss
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