11,047 research outputs found

    Banning the Transportation of Nuclear Waste: A Permissible Exercise of the States\u27 Police Power

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    Efficient management of multi-frequency panel data with Stata

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    This presentation discusses how the tasks involved with carrying out a sizable research project, involving panel data at both monthly and daily frequencies, could be efficiently managed by making use of built-in and user-contributed features of Stata. The project entails the construction of a dataset of cross-country monthly measures for 18 nations, and the evaluation of bilateral economic activity between each distinct pair of countries. One measure of volatility, at a monthly frequency, is calculated from daily spot exchange rate data, and effectively merged back to the monthly dataset. Nonlinear least squares models are estimated for every distinct bilateral relationship, and the results of those 300+ models organized for further analysis and production of summary tables and graphics using a postfile. The various labor-saving techniques used to carry out this research will be discussed, with emphasis on the generality that allows additional countries, time periods, and data to be integrated with the panel dataset with ease.

    Powerful new tools for time series analysis

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    Elliott and Jansson developed a powerful test for unit roots, published in Journal of Econometrics (2003), extending the Elliott-Rothenberg-Stock test (dfgls) by adding stationary covariates. I will discuss and demonstrate a Stata implementation of the test. Elliott and Müller's Review of Economic Studies paper (2006) illustrates how tests for parameter constancy and tests for a unknown break process can be unified to produce a single efficient test for stability of the regression function. I will discuss and demonstrate a Stata implementation of the test.

    Efficient Management of Multi-Frequency Panel Data with Stata

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    This presentation discusses how the tasks involved with carrying out a sizable research project, involving panel data at both monthly and daily frequencies, could be efficiently managed by making use of built-in and user-contributed features of Stata. The project entails the construction of a dataset of cross-country monthly measures for 18 nations, and the evaluation of bilateral economic activity between each distinct pair of countries. One measure of volatility, at a monthly frequency, is calculated from daily spot exchange rate data, and effectively merged back to the monthly dataset. Nonlinear least squares models are estimated for every distinct bilateral relationship, and the results of those 300+ models organized for further analysis and production of summary tables and graphics using a postfile. The various labor-saving techniques used to carry out this research will be discussed, with emphasis on the generality that allows additional countries, time periods, and data to be integrated with the panel dataset with ease.

    Place branding and the representation of people at work: Exploring issues of tourism imagery and migrant labour in the Republic of Ireland

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    This paper addresses destination brand image in tourism marketing and assesses the contribution of tourism ' s workforce to such image and branding, considering the role that employees play in visitors ' interpretation of their experience of destination and place. The focus of this paper, therefore, is on the role of people in the image of place and the potential for contradiction in imagery as the people who inhabit and work within a place change over time. At the same time, both those who promote a destination and those consuming the place as visitors may well have expectations that are fixed in imagery that does not accord with that held within the wider community. The location of this paper is Ireland where the traditional promotion of the tourism brand has given a core role to images of people and the friendliness of the hospitality of Irish people, represented by largely homogeneous images. Recent growth in the ' Celtic tiger ' economy has induced unprecedented and large-scale migration from countries across the globe to Ireland, particularly into the tourism sector. This paper raises questions with regard to the branding of Ireland as a tourist destination in the light of major changes within the demography and ethnicity of its tourism workforce

    Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on the Volume and Volatility of Bilateral Exports

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    We present an empirical investigation of a recently suggested but untested proposition that exchange rate volatility can have an impact on both the volume and variability of trade flows, considering a broad set of countries' bilateral real trade flows over the period 1980-1998. We generate proxies for the volatility of real trade flows and real exchange rates after carefully scrutinizing these variables' time series properties. Similar to the findings of earlier theoretical and empirical research, our first set of results show that the impact of exchange rate uncertainty on trade flows is indeterminate. Our second set of results provide new and novel findings that exchange rate volatility has a consistent positive and significant effect on the volatility of bilateral trade flows.exchange rates, volatility, fractional integration, trade flows

    Dynamics of Intra-EMS Interest Rate Linkages

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    interest rates, long memory, error correction

    Time-Varying Risk Premia in the Foreign Currency Futures Basis

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    Significant time-varying risk premia exist in the foreign currency futures basis, and these risk premia are meaningfully correlated with common macroeconomic risk factors from equity and bond markets. The stock index dividend yield and the bond default and term spreads in the U.S. markets help forecast the risk premium component of the foreign currency futures basis. The specific source of risk matters, but the relationships are robust across currencies. The currency futures basis is positively associated with the dividend yield and negatively associated with the spread variables. These correlations cannot be attributed to the expected spot price change component of the currency futures basis, thus establishing the presence of a time-varying risk premium component in the currency futures basis.risk premia, foreign exchange