24 research outputs found

    An alternative protein targeting pathway in Escherichia coli: studies on the role of FtsY

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    In Escherichia coli, a signal recognition particle (SRP) has been identified which binds specifically to the signal sequence of presecretory proteins and which appears to be essential for efficient translocation of a subset of proteins. In this study we have investigated the function of E. coli FtsY which shares sequence similarity with the alpha-subunit of the eukaryotic SRP receptor ('docking protein') in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum. A strain was constructed which allows the conditional expression of FtsY. Depletion of FtsY is shown to cause the accumulation of the precursor form of beta-lactamase, OmpF and ribose binding protein in vivo, whereas the processing of various other presecretory proteins is unaffected. Furthermore, FtsY-depleted inverted cytoplasmic membrane vesicles are shown to be defective in the translocation of pre-beta-lactamase using an in vitro import assay. Subcellular localization studies revealed that FtsY is located in part at the cytoplasmic membrane with which it seems peripherally associated. These observations suggest that FtsY is the functional E. coli homolog of the mammalian SRP receptor

    Interplay of signal recognition particle and trigger factor at L23 near the nascent chain exit site on the Escherichia coli ribosome

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    As newly synthesized polypeptides emerge from the ribosome, they interact with chaperones and targeting factors that assist in folding and targeting to the proper location in the cell. In Escherichia coli, the chaperone trigger factor (TF) binds to nascent polypeptides early in biosynthesis facilitated by its affinity for the ribosomal proteins L23 and L29 that are situated around the nascent chain exit site on the ribosome. The targeting factor signal recognition particle (SRP) interacts specifically with the signal anchor (SA) sequence in nascent inner membrane proteins (IMPs). Here, we have used photocross-linking to map interactions of the SA sequence in a short, in vitro–synthesized, nascent IMP. Both TF and SRP were found to interact with the SA with partially overlapping binding specificity. In addition, extensive contacts with L23 and L29 were detected. Both purified TF and SRP could be cross-linked to L23 on nontranslating ribosomes with a competitive advantage for SRP. The results suggest a role for L23 in the targeting of IMPs as an attachment site for TF and SRP that is close to the emerging nascent chain

    Signal recognition particle (SRP)- mediated targeting and Sec-dependent translocation of an extracellular E. coli protein.

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    Hemoglobin protease (Hbp) is a hemoglobin-degrading protein that is secreted by a human pathogenic Escherichia coli strain via the autotransporter mechanism. Little is known about the earliest steps in autotransporter secretion, i.e. the targeting to and translocation across the inner membrane. Here, we present evidence that Hbp interacts with the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the Sec-translocon early during biogenesis. Furthermore, Hbp requires a functional SRP targeting pathway and Sec-translocon for optimal translocation across the inner membrane. SecB is not required for targeting of Hbp but can compensate to some extent for the lack of SRP. Hbp is synthesized with an unusually long signal peptide that is remarkably conserved among a subset of autotransporters. We propose that these autotransporters preferentially use the cotranslational SRP/Sec route to avoid adverse effects of the exposure of their mature domains in the cytoplasm

    The early interaction of the outer membrane protein PhoE with the periplasmic chaperone Skp occurs at the cytoplasmic membrane.

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    Spheroplasts were used to study the early interactions of newly synthesized outer membrane protein PhoE with periplasmic proteins employing a protein cross-linking approach. Newly translocated PhoE protein could be cross-linked to the periplasmic chaperone Skp at the periplasmic side of the inner membrane. To study the timing of this interaction, a PhoE-dihydrofolate reductase hybrid protein was constructed that formed translocation intermediates, which had the PhoE moiety present in the periplasm and the dihydrofolate reductase moiety tightly folded in the cytoplasm. The hybrid protein was found to cross-link to Skp, indicating that PhoE closely interacts with the chaperone when the protein is still in a transmembrane orientation in the translocase. Removal of N-terminal parts of PhoE protein affected Skp binding in a cumulative manner, consistent with the presence of two Skp-binding sites in that region. In contrast, deletion of C-terminal parts resulted in variable interactions with Skp, suggesting that interaction of Skp with the N-terminal region is influenced by parts of the C terminus of PhoE protein. Both the soluble as well as the membrane-associated Skp protein were found to interact with PhoE. The latter form is proposed to be involved in the initial interaction with the N-terminal regions of the outer membrane protein

    mrp, a Multigene, Multifunctional Locus in Bacillus subtilis with Roles in Resistance to Cholate and to Na(+) and in pH Homeostasis

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    A 5.9-kb region of the Bacillus subtilis chromosome is transcribed as a single transcript that is predicted to encode seven membrane-spanning proteins. Homologues of the first gene of this operon, for which the designation mrp (multiple resistance and pH adaptation) is proposed here, have been suggested to encode an Na(+)/H(+) antiporter or a K(+)/H(+) antiporter. In the present studies of the B. subtilis mrp operon, both polar and nonpolar mutations in mrpA were generated. Growth of these mutants was completely inhibited by concentrations of added Na(+) as low as 0.3 M at pH 7.0 and 0.03 M at pH 8.3; there was no comparable inhibition by added K(+). A null mutant that was constructed by full replacement of the mrp operon was even more Na(+) sensitive. A double mutant with mutations in both mrpA and the multifunctional antiporter-encoding tetA(L) gene was no more sensitive than the mrpA mutants to Na(+), consistent with a major role for mrpA in Na(+) resistance. Expression of mrpA from an inducible promoter, upon insertion into the amyE locus, restored significant Na(+) resistance in both the polar and nonpolar mrpA mutants but did not restore resistance in the null mutant. The mrpA disruption also resulted in an impairment of cytoplasmic pH regulation upon a sudden shift in external pH from 7.5 to 8.5 in the presence of Na(+) and, to some extent, K(+) in the range from 10 to 25 mM. By contrast, the mrpA tetA(L) double mutant, like the tetA(L) single mutant, completely lost its capacity for both Na(+)- and K(+)-dependent cytoplasmic pH regulation upon this kind of shift at cation concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 mM; thus, tetA(L) has a more pronounced involvement than mrpA in pH regulation. Measurements of Na(+) efflux from the wild-type strain, the nonpolar mrpA mutant, and the complemented mutant indicated that inducible expression of mrpA increased the rate of protonophore- and cyanide-sensitive Na(+) efflux over that in the wild-type in cells preloaded with 5 mM Na(+). The mrpA and null mutants showed no such efflux in that concentration range. This is consistent with MrpA encoding a secondary, proton motive force-energized Na(+)/H(+) antiporter. Studies of a polar mutant that leads to loss of mrpFG and its complementation in trans by mrpF or mrpFG support a role for MrpF as an efflux system for Na(+) and cholate. Part of the Na(+) efflux capacity of the whole mrp operon products is attributable to mrpF. Neither mrpF nor mrpFG expression in trans enhanced the cholate or Na(+) resistance of the null mutant. Thus, one or more other mrp gene products must be present, but not at stoichiometric levels, for stability, assembly, or function of both MrpF and MrpA expressed in trans. Also, phenotypic differences among the mrp mutants suggest that functions in addition to Na(+) and cholate resistance and pH homeostasis will be found among the remaining mrp genes