56 research outputs found

    Some ICT Systems for Increasing Occupational Safety with a Reference to the Seaport Environment

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    The paper presents some commercial ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions for increasing workers’ safety in invasive environments (e.g., steel industry, mining, construction, oil and gas rigs, seaports, etc.). It has been pointed to the need to increase safety measures, primarily because of the necessity to protect human lives and health, as well as to increase productivity and reduce the costs, which companies and insurance agencies have to cover in the case of accidents. The article also briefly describes some alternative solutions that have been examined at the level of simulations, in accordance to the actual needs and available resources at the Port of Bar (South Adriatic Sea). This seaport has been operating during the decades in the transitional conditions and it has been permanently faced with the impediments in providing sophisticated and expensive ICT solutions for occupational safety purposes

    Blockchain conceptual framework in shipping and port management

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    The purpose of the paper is to present a conceptual framework of blockchain (BC) deployment in shipping and port management, which encompasses distributed relational database (DB) and crypto-currency payment mechanism as main constructs. The core of the model is TradeLens platform. The document workflow management, financial processes and device connectivity are key scenarios in the proposed framework. The stakeholders play the role of traditional intermediaries in goods, accompanied data, and documents flows, including overall supervision of the processes between end-nodes, that is shippers (consignees) and customers (consumers). The paper identifies some strengthens and frailty of blockchain-based maritime supply chain system and proposes further investigation in this domain, towards better understanding prospective development of blockchain across maritime cluster.Peer Reviewe

    On Maritime Digitalization in Emerging Environments

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    The purpose of this chapter is to propose a conceptual framework for implementation of advance info-communication technology and systems (ICT&S) across maritime cluster in emerging environments, with emphasis on some South-East European countries and South Africa. Smart implementation and adoption of the ICT&S in shipping and port management have been considered due to the Holtham’s & Courtney\u27s model (2010). Furthermore, particular attention is given to Blockchain-based Maritime Supply Chain System (BMSCS) conceptual model, which includes distributed relational database, smart contracts, and crypto-currency payment mechanism as main constructs. The document workflow management, financial processes, and device connectivity are considered as key scenarios in the blockchain model. The stakeholders, who play the role of traditional intermediaries in the goods and accompanied documents and data flows, including overall supervision of the processes between end nodes, that is, shippers and customers, are encompassed within the BMSCS scheme. Some strengthens and frailty of BMSCS are highlighted, along with the suggestions for further investigation in this field, with the aim of better understanding prospective benefits and challenges of blockchain more extensive deployment across maritime sector in the future, with emphasize on developing environments

    Determination of plutonium temperature using the special trans functions theory

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    The problem of estimating plutonium temperature by an iterative procedure based on the special trans functions theory has been studied in some detail. In theory, the differential linear plutonium temperature equation can be effectively reduced to a non-linear functional transcendental equation solvable by special trans functions theory. This approach is practically invariant under the starting plutonium temperature value. This is significant, because the said iterative special trans functions theory does not depend on the password data of the plutonium cargo. Obtained numerical results and graphical simulations confirm the applicability of such approach

    Developing Higher Berth Productivity: Comparison of Eastern Adriatic Container Terminals

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    This paper analyses changes of berth infrastructure and suprastructure by global container terminals (CTs) and by four eastern Adriatic ports in the last decade. The emphasis is on understanding whether CTs at Koper, Trieste, Rijeka and Bar achieved higher berth utilisation and productivity per ship-to-shore (STS) crane and if so, how and whether their development is in line with the global trend in CT berth productivity. On this basis a comparison model of twenty selected global CTs is used for productivity comparison as a first step in the process of analysing subsystem productivity. The study shows that four eastern Adriatic ports made different decisions, but with the same goals in reaction to the increased flow of containers via the Adriatic Sea transport route. Their main goal was to increase berth productivity by controlling the eventual subsystem overcapacity. According to observations, the Port of Koper is running at the subsystem’s upper level, while CTs in Trieste, Rijeka and Bar operate with certain degree of berth infrastructural, and suprastructural overcapacity.</p

    Multiphase Approach to Developing Model of Logistics for Coastal Tourist Destinations

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    The process of urbanization of coastal tourist destinations (CTDs) is taking place at high speed and at the same time creating a lot of complex problems. The positive trend of urbanization has resulted in increased volume of freight transport which leads to burdening the traffic network, time losses and causes traffic congestion problems on the streets with increased environmental pollution due to emissions, noise and vibration. These findings brought to some research being started on the EU level, aiming to develop new logistic solutions, so these areas could be developed on a sustainable basis. With this in mind, the paper proposes a method of developing a novel model of logistics (MoL) for CTDs through several stages. The point of proposed MoL lies in achieving optimal connectivity of transportation, warehousing and physical distribution of goods, and making it a single functional model, so as to allow simultaneous optimization of logistic processes in a CTD, and to incorporate logistics in tourist offer

    Concerning Web-based e-learning at a Maritime Higher Education Institution: Case Study

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    The purpose of this article is threefold. Firstly, it considers the real needs which led to the idea of conceiving and developing new study program supported by web-based e-learning system (WELS) at the Faculty of Maritime Studies (University of Montenegro) as maritime higher education and training institution. In this part of the article the collaborative projects which enhanced this idea and its implementation are described briefly, as well. Secondly, the results of the polls realized among certain number of involved students, teachers, and experts in related activities, are presented and discussed in order to identify main features along with pros and cons of the WELS being here examined. And, thirdly, some empirically based suggestions when it comes to choose the appropriate software tools for creating more interesting, engaging, inciting, and thus of higher quality instructional materials being available through WELS, are given

    Quantitative and Qualitative Basis of Customer Relationship Management Concept Development in the Adriatic Ports

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    Quantitative-qualitative analyses of the marketing aspects of operation of the ports of Bar, Ploče and Rijeka as extremely competitively positioned on the common target market are considered in this paper. Therefore, market investigations have been carried out and users’ preferences have been established, an overview of the conditions has been made on the basis of which the actual positions of ports have been determined and represented by perception maps, while on the basis of Markov model a forecast has been made for consumer commitment in the following three time intervals, each of them one year long. The numerical results gained, as well as comments in the marketing sense, should contribute to creating a base of knowledge about target users, so as to support the development of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) concept in the ports analysed

    E-Services and Positioning of Passenger Ports in the Context of Cruise Tourism Promotion

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    The paper positions the passenger sea ports in the context of cruise tourism on the basis of e-services they offer. The e-services of eleven passenger ports are categorized and then quantitatively evaluated by binary and ranking approaches. In general, the port e-services might be categorized according to their functionality as navigational, ship and passenger-related ones, logistics, business, marketing, entertainment, security, safety, environmental, etc. These services can be bidirectional informational and/or transactional. In this paper, only those port e-services related directly to the passengers’ needs, within the frame of cruise tourism, are taken into consideration and categorized as core, or as value-added ones, and as informational and/or transactional ones. Then, each of them is assigned an appropriate binary value (0/1), depending on whether the considered passenger port offers the related e-service or not. These values are employed in the evaluation of the analyzed passenger port e-services offered, and as a base for their positioning. The appropriate weights coefficients, obtained by ranking (Saaty method), were used in the process of the considered port final positioning on the cruise tourism e-market. Some additional analyses and recommendations in the direction of further positioning and promotion of the port of Kotor (Montenegro), as rising cruise tourism port (destination), are given as well.</p