24,681 research outputs found

    Restricting SLE(8/3) to an annulus

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    We study the probability that chordal SLE8/3\text{SLE}_{8/3} in the unit disk from exp(ix)\exp(ix) to 1 avoids the disk of radius qq centered at zero. We find the initial/boundary-value problem satisfied by this probability as a function of xx and a=lnqa=\ln q, and show that asymptotically as qq tends to one this probability decays like exp(cx/(1q))\exp(-cx/(1-q)) with c=5π/8c=5\pi/8 for x[0,π]x\in[0,\pi]. We also give a representation of this probability as a functional of a Legendre process.Comment: 28 pages, corrected proof of asymptotic dependenc

    Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff, 1902) [Translation from: Izv.gos.nauchno-issled.Inst.ozer.i rech.ryb.kh-va 49 25-28, 1959]

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    The ciliated protozoan Chilodonella cyprini is described. Chilodon parasitizes the body, gills and fins of fishes. The infusoria produce irritation of the integument and strengthened mucous secretion. The sparse knowledsge of the ecology of chilodon is summarised and some advice on the struggle against cholodoniasis in carp given

    Random incidence matrices: moments of the spectral density

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    We study numerically and analytically the spectrum of incidence matrices of random labeled graphs on N vertices : any pair of vertices is connected by an edge with probability p. We give two algorithms to compute the moments of the eigenvalue distribution as explicit polynomials in N and p. For large N and fixed p the spectrum contains a large eigenvalue at Np and a semi-circle of "small" eigenvalues. For large N and fixed average connectivity pN (dilute or sparse random matrices limit), we show that the spectrum always contains a discrete component. An anomaly in the spectrum near eigenvalue 0 for connectivity close to e=2.72... is observed. We develop recursion relations to compute the moments as explicit polynomials in pN. Their growth is slow enough so that they determine the spectrum. The extension of our methods to the Laplacian matrix is given in Appendix. Keywords: random graphs, random matrices, sparse matrices, incidence matrices spectrum, momentsComment: 39 pages, 9 figures, Latex2e, [v2: ref. added, Sect. 4 modified

    Core percolation in random graphs: a critical phenomena analysis

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    We study both numerically and analytically what happens to a random graph of average connectivity "alpha" when its leaves and their neighbors are removed iteratively up to the point when no leaf remains. The remnant is made of isolated vertices plus an induced subgraph we call the "core". In the thermodynamic limit of an infinite random graph, we compute analytically the dynamics of leaf removal, the number of isolated vertices and the number of vertices and edges in the core. We show that a second order phase transition occurs at "alpha = e = 2.718...": below the transition, the core is small but above the transition, it occupies a finite fraction of the initial graph. The finite size scaling properties are then studied numerically in detail in the critical region, and we propose a consistent set of critical exponents, which does not coincide with the set of standard percolation exponents for this model. We clarify several aspects in combinatorial optimization and spectral properties of the adjacency matrix of random graphs. Key words: random graphs, leaf removal, core percolation, critical exponents, combinatorial optimization, finite size scaling, Monte-Carlo.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures (color eps) [v2: published text with a new Title and addition of an appendix, a ref. and a fig.

    QCD-Factorization of inclusive B decays and |Vub|

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    Recent progress in the theoretical description of inclusive B to X_u l nu decays in the shape-function region is reported. Finite moments of the shape function are related to HQET parameters. Event fractions for several experimental cuts are presented, with a particular emphasis on the hadronic variable P+. The aim of this talk is to introduce the P+ spectrum, to compare it to the hadronic invariant mass spectrum and the charged-lepton energy spectrum, and to study the prospect of evaluating |Vub| in the presence of a large background from B to X_c decays.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, uses espcrc2.sty (included). Talk presented at the Sixth International Conference on Hyperons, Charm and Beauty Hadrons, IIT, Chicago, June 27--July 3 200